MB update

Any equestrian whether trainer, breeder, rider, etc who doesn’t have health insurance is a blithering idiot. Serious injury can occur within seconds around horses of any age. Michael is no idiot.




She lied under oath too. Everybody saw and heard it. Just ask the YT commenters. Just another reason MB was found NG.


It’s been pretty obvious, LK’s only real hope of getting the pay out she dreams about is if somehow SGF’s insurance companies circumvent the whole trial process and concede to her demands of a payout before all the evidence against her can come out.

The real head scratcher is because there are multiple parties and one doesn’t have any control over the others. Even if SGF insurance somehow pays out before the trial…that doesn’t prevent Michael from moving forward with the process. I imagine RC is in the background because she has already sold the item LK wanted from her, her half of MHG’s GP horse that she is having success with.

It’s pretty clear the breakdown is this:
SGF she expects to get money from
Michael she expects to get the farm from
And RC she expected to get her half of MHG’s horse to compete on

All of which allows her to “have” her horsey Olympic fantasy.

The real reason they are trying to build a narrative of no insurance is to limit in our minds what Michael can “settle the suit with”. The problem is, even if Michael goes forward and loses everything……the court can’t award his farm and it seems under FL law they can’t force him to sell it either.


As I said earlier after my dad died certain medical bills came forward via suit. Dad was insured by Medicare and had top of the line employer ‘state job as chief vacuumer for the city’ insurance as well.

It happens.


So vacuuming runs in your family, hu?
You probably learned your skillful line work from him!


It’s almost like they expect LK to have answered questions under oath by saying, “ok, hang on, I’m going to tell a whopper now”. Or: “warning, even though I swore to tell the truth, the answer I am about to give you is not.”


Too bad she didn’t choose to just leave despite all the indications of things going wrong and all the offers to help her vacate. How much better it would have been for all. Surely a cautionary tale for anyone involved in disputes of any kind.


Maybe they shouldn’t have tried to use the gun on Micheal….since I doubt it was still in the safe when he went to go look for it.


No, it was not me that first brought it up.

I am a 2nd generation vacuumer.


Farm insurance does not usually have a medical ins. option. Liability is a given with Horse Farm insurance.

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It was his attorney who said under oath during the criminal trial that he, the attorney, knew for a fact that there were no written contracts on those deals.

I have not “only ever gotten” my “evidence from the body of possible lies found on SM”.

True. You sometimes just make things up too.


I don’t know that she lied under oath.

MB was not found NG with respect to the attempted murder of LK.

Yes, that is why he would need to take out a separate medical insurance policy if he wanted that coverage.

Sometimes there is no written contract for certain aspects of life because that lack of written contractor is what the buyer wanted. So in this case, since LK has a top 10 international blue chip law firm on speed dial, and a Daddy that is a big wig lawyer, I am doubting that not having a contract was something the just let pass unless it benefitted them.


I’m confused as to why it matters if MB had health insurance? It wouldn’t pay for anyone else’s health care.

If he owes money to the hospital, that will be part of his counter-claim for damages against LK, so having a lawsuit helps him prove that issue, rather than piece-meal bills from various providers.

Also, many hospitals have indigency funds through various mechanisms that pay for services to the under and uninsured.


He was found straight NG in respect to RG and NG with respect to LK which is why he will be getting out soon.

Accept this or not but your acceptance is not a requirement of it being true.


This is a good question.

The only thing I can think of is this insurance thing is their something that sparkles in their left hand while they steal your wallet with their right hand. Don’t look over here, look at the sparkly thing! That way all the logical answers to the evil will not be discussed.