MB update

@Knights_Mom must be in the background with her vacuum! :joy:


My guess is it is someone who wants him ā€œincarcerated for murderā€ or wants to delay the SS full investigations or any other intriguing reasons. Honestly I canā€™t think of a soul who knows or supports Michael who wants the hearing delayed. The faster he is evaluated and released the faster he can obtain his own high caliber medical help for mental and physical issues and resume his lifeā€¦you know, that Good Life he once had.


Was wondering what all the fuss was about over here. Now, over an hour later, I have caught up and see itā€™s just a poster who is presently sans equine insinuating things about other posters here and their participation in these threads that are truly outrageous from a logical and legal perspective. Itā€™s offensive and exhausting. Agree with others who have urged not to engage.


I think a vacuum needs to be tattooed somewhere!


In all fairness itā€™s possible itā€™s just a summer/court thing.


I hear and understand you yet find that unacceptable when othersā€™ lives depend on the outcome of court proceedings. Iā€™m sure there must be more ways the judicial system can move slower and punish those incarcerated without a trial date or held in mental institutions with no explanation.


How would ā€œsomeone who wants him ā€˜incarcerated for murderā€™ā€ be in a position to manipulate the timing of the Kroll hearing? Why would a delay in the Kroll hearing delay any SS investigations that are going on?

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Please remember that in addition to this case there are likely many criminal cases also pending with equal need to be heard. This is not to diminish the rights of MB, but there are other folks who also deserve their cases heard. There is limited time in a day, and limited judges. The pandemic and lockdowns had a profound impact on the judicial system, which was already overloaded because of the incarceration society we currently have. If you think this is a travesty, please vote for legal reforms and increases in judicial officers in your area.

This is all to say that a conspiracy to delay in order to harm MB is improbable, though not impossible.


Yes, Thank you for this response, seriously. To say I am frustrated with the NJ legal system is an understatement.

You are absolutely correct.


Before anyone suggests that ā€œsquirrelā€ is misspelled in this picture, my Dobermans (Brooklyn, Darcey, and Dickens) say that this is NOT so. This is clearly said creatureā€™s name and titleā€”Squire L. Said creatures, according to BD&D, have an entitled sense of their own importance. Obviously, this one does, too, and is asking to be addressed thusly. In fact, our various resident ā€œsquiresā€ go on and on about it, hanging onto their branches and insisting on their due and recognition of their superiority.

My dogs, BD&D, DO sometimes get dragged into these pointless conversations but realize after a while, that itā€™s a waste of time to acknowledge and argue with them. So, they let it go. Which, I believe, we might be wise to emulate here, sometimes.


A delay in the Krol hearing is possibly going to delay the civil litigation. I doubt SS will update the status of the temporary ban on MB until AFTER the ongoing civil litigation is resolved. Which could take another year or more. Thatā€™s just my opinion. But I donā€™t see it as a wise move (practically speaking) on the part of SS for them to move FASTER than the civil litigation when it comes to making a decision on lifting the temporary ban that is currently hanging out there with respect to MB.


The third day of the trial.


I believe the temporary suspension by SS is in place while SS investigates Barisone for the shooting. SS waits until criminal proceedings have been completed before conducting their own investigation, but I have not read of cases in which a SS investigation was put on hold pending the resolution of a civil case.

Why would SS delay completing its investigation until the civil case is resolved? That could easily take over a year.


Very wise dogs. Letā€™s hope everyone here emulates them.


I believe you are confused. SS changed MBā€™s status to temporary suspension almost immediately after the verdict without comment. I doubt they care about the civil suits but are probably waiting until he is released to be interviewed and request a hearing. Or perhaps they will simply lift his temporary suspension once he is released based on the Not Guilty verdict.

For sure the investigation into the report MB/MHG filed against LK is still active and will progress perhaps finalized once he is released.


Whoa boy.

Someone has been commenting on YouTube in the last 24 hours on the Day 4 L&C video, (if people are curious, look for a comment by someone named @VivG concerning ā€œtrial junkiesā€ having strong opinions on the judge. VivG originally commented 3 mos ago. There are 19 replies to this comment, and the most recent of these replies happened about 24 hrs ago).

Anywayā€¦ there is a long screed there posted yesterday which accuses MB of playing up his mental distress during the trial, because there were cameras on him during the trial. And in the long comment, there are claims that everyone present in the courtroom in the lead up to the trial (judge, attorneys for both sides) were all well aware MB was very composed and coherent, and it was obvious to everyone involved that he completely played up his mental distress during the trial because of the cameras that were on himā€¦

The commenter then notes that the evaluating ā€œpsych docsā€ will have access to all pre-trial hearing footage, ā€œin order to evaluate the defendant at all points in time.ā€ The commenter then goes on to state:

ā€œThey donā€™t watch and think ā€œheā€™s putting on a show here, so he must be ā€˜sane,ā€™ - then release him. No. To that, they do not take kindly.ā€

Anywayā€¦ this is a rather remarkable comment, in my opinion. The way I am reading it, this commenter seems to be strongly pushing the notion that the psych professionals at AK who are responsible for evaluating MB, as well as the judge who will be overseeing MBā€™s Krol hearing and ruling on the recommendation of the psych professionalsā€¦ apparently the idea is that all these people may somehow see evidence that MB is actually mentally stable, but regardless, they will deliberately decide to recommend his continued confinement because they have a negative opinion about how he presented himself during the actual trial when cameras and a jury was present? This comment seems to imply that there is an intent to use continued confinement in a secured mental health facility in a punitive manner.


Klan K just says whatever floats to the surface that makes them feel temporarily better. I ended up going down a YouTube rabbit hole on narcissists and Cluster B behavior recently. Nothing I didnā€™t already know but a good reminder that such folk will concoct any kind of bizarre conspiracy theories or outright lies when their fragile sense of self is threatened.


Well isnā€™t that interesting?! It really is discouraging the crap some will spew for attention. Someone seems to be grasping at straws. So, not only was MB faking it, but he was such a skilled actor he was able fake his mental illness to three psych experts over a period of many months. Got it.


The thing I find most problematic about this is that there is the implication that legal and psychiatric professionals involved in the upcoming Krol hearing MIGHT recommend continuing confinement of MB at a secured mental health facility, even though they believe he is sane, simply because ā€œthey do not take kindlyā€ to how he presented himself during his criminal trial.

Uhhhhā€¦ what if the evaluating docs and judge DO recommend continuing confinement at the upcoming Krol hearing? Can MBā€™s attorneys use this comment on social media, as well as other comments she is making regarding her continuing contact with prosecution about all this to appeal that decision? Can they request a different judge oversee the Krol hearing? Essentiallyā€¦ what are MBs options for legal recourse if it seems like the Krol hearing is not being conducted in a fair, impartial, and non-punitive manner?

ETA, there are some other, very recent comments on YT about the judge that are strange, and seem to imply a significant amount of unusual knowledge about the judgeā€™s notes during trialā€¦

Maybe this is all just public posturing on her part. But what if itā€™s not? What if the K family does have a direct connection to this judge, and an inappropriate degree of insight into his personal notes during trial, and how he might approach the upcoming Krol hearing?


I do not for the life of me understand why anyone cares about the social media comments from someone who testified under oath in court that she lies a lot on social media.

Why waste the time even reading that nonsense? Much less discussing it and wasting even more time on it?