MB update

It matters because one of two things:

  1. She’s lying and that implies that she really isn’t privy to any information about what is going on or will be able to make any statements at the hearing.

  2. She isn’t lying and the judges in the criminal and civil cases case have engaged in illegal and biased ways during or after the criminal trial and police civil suit (and by extension in the future LK/MB suit).


I understand what you are saying.

But… I think it’s alarming that there are public comments out there right now indicating his Krol hearing might not be conducted in a professional and impartial manner, and instead, continuing confinement will be recommended as a punitive measure.

These public comments by her undermine confidence in a fair process for MB. It’s his life and freedom on the line. Her public ranting may just be random noise, or it may be something worse. But it’s really awful to put comments like that out there in advance of the mental health evaluation hearing .


Many people love a good train wreck


I can’t imagine Taylor and Schellhorn would risk their positions to placate the Kanareks. If that were to happen I would think it would be incredibly serious.


Perhaps those comments have already been seen by the prosecution and defense attorneys as well as the judge. I can’t imagine any of them would be pleased.


Yes, I know they changed his status to “temporary suspension” immediately after the verdict. There is often a temporary suspension while in investigation takes place.

If the verdict had been Guilty, he would have received an automatic lifetime ban without an investigation by SS. With a verdict of NGRI, it’s not clear what the outcome of the SS investigation will be. He was acquitted, but he was not found Not Guilty.

Isn’t any investigation stemming from the MB/MHG complaint against LK being conducted by USEF rather than SS? Why would the outcome of that investigation depend on when MB is released?

Agreed, I believe it is posturing more than truth. But someone going to that length makes me concerned for other reasons.




Bingo! And it seems to be becoming more frantic. I don’t know how y’all can read that stuff but I’m glad someone is paying attention.


She does seem to be becoming more irrational than normal doesn’t she?

Think about it…if something like what she is stating is true, would any normal person post it on a months old open chat venue under their own name? It sort of seems like the next chapter of Finish the Bastard.


I hope someone on his team is aware of and taking screenshots of the posts before they go poof.


As well as the judge and prosecution.


She’s sure leaving a whole lot of stuff out there for weeks on end on YouTube - stuff that 99% of the rest of the world would HUSTLE to delete the next day if they went on an ill advised shitposting binge the prior night…

I do not know what to make of what I am seeing… except that it is pretty remarkable. Especially when you consider that she is still in the middle of litigation. and a lot of her posts are all about the guy who was just found NGRI in relation to her shooting.


Does USEF publish a list of banned members like SS does? Is it possible USEF isn’t looking into the MB/MHG complaint against LK bc she’s not a current member?

What makes someone think MBs “side” should make a statement to the world to back off LK? How ridiculous to think MB has any control over the internet and who discusses whom?

If CH thinks LK has been (I don’t recall the exact words) harassed, bullied, victimized etc here on SM and somehow that can be acted upon legally by her, do you think Judge T will be taking action against all the youtube commenters who have been calling for his removal based on their perception of bias? (I’m being sarcastic obviously)


In the July/August issue of the USDF Connection Nancy Jaffer wrote a nice article on MB. There’s a picture of him schooling Neruda in Hong Kong. It might be my imagination but I think she threw some shade on the “other party”.


I’m with you here. They have lived with this case for 3 years. They’ve seen 19,000+ social media posts. They know she hid recorders, etc. I have a hard time believing that those two would entrust their future, their reputations, their careers to a loose cannon who they have direct evidence that shows her lack of trustworthiness.

If they are that stupid, well, I hope it all burns down around them.


Oh, is that available online, to nonmembers?


I don’t know, my copy comes to my house.


Here is the Connection article:


You know, this would be lot more compelling had the jury not also been present in the courtroom.