MB update

It was his friend and lawyer who said he didn’t have written contracts on the house lease or renovation for board deal. Most dressage trainers have a cash flow problem of some degree, and in MBs case, the farm had an especially high ratio of personal horses to client horses.

LK admitted to lying on SM. That’s very different from lying under oath. You seem to keep forgetting that. I do believe that he had serious financial stresses. I think those stresses pushed him into wanting to keep LK around until he found a replacement client, despite MHGs animosity with LK.

Perhaps all the finances will come out in the civil trial.

Mine in bold.


No it doesn’t.


Hmmm…so, LK said she not only had recorded her “deals’ but had also gotten them in writing. So….hmm….

Also, according to other public data, MB had whole filing cabinets of business documents.

He also seems to have put LK’s eviction notice into writing.

So, I wonder, who benefits the most from these nonsensical claims that he didn’t do things in writing? Maybe the person looking to forge signatures and produce fake contracts?

Also, who routinely takes out a lease for a weekend guest?


For heaven’s sake. The farmhouse was insured for risks such as fire and water damage. That’s says nothing about whether he had medical insurance.

I have renter’s insurance because my landlord requires it as a condition of my lease. I have auto insurance because it’s required by law in order to drive. I have medical insurance because it’s provided by my employer.

If my employer did not provide health insurance, would I get health insurance through Obama care? Probably. But lots of people don’t.

ETA. it’s evident that LK was seriously injured, with medical bills, pain and suffering, and some permanent physical damage.

Then why was there no evidence of that in the trial? Other than one random text he wrote 9 months before the incident that simply listed his expenses without further context?

Also, i know it’s been brought up before, but how are you so sure there weren’t sponsors, etc paying for some of those horses? Ruth Cox specifically testified that she paid board for the horses she co-owned. Perhaps there were more situations like that.

If you’d like, I could go through the breakdown of LK’s testimony and point out all the times she lied, even from one day to the next.

Do you honestly expect any reasonable person to believe that the super reduced rate for board was worth the stress of having your personal conversations broadcast all over the internet because said boarder bugged your facility? Something that LK did actually testify she did? Really? A reduced-rate client that doesn’t even show up to lessons is that valuable? Wouldn’t it be less stressful to end that arrangement? Oh wait. He tried, including trying to get Dad to help. And that failed.


If you really think that at least one overnight stay in a hospital, emergency room treatment, treatment for a TBI, treatment for a broken arm, and treatment of all those dog “puncture wounds” cost less than $25K, I don’t know what to tell you.

And yes, I believe that evidence of insurance means Michael was smart enough to figure out he needed insurance. To cover everything.


So was Michael. Neither of those facts are in dispute.


I so can’t wait for this civil trial to put to bed the delusions surrounding LK’s honesty and the defamatory narratives she’s pushing. I’m looking forward to the evidence that exposes these people to be fools.


Pretty bold statement to say that most dressage trainers have cash flow problems! Do you have evidence to back this up or is this just another movie in your mind?

Funny, I have been a vendor to many dressage trainers, and have never experienced issues with payment, at least not more so than any other specific discipline in the equine industry!


Question: Where did the info come from that MB is being sued by the hospital for $25,000?


My responses in bold.

The filing is on the website right under the civil suit.


LK was not exactly supporting the business - more like, costing it with her abrasive nonsense. And as far the bolded goes, seriously? You actually think that LK makes a big distinction there? She has shown otherwise…

I am not sure why you are going to such great exertions to jump through flaming hoops to toss new kindling on the pile in hopes that it will set off a blaze. There were lectures for a long while about MB’s relationships being a major issue and then a brief flurry about firing pins and now it seems the insurance is the Next Major Issue that simply must be exposed…


Just responding to your statement that the jury first needs to determine that an award is to be made.

So, who first brought it up? Wasn’t that CH? So, they can conveniently follow the case jacket for Michael but not the social media of LK?


Responding to CH’s bolding:

This is a very fact assertive comment for an unconnected nobody who only has the “word” of someone who testified under oath that they lie and just say “stuff” on SM and who has only ever gotten their “evidence” from the body of possible lies found on social media.


Sorry - which web site?

Then why did the prosecution even try to bring it up at all? And why does it matter one bit going forward, unless you’re trying to push the narrative that Michael needed LK’s paltry sum for board.

Well, except MHG testified she asked her to leave, and she further testified that Michael started talking to her dad in late July (while dad was in Europe) to get her to leave because she wasn’t leaving. And then there’s Mr Tarshis’s testimony that he was negotiating her exit in late July, up to and including what he thought was a resolution as of Aug 2nd, and only sent the eviction notice on Aug 5th because all other negotiations fell apart. But sure, no one told LK to leave.

That’s a particularly odd and offensive distortion of the expert testimony.

FOR CLARITY: the quotes I am responding to were made by currentlyhorseless, not me.


That was absolutely unclear in your response. Thanks for clarifying your meaning. Injuries alone, however, don’t determine whether or not an award will be made, for either Michael or LK.