MB update

Didn’t she say there were in her manifesto? That she wrote Aug 6, 2019 (when I would have been packing my stuff, not posting manifestos, but I’m not LK, and I digress…)


You are incorrect in your statement that there was no testimony pertaining to MB’s cash flow.

Starting 19:10 on the transcript attached to the video. This was missed this in post 3376 in Barisone assessment.

Prosecutor “at times would he indicate to you that he was having issues in terms of cash flow”

MHG “yes”

Prosecutor “and is it fair to say that would be in terms of having cash liquid available”

MHG “correct”

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It is still NOT GUILTY. It is NOT guilty but insane. The upcoming hearing is all about MBs ability to be freed as he no longer presents a danger. Which he doesn’t.

MB will soon be FREE. Guilty people do not go free.


An acquittal will never become a conviction, huh?


Any good business person has their money working for them. Not sitting in a bank doing nothing. Add LK and that whole drain of cash and bingo…cash flow issues but not cash flow issues prior to LK. As far as the divorce settlement, that didn’t happen in a vacuum. He knew that was inevitable and I’m sure would have been planning for it over the years his divorce was taking place.


I’m not the one who brought up the lawsuit on the medical bills. I don’t think whether or not he had medical insurance matters much. There are a lot of competing claims on his assets - the civil suit by LK, his lawyers, other creditors. The hospital will have to get in line.

It was determined by the jury as finder of fact that he was legally insane at the time of the shooting. That’s why he is in a forensic psychiatric facility.

I think that the loss of full rationality and the ability to cope goes back some time prior to Aug 7, and the lack of written contracts and the lack of health insurance are minor things consistent with his worsening mental health. But they’re not important in and of themselves.

Since he does not even claim to have asked LK to leave prior to Aug 5/6, I can believe that, as LK says, he didn’t. I can easily believe that for the month prior to the shooting, he was not acting rationally.

And “Get out of my barn” will never mean ‘I still want to train you’ either!

I don’t get what’s so hard to understand about this.


You apparently “can also believe” LK so there’s that.

I don’t put much stock in what you believe.


Not Guilty leaves courtroom without handcuffs. Processed out of jail. Free. No criminal record; however, the arrest record will show and possibly be used against the person on social media, you know, how people treat LK for prior arrests without convictions.

Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity. Proven to have committed a violent act. Not criminally liable for action because of insanity. Involuntarily committed to a mental institution until deemed by state psychiatrists and the judge that person is no longer a threat to self or others. Release may be condition or not. There are mandatory reviews to insure the institutionalized person is not kept longer then necessary. Release is not certain, it is dependent on the individual.

Guilty but Insane. Goes to jail with mandated mental health treatment. This was not in play.

Not Guilty by Reason of Self Defense. There was no evidence provided to the court to show this was a possibility. Imaginations of SM posters are not evidence.


You are so not getting invited to MBs holiday party at his farm the end of this year. But I’m sure MB will be clinking champagne glasses to being Not Guilty and being free.

LK on the other hand will have woken up from an afternoon nap to argue with random posters on YouTube 9 months after they post about how unbelievable her testimony was and how Not Guilty MB was.


Here’s why it’s relevant: If MB had cash flow problems and was having trouble covering costs, it explains why he would not ask her to leave before he had a replacement, higher paying client more amenable to MHG.

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Not true. They often go back to the jail in cuffs, to retrieve their belongings and be processed out.

Also not true. I’ll post NJ’s stance on that again, for a refresher.

“ Commitment following acquittal by reason of insanity is not intended to be punitive, for, although such a verdict implies a finding that defendant has committed the actus reus, it also constitutes a finding that he did so without a criminal state of mind. There is, in effect, no crime to punish.” State v Krol

No intent = no criminal act.


It certainly would be easy enough to find a student who would actually show up for lessons, not make impossible demands, and pay the ACTUAL rate for services rendered. You know, someone SERIOUS about the sport without delusions of being the best rider there.


Well, per MHG’s testimony, he was a highly sought after clinician that commanded a high price. So, he probably could have made up her ridiculously low, sunk cost board by doing a clinic or two. Instead, he was being terrorized by her while her dad tried to negotiate getting her out.


Why is this so difficult for you? He wanted LK to leave. Everyone wanted LK to leave. LK was not bringing in reasonable profit and she was driving away business. He wanted her GONE. She refused to leave. Has nothing to do with this alleged cash flash problem you like to make up.


I’m looking forward to the 48 Hours episode, hoping that this is true. Thanks for posting it, Eggbutt.

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Nope. He has not been committed. He is being evaluated.

Saying the same crap over and over doesn’t make it right.


What I wrote is not contradictory to what you posted. No criminal record. An arrest will show. Being involuntarily institutionalized is not punishment. It is for individuals proven to be a danger to themselves or others and treatment is provided.

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You specifically said:

This is not true.

You also specifically said:

Also not true.

Edit to add: Michael Barisone has no criminal record. Because he’s Not Guilty. Just to be clear.


There are two acts of commitment. One is bureaucratic, to release him from jail and into the institution and the other is the formal commitment after the Krol hearing. Someone explained that very well on these threads.