MB update

Hearsay. He could have been mistaken or misspoke. He was getting very passionate about Michael’s fear of LK at that point in his testimony. Michael’s amnesia was supposed to have started from a time before CPS arrived.


Also not impossible that a disordered mind believed it was true.


Yay for you. Believe what you want. You’ve been wrong before so at least you’re used to it.


He wasn’t one so we’re good.


Dad likes to keep TIGHT control over the funds.

I wonder why?


I thought she testified that daddy gets the money from the bank, but I’m not up to listening that testimony again to see if my memory works well or not.


THAT’S interesting.

I assume they will follow up on that during the deposition phase. In detail.


LK testified in the trial that her father writes the checks on an account which is “her money”. I don’t know anything about LK having a trust — that’s your “theory”.

When I said I wondered if she “had paid” for August, I just meant whether her payment had already been made via the usual procedure, which she testified to as being her father writing the checks.

Do people even literally “write checks” anymore? I put everything predictable like rent on automatic bill pay and let the computer print the check with no effort on my part.

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As I recall, the judge ruled it as not hearsay.

She did. She said it’s her money but dad writes the checks. Then Mr B asked where the money came from. The Bank.


RG testified that they had quit paying Michael for board, for what his testimony is worth.


Thank you! I was starting to wonder…


Well, her testimony was very hard to follow. That happens when you can’t remember your stories.


I think she said her lifestyle was funded by “her money” but that her money comes from her father. And then Bilinkas asked where her father’s money comes from, and the answer was “the bank.”

The Judge then warned Bilinkas to move on with questions.

In my opinion, Bilinkas was trying to rattle his witness a little bit on the stand. Out of respect for the mods, we won’t go down this road any further.

Last thing though… I sincerely wonder if there is any trust that disburses funds to a checking account that LK gets to write checks on. Or… has JK never had enough faith in her sobriety and life track to actually commit funds to that, and name her as a beneficiary? Perhaps, instead, he’s kept firm hold on all funds and just written checks when he believes she is pursuing life goals that merit support. It DOES seem like her lifestyle and the company she was keeping, etc, changed quite a bit sometime between 2013-2015 when she began riding more.


Expert testimony is by definition hearsay. It’s just exempted for special reasons. The judge clearly explained that to the jury.


What does that even mean, @Sdel?

That there was no literal “paper trail”? Paper checks, to the extent they’re used at all, are usually scanned and destroyed.

Are you claiming that there is neither a paper nor electronic record of these bank transactions? That would be a really really serious problem for the whole banking system.

My guess it’s like the old fashioned remittance men, who for a variety of reasons were supported by their rich families, but only if they went away, and never came back. In you-know-who’s case, I’m sure staying away from family and the family home is a condition of financial support.


:laughing: :rofl: :crazy_face:

True that! Why I don’t lie, I don’t trust my memory for the most part. It’s easier to just 'fess up and get it over with. Of course I’ve never pulled some stunts like some people have. :wink:


I hope I don’t cause any head dents or hair pulling with this question - in the video that was posted by HH (s)he noted a time that dealt with MB having money issues. Schellhorn was questioning MHG on the list of bills paid monthly. One of those bills was insurance payments. It wasn’t specified what insurance. CH seemed to insist MB didn’t have insurance. Hmmm, so what/who do you think he was paying?


Even being named a beneficiary doesn’t necessarily give you access to funds beyond what’s dispersed to you. That’s the trustee’s job - to protect and manage the trust in the interest of the beneficiaries.