MB update

Of course there wouldn’t be written contracts on those deals if LK was lying about what those deals were in the first place.


Did he say the words “know for a fact” or did he say he wasn’t aware of any contracts? Just curious.


Coming back to this……it seems this objective is nicely achieved by attempting to orchestrate an event and then accuse everyone of a murder plot….


fixed that for you. Weird omission.


So, we know Mr B has evidence that there were plans for a lawsuit prior to Aug 7th. These seem like realistic possible goals (in LK’s brain) to screw over Michael and MHG.

I hope we learn more about that plan going forward.


Quoting CH
" Because his financial situation was not relevant for the issue of whether he shot her or the issue of whether he was insane when her shot her.

Hmm… I thought that was the stressor they claimed was causing his distress? And why he had to keep ‘paying way below market value for board, training, and housing’ client?
Which is it?


Maybe CH is confused and just guessing. I mean if their assertion to being connected to none of the parties is true. Like just tossing cooked spaghetti up to the ceiling to see if anything sticks.


Or confused on the definition if “relevant”!


No, this is far reaching. Verbal agreements do not equate to someone being a bad business person. Verbal agreements are made in business all of the time. Verbal agreements far exceed written when you think of business on a day to day basis. These are the statements that make you look incredibly biased and unreasonable.

Also, the prosecutor suggested cash flow problems. No where in testimony is it stated that MB had cash flow problems. It was stated that MB was concerned about money. I can’t imagine a business owner that isn’t, especially one with 40-50k a month in expenses. This is a narrative the prosecution was trying to build that you are holding onto. Again, bias.


I brought it up after looking at the suits on New Jersey Court online. I was wondering why there was a suit versus collections and what possibilities could occur with insurance. It has since been misconstrued.


Okay, I couldn’t remember. But yes, definitely misconstrued.


There will still be an occasional exhibitor named Wegman at horse shows around Rochester, although I’m not sure of the exact branch of the family tree.


Cash flow issues are discussed starting at 19:10 on the transcript. The prosecutor specifically asks MHG if she is aware if MB had cash flow issues and she says yes and it continues to be discussed on specifics afterwards.

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You keep clinging to that. The rest of us recognize the smell of desperation in the morning.


I am sure that if MB had cash flow problems, in Court they would have produced unpaid bills.


OK, let us go with the whole “oh my gosh, he has this rare unusual professional horse person problem known as a cash flow issue”. (A problem I have no doubt that every professional horse person has from time to time.)

Having a cash flow issue is even more of a reason to want LK to leave, not less of a reason. LK was paying WAY under market prices to start with and then she added in a second human and several more horses that she paid nothing additional for. Oh buy wait, there is more and it is not a free set of ginsu knives. LK was alienating the paying customers.

Cash flow problems are not a reason to keep LK around. They are just one more level of proof that Michael asked LK, her man, and her ever growing herd of unpaid horses to leave.


So we’re back to “cash flow problems” and Barisone apparently close to bankruptcy (implied by some posters). And? So? Who cares one way or another? As mentioned above, Lala and her herd were costing him money.

Please find some other tangent to cling to. Maybe one with a bit more veracity.

By the way, Dr. Cesar Perra has posted his newly renovated, stunning facility in NJ on FB. I wonder if that would be high class enough for Lala? Oh yeah, he would have to agree to take her to begin with and I doubt it would be at a ridiculously low fee and I doubt he includes living quarters for wannabes. What’s a girl to do?


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Recently added to the Tech Support thread! :rofl: :rofl: Wow! Talk about a stretch!!! Contrary to some beliefs, Barisone threads aren’t the bread and butter of these forums!


So I can not blame the forum being down on Judge T again?

I wonder what the problem with the forum could have been the times there was an issue before the whole MB thing happened?


So now we have conspiracy theories involving CoTH. It just keeps getting more desperate.

By the way for those not understanding, copies can be taken from back up files at any time without interruption to the live system. Generally back up systems stand alone. Conspiracy theory squashed.
