MB update



Seasons 1 & 2 are excellent. Season 3 though was a disappointment but had a few funny moments.


Well that sounds like a good way to spend a thunderstorm afternoon!

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Oh, absolutely. If you can get BritBox, itā€™s there too.

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Yes. Because of Hinckley, Guilty but Insane came into vogue which allowed jail but also mandated treatment.

It was difficult for a verdict of NGRI, one I happen to agree with and one for which I hope he can recover his life once the state psychiatrists and the judge are confident he is no longer a threat to himself or others. Itā€™s already a terrible tragedy for both parties. Also, the Krol hearing is after an evaluation. I think you or someone explained treatment wouldnā€™t begin until after he was committed or perhaps as part of a conditional release. Hopefully, he will one way or the other, get the treatment he needs.


I wonder about this too. I wonder if VK took care of those problems and he was just trying to be a nice guy until it turned into some tit for tat payback, one upmanship downward spiral of two people both working against their own best interests.

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And she was looking in the same area and had not yet decided on a facility either.

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I agree, and that could have been why he didnā€™t do a formal eviction or termination of the rental agreement


Maybe, but thatā€™s not what I was referring to. More importantly, inspired by Hinckley the Insanity Act of 1984 redefined the definition of the defense, shifted the burden of proof to the defendant instead of making the prosecution prove the defendant was sabe, and eliminated the expertā€™s ability to testify regarding the specific elements of the crime, like they did in the Hinckley trial. This, of course, is all pertinent to Federal crimes, although some of the elements have trickled down to state courts/laws, such as the burden of proof to establish insanity belonging to the defendant.

Bottom line, itā€™s not really comparable to Michael Barisoneā€™s situation.


So true, since LK said under oath she lies on SM. Since CH is a random nobody with no connections to LK, the bolded is her admitting she only wishes to believe LKā€™s lies.

And, might I point out, the defense had a witness lined up to be able to counter every single one of the defamatory lies that LK made under oath.


Then why did her custodian agree to a facility that wasnā€™t to her liking?


Yes, it keeps going back to that old ā€œmovies in her headā€ thing.


Why people go so far out of their way to believe lies is beyond meā€¦.


Does Suboxone Cause or Affect Mood Swings?

Due to the fact that Suboxone is an extremely powerful mind-altering drug, it may cause mood swings, depression, agitation, and may make people taking it to act out of character and engage in violent behavior. Suboxone alters the brain chemistry of its users and may affect their behavior, specifically if they quit taking the medication abruptly. As stated before, the side effects of Suboxone can include depression, anxiety, mood swings, and insomnia.

Source: https://genesishouse.net/blog/does-suboxone-cause-or-affect-mood-swings/

Bolding mine.

Also, she testified that it was only one of the drugs allowing her to stay sober. I wonder what the others are.


So it would seem that LK snapping to violence and jumping MB FIRST and hitting him in the head repeatedly with a cell phone to FINISH THE BASTARD in a suboxone rage is entirely plausible and rather likely.

Then the gun discharged, perhaps even accidentally or if not, in a clear act of self defense.

We know this is highly likely because in addition to her history of violence and inability to self control, itā€™s also part of the Suboxone use potentially. It also may have affected her teeth.


This article is VERY interesting as it documents Suboxone users telling of extreme violent thoughts and feelings.



Since LK is RGā€™s employer, can that affect the liability of his actions?


Oh, does that mean she pays FICA and liability insurance on her employee?


The former Marine was just following orders?


Surprise me too, but Klan means KKKlan-you can look it up.