MB update

I love this!


Well, you can’t drop that and not share!!



OK. I saw this as I was getting caught up on this thread.

Out of curiosity
 when was LK busy posting THIS stuff about RG on her own Facebook page?

This might make for interesting questions during RG’s deposition.

“Are you still in a romantic relationship with LK?”
“Is your relationship with LK exclusive?”
“Were you ever engaged to LK? If so, when?”
“Why did you and LK break off your engagement?”
“When did you last pay for your own mortgage or rent?”


I wonder if she paid board for the period of time between the gun discharge and her vacatur of the premises. MBs premises as she owned NOTHING but merely rented a room.


I mean what I stated. There is enough evidence to establish that he shot her for a jury to unanimously agree that, beyond a reasonable doubt, the prosecution proved all elements of its case other than intent. That is, “that he shot her.”

There was not any evidence that MB “was jumped” and shot her in self defense, which is why the judge did not permit Bilinkas to present a theory of self defense, which is why he was not found not guilty by reason of self defense.

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And also, please recall LK 's pleas for help and when folks responded, she ignored. Later saying that she had no intention of leaving, that she had rights, that she was owed $50k, etc. All leading to the thought that she was dug in regardless of whether she wasn’t wanted.

See what I did there? I drew a conclusion
 Of course,I think mine is much more reasonable than an unpaid bill making one believe somebody doesn’t have insurance.


New court, New judge, New jury.

You hold onto your breeches. I was right before and I’ll be right again.

With the allowing of all the evidence and a judge that is fair things will be even more toward MBs favor.

You’ll see. Not that it should worry you as you know none of the parties.


It would seem that some of those claims and events on the farm only make sense under a presumption that LK was the “owner” of the farm and MB was merely leasing the property from her in exchange for services and training. The sense of entitlement about LK’s rights to MB’s professional attention and to decide his personal relationships would also lend it’s self to this particular belief as well.

The police response of ignoring the recordings, telling LK/MB she couldn’t be constrained by things like barn hours and their habit of deferring to LK/RG’s word during the events of the 911 calls and right after the shooting. It makes me wonder if LK had given them something to make them thing she owned the farm or was in the process of buying it, or somehow a controlling entity of the farm over Michael.

As far as the claims about MB’s ownership of the farm, reliance on her money to operate the farm and specific claims about lack of written contracts seems like they are trying to lay foundation for bigger claims, claims that are no longer able to be made.

And last but not least, the only way free training/board for life of a purchased horse makes sense is as an owner leasing a property to a trainer for services.


Correction. There was not any evidence ALLOWED BY THE JUDGE PRESIDING OVER THE CRIMINAL TRIAL that MB “was jumped” and shot her in self defense, which is why the judge PRESIDING OVER THE CRIMINAL TRIAL did not permit Bilinkas to present a theory of self defense,

As @Knights_Mom said, if the civil suit and counterclaims go to trial, that means new court, new judge, new jury

We will just have to wait and see what happens.


I wonder if she paid the $5,000 for August board and MB deposited the check before MBs lawyer sent her the demand to vacate on Aug 6.

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Lack of payment is not required in a situation where there is no lease agreement. In fact a Holdover proceeding is what is filed when the landlord wishes the tenant to vacate. There doesn’t need to be a reason. An emergency Holdover is done for cause. I’ve seen them in situations where a tenant lives in public housing (most often there is a lease) and is doing acts that are illegal or dangerous or a nuisance to other tenants.

In this situation a Holdover is completely warranted, the payment means NOTHING and gives NO rights against forced vacatur.

Now NJ may use the term Holdover differently than my state but it remains that without a lease or for cause, a landlord has every right to evict an unwanted tenant ASAP.


No frustration or annoyance here. Just a deep well of sadness for them.



Did she actually write her own board checks? Or did her father still write checks for her expenses?

Or is it just that he’s the trustee over her spendthrift trust, or discretionary trust, or whatever it is, so he keeps her on a bit of leash, but she actually does get to go through the token exercise of writing a check?

Any thoughts? I seem to recollect you claimed to be a financial professional on a different thread. How do you think the theoretical trust works?


It also does not mean that Michael was not actually jumped by LK/RG. The entirety of the evidence the judge allowed on that point was presented by two impeached witnesses with a plan to destroy Michael.



I’ve stated before, and still believe, that what the judge “did not allow” was for Bilinkas to push a theory of self defense to the jury, given that Bilinkas had offered no evidence on the basis of which to push that theory.

Barisone pled both self defense and NGRI. If there were any evidence that it was self defense, Bilinkas could have entered it. What evidence that it was self defense did Bilinkas attempt to enter into the record that was rejected by the judge?

As I recall, MBs own expert witness testified that MB told him that he remembered getting the gun from the safe and heading over there. I think it’s really, really hard to establish self defense if you’re the own that drove over to the other parties armed with a lethal weapon.

The judge did not block evidence of self defense. There was no evidence of self defense offered.

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She testified her dad wrote the checks, for what that’s worth.


Her interrogatories made it seem unsure that there was a paper trail for daddy’s checks


A real Marine does not just follow orders


See, I think their persistence with respect to pushing specific narratives of events, and their focus on protecting the ‘victim’ from the allegedly cruel criticism is

A lot of people get into a lot of arguments on the COTH forums. Self included. :smirk: :woman_shrugging: But I think that there is something slightly unique about the persistence and focus of a few specific anonymous posters on these MB related threads.