I’m wondering if something was going on in the Current Events forum. I never really go there as it is too full of posts from people venting their spleens about something, but I just took a peak at it and there are some topics that seem to be blowing up. My very cursory glance at it indicates there is a lot of hate being spewed there, so maybe COTH took the entire BB down so the Mods could deal with some of the more toxic posts/posters.
I have the CE forum hidden.
I would think that if all they wanted to do is clean up the CE forum they would simply lock that down.
I am guessing there was simply some problem with the platform that COTH had no control over (or the more fun idea that Judge T closed us down once again to keep LK safe).
Or something more relevant than a 9 month old text where Michael lists out his expenses but even he doesn’t say he has cash flow problems. Schellhorn did.
And it’s a shame that MHG wasn’t given the chance to elaborate on that point. “The income he received from her was only enough to support two (?) horses. But she kept acquiring more horses, and had four there at the time, and another one in quarantine that she was planning to bring to the farm. More horses = more costs in feed, hay, labor costs, plus farrier care, etc. Absorbing those costs affected the business’s bottom line, so yes, her free-loading extra horses affected his cash flow.”
Ultimately I don’t think it mattered in the criminal trial. The jury sent a clear message about what mattered when they rewatched Dr Simring.
I would bet, though, that Mr Deininger will make all of your points in the civil trial and all of the extra expenses she was costing him might be more relevant.
I’m sure the LK fans would try to turn that around on MHG, ignoring the fact that there were probably customers or co-owners footing the bills on MHG’s horses, as RC said she did with her horse.
Prosecution suggested cash flow problems to build a narrative. No where in testimony does it state MB had cash flow issues. MB said he was concerned about cash flow. That’s it. The idea of cash flow issues has been manipulated like crazy by HH.
I agree with @trubandloki, if MB did have cash flow issues, even better reason to get LK OUT. She was driving away business and not providing MB with any profit. The agreement was never for 4, pending 5 horses. And free board for a horse? This isn’t UNICEF.
I do believe MB could have waited to pay the hospital bill until after the civil suit in case LK were to pay his medical expenses. That would seem smart to me.
It’s interesting to me how if you want to live with the cash flow narrative, you cherry pick Schellhorn asking MHG about a text conversation that happened nine months before the incident, with no context and no further, more current discussions between MHG and Michael.
But then I guess we choose to ignore Schellhorn asking her about Michael doing clinics, and the high price a clinician of his caliber would get, and how popular and loved he was as a clinician (hint: possible solutions to get some cash?)
Or, when Mr B asked MHG about his investment accounts, his farm in FL, etc… and
Mr B: did Michael usually always make his payments and keep things afloat?
MHG: Always.
Apparently that doesn’t help the narrative that he needed her discounted board and all the associated problems.
Really? I don’t remember her saying she had the deals in writing. Signed by Barisone?
Yes, his lawyer put the demand to vacate in writing— on August 6. That date is important. It means that he did not put in writing a demand to vacate prior to Aug 6.
It was his own lawyer who said under oath in the criminal trial that he did not have written contracts fit his desks with LK.
There’s no evidence LK forged documents, or tried to.
Besides MHG, there are about 15 people in the United States who could successfully ride Don Divone with enough tact, sensitivity, feel, and skill in order to be successful at the international level. This group of people does not include the plaintiff in the civil suits against SGF, MB and RC.