MB update

This may be an insurance company which isn’t wanting to pay because it was a “crime”. It may take bringing a law suit to them to get them to acknowlege he was aquitted and that the insurance payout is warranted. It could be that his health insurance thinks the property liability insurance should pay, and the property insurance thinks the buisiness liability should pay and the buisiness liability thinks the health insurance should pay, so the bill goes unpaid, and MB says he’ll settle this in court. As would I


That the h e double hockey sticks are you talking about??? All guns on the property pose a significant risk. THAT’S WHY THEY ARE LOCKED IN A SAFE. Why is it nefarious that guns and gun parts are locked in a safe? When RC brought a gun onto the property, they even locked that one in the safe, where it would be safe. What the heck are you trying to twist?


And we’re back to people who bugged an office. A safe that was probably used for Very Important Papers, as well as guns, and an office that LK stated she could access. If an office is bugged then it is completely plausible that someone other than authorized users could and did access said safe. Visual, audio or both.

Anyway, the purpose to a safe is to keep items from unauthorized access and events. Sketchy clients, their associates, fire, etc.


It is still interesting at the timing of the suit from the hospital immediately after the verdict.


Seriously, I mean SERIOUSLY with all that us simple unconnected folks have speculated here, coupled with the verdict, can anyone possibly believe the Kanareks will prevail in their suit(s)? We don’t even know all the hordes of info uncovered in discovery!


I have to assume that the Kanareks still feel they will prevail or they would not be wasting the money and the risk of their lives turning upside down to continue.

Maybe they have made-up found some new evidence that they think will help their case at this trial that they did not have at the criminal trial.


Or they simply push ahead blindly in their quest to win at any cost. It’s gonna be interested for sure!


My guess is because it was SOP for him. He even said on the witness stand that he would walk around the barn, secretly recording people’s conversations from a device in his pocket.

The other possibility is that LK told him to record it. So very interesting that she would secretly record a legal conversation her father was involved in. Who would do something like that to their own father? :thinking:


Appropriate for these threads!


When a third party records a meeting like that does that mean there is no privilege? I had a relative do that in a family lawyer meeting without anyone knowing in a two party consent state, and I about lost my mind.


I am not a lawyer, I am not related to a lawyer and I have not stayed at a Holiday Inn Express - but from what I have learned when this was discussed in one of the other threads you are correct. Him being there means there is no privilege.

Hopefully one of the smart legal people can give you more details.


You are correct. Remember, ED testified that LK was his client. So the presence of RG and Dad waived privilege.


And I believe that particular incident is what triggered LK’s rants on previous threads about the issue of “privilege.” IIRC, those were the ones where she bragged about having a “global top-ten blue chip law firm on speed dial.”

I now wonder if it was around the time that Bilinkas was learning about the ED meeting and RG’s presence there.

[Edited for readability]


Let’s not sully the good name of Girl Scouts or their cookies by linking LK to them. :grin:


Which is so flagrantly illegal in New Jersey - right? I mean, you can’t just DO THAT without the second party knowing about it. Even if it’s legal because it’s in an aisleway that is CREEPY.

ETA: Never mind. NJ is one-party notification state when it’s phone calls but that doesn’t mean you can bug someone’s office to listen to their phone calls. Still creepy to wander around recording people and their conversations. Gross.


Hey, remember in the trial when Mr B asked her the name of the attorney (who was going to testify) and she said it was privileged? Then eventually gave in? I’m guessing her vast legal knowledge that she loves to lord over people somehow skipped the very basic issue of attorney-Client privilege.


I have gotten the distinct impression over the past three years that LK and RG don’t allow something being “creepy” to hold them back. Ditto for “illegal,” “dishonest,” “unethical,” “unjust,” “immoral,” “unkind,” “unfair,” “impolite” - and a whole bunch of other adjectives. :roll_eyes:


You know what bothers me? These people reached a point of carrying around recorders, and planting them in offices, under rocks, etc…to gather evidence about some imaginary vast plot against them. It never occurred to them that THEY might be the problem here and perhaps it was time to leave, if everyone is so against you and all.


Or they could have just left as unwanted, unsatisfied customers of a business.

Imagine going to a restaurant and being unhappy with the meal. But you don’t go. Instead you roam the kitchen with a recorder recording the conversations of the other patrons after bugging the kitchen and common areas while putting surveillance cameras around the parking lot all because you were unhappy you got 8 mozzarella sticks instead of 12.



All while insisting that your purchase of those mozzarella sticks makes you more important than the chef’s girlfriend.