MB update

Who DOES that?


I edited that a little to make it a little more fitting.


I wonder why you leap to this, and only this assumption?
As others have detailed, in the words of the former POTUS, who knew Insurance was so complicated.
Those who aren’t aware of how this could happen need to get out more.


Mine in bold


My bold.
Be careful, Your bias is showing.


I’m green with envy that you have a Wegmans. Its been 25 years since I left upstate NY and there is not another grocery store that comes close! A little birdie told me, however, that they are planning a store in the Orlando area. Its would still likely be a 40 minute drive, but


So here is some speculation. Maybe there was an HSA or FSA involved and somehow it got lost in the account shuffle or wasn’t funded for the year and there was no one authorized to make payments from that account since the account holder was in jail?

How does one go about paying things when in jail?

We have a client or so a year with difficulty paying taxes due to incarceration.

There are more reasons for that bill that don’t preclude he was uninsured medically


We pass several other grocery stores to get to our local Wegman’s. Even the Publix doesn’t come close. It’s close to an exit from I95 and tour busses stop at the food court.


This forum makes me feel spoiled to have my choice of several Wegmans to shop at!


You have to bow to the north and genuflect when you say “Wegmans” around me.

It only makes sense, since Danny Wegman went to McQuaid Jesuit High School.

My parents may have left Catholicism behind, effectively, but some things stick around. LOL.


I can’t help but wonder why, when posters throw out that MIchael had no insurance, no personal insurance, no business insurance, etc
why then was there an insurance adjuster who testified about an insurance claim in the trial, amidst LK’s claim of insurance fraud? How does that happen if you are so derelict in your business dealings that you don’t have insurance?


There are lots of different types of insurance, depending on what risk is being insured against, right? There was insurance against the water damage in the farmhouse.

That says nothing about whether MB or MBD, LLC carried liability insurance or whether he had medical insurance.

There are lots of people who hold liability insurance on their vehicles but no medical insurance.

Why @MorganSercu would you expect certain posters to start exercising logic now, almost 3 years after an event that made no sense to those of us exercising logic since the beginning???

When you are grasping at straws so strenuously, any little straw is a big deal. Those posters do not realize the rest of us fully understand what they are trying to do and that they are failing miserably!


There are entire advertising campaigns built on bundling insurance policies. I’d be glad to link some commercials here if it would help you to understand @CurrentlyHorseless!

Many people have said Michael was a good businessman. Good businessmen cover their bases with things like insurance to avoid losses. Not hard to understand.

There is absolutely no evidence to speculate Michael did not have insurance coverage. None, point blank!

Once again, you are making up nonsense in order to attempt to distract from the real issue- “FINISH THE BASTARD”!


Scenario 1: pipes burst in January. Michael flies up to NJ, meets with adjustor who determines this is a normal, ordinary claim (per his testimony). Michael says, thank God, I should make sure all my policies are up to date with enough coverage.

Scenario 2: pipes burst, etc. Michael says, “thanks for the check, I’m canceling all my policies.”

Scenario 3: pipes burst. Insurance covers. Michael is so dense it never occurs to him that he should ensure his cars, horses, life are protected. And his attorney doesn’t bother to mention it.


At least one of them went to Pittsford in the 1960’s with dh’s family.

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No thanks on your offer to send me links to commercials of insurance companies.

When awarding damages, IMHO a jury is much more likely to ding an insurance company for a huge award than an individual person.

Some people say MB was a good businessman and worth millions. Some say he had cash flow problems and didn’t have written contracts or liability waivers “to cover their bases” and “avoid losses”. I’ve said before that, in addition to being a training client, LK was enmeshed with MB by messy, “unwritten” deals such as the renovation-for-board, and maybe free board for Jay-T. In the absence of those messy, unbusinesslike deals, it may have been simpler for her to “just leave”.

The fact that the hospital is suing for payment suggests he did not have medical insurance.

So your argument is that his lawyers and supporters say he was a good businessman, and good businessmen have insurance, ergo he had insurance?

His own lawyer testified in court that MB did not have written contracts on the farmhouse lease or on the renovation for board deal. Maybe he wasn’t “a good businessman”.

Or the ever so obvious, and mentioned many times here already, that the insurance did not pay. (Or the insurance paid their part and this claim is for Michael’s portion of what was likely a MUCH higher bill.)


Funny, your “some say” are admitted liars under oath in a court of law. And yet YOU choose to believe them.

That says a whole lot about you!


One has to assume that a jury believes an award of damages is owed first, and second that the insured party is the one that owes it. No jury just starts handing out money because an insurance company is involved.

According to LK, who, to put it nicely, has some serious credibility issues.

Schellhorn said Michael had cash flow problems according to a text from Michael in NOVEMBER 2018 that listed his expenses. No other evidence of cash flow problems was introduced in the trial. If such issues exist, one could suppose there might have been some evidence of it.

The evidence speaks loudly that Michael had insurance. Otherwise, an insurance adjuster would not have testified on his behalf.