MB update


Well, hopefully, since sheā€™s been going back to YT so much, sheā€™s had time to study, rehearse, nail a story down, figure out why her testimony didnā€™t match between day 1 on the stand and day 2, so she can have a better performance in the civil trial.

She might not even notice when they use her past performances to impeach her again.

Truth is so much easier.


Correct. But, even if JK was trustee and LK was beneficiary, and the terms of the trust allowed him to maintain STRINGENT controlā€¦ disbursements would still go to her accounts, and she would presumably write checks for her own expenses.

I wonder who exactly was writing monthly board checks to MB. If it was JKā€¦ I wonder whyā€¦


LK was asked to provide documents of rent payments in her first set of interrogatories. Her answer seemed to be unsure that there were documents to provideā€¦.

ā€œmaybe her dad had cancelled checksā€ā€¦


I hear you in theory.

But a certain someone lived in NC from 2000 ish to 2010 ish. Far away from family. And it sure seems like she wasnā€™t receiving the same degree of family financial support back then.


So which point is ā€œa dead horseā€?

That NGRI is different from NG?

That the jury verdict indicates that the jury as fact finders determined that, beyond a reasonable doubt, MB shot her?

That thereā€™s no evidence that MB actually asked her to leave prior to Aug 5?

No one has shown me that these points ā€œare erroneousā€. Stated over and over that theyā€™re erroneous, sure. Stated that they donā€™t want these points brought up, sure. But ā€œshown over and over again why that point is erroneousā€? No.

ETA. Iā€™m not an ā€œLK fan girlā€. Iā€™ve stated that I intensely dislike using SM to trash and torment people, and that goes for LKs SM behavior as well as the behavior that dominates the ā€œBarisone threadsā€. I think she bears significant responsibility for the ugliness of the situation that led to the tragedy, just not 100% of the responsibility.

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Think of how easy it is to steal title to a home from a family member if you know (or can gain access to) their Social Security number, birth date and other personal information. Now think about how secure your information is from any sketchy people in your inner circle - or theirs.


Just a reminder that Civil cases and Criminal cases do not necessarily mean the same conclusion or finding. Given how much evidence that could have helped MB even further on the criminal case was excluded I predict the civil case will be even more so.

Hereā€™s a reminder:


I keep going back to that argument Mr B had with Judge T about questioning RG about the timeline. Mr B kept saying the only evidence of the timeline was the word of two liars and he was entitled to question it. Judge T kept saying no. Judge Sceusi may not be as wrong as Judge T was.


But not enough to answer multiple direct questions about why you donā€™t make the same fuss over RG or have actually had a direct conversation with LK about her nastygrams.


Dammit. So I went and found Nicole Brown Simponā€™s and Ronald Goldmanā€™s autopsy reports. That is rough reading.


When and why did JK hire ED? I k ow there was a meeting at EDs office on 08/06. But it seems like the decision to hire a real estate attorney specialized in tenant disputes POSSIBLY took a little longer than 24 hours, and JK and LK had a smidgen of a clue that she was about to be evicted prior to the 08/05 notificationā€¦


She answered that ā€œmaybe her dad had cancelled checksā€? I seriously doubt he would have literal, old fashioned, canceled paper checks. He would undoubtedly have electronic records of the payments, or could get them from the bank. Likewise, MB would have, or could obtain, electronic records of having received payment.

Question for the legal peeps. (And I totally admit this may be the dumbest Question on these threads but if you donā€™t ask you donā€™t know) butā€¦ is CH correct? Was the prosecution trying to prove he shot her or were they only trying to prove that he was not insane at the time of the event? Is that why no GSR or ballistics were presented? :exploding_head: lol


Hired on Aug 5th, first meeting on Aug 6th. AFTER Daddyā€™s negotiated exit plan fell apart and Mr Tarshis sent a get out letter to LK.


Then surely the interrogatory response would have indicated such records. That was the specific question being asked: what evidence do you have that you were a legal, paying tenant. We are talking about discovery in the civil trial that had to be compelled to get LK to answer.

Are you suggesting that LK was lying or being evasive under oath?


They had to establish the elements of the charge beyond a reasonable doubt.

While CH believes the verdict means the State did that, personally I disagree. I think they didnā€™t want to hang over NG or NGRI, so they compromised. They avoided having to spend a 5 day court recess agonizing over it in their heads because thatā€™s what would have happened if theyā€™d said they were hung that afternoon. Judge T would have instructed them to come back in 5 days and try again.


Oh right!!! Daddy was negotiating an exit plan PRIOR to 08/05.

So why again are you so unclear as to whether LK knew that she was wanted out of the facility prior to 08/05 @CurrentlyHorseless ?

If we are to believe LKā€™s story that she was bullied and tormentedā€¦ it seems clear she knew by July that everyone at that farm HATED her and wanted her GONE. Likeā€¦ she had zero friends at the facility. She was a pariah. So why do you think she would be surprised by an 08/05 notice that it was time to leave?


This point alone has been proven wrong over and over and over again. Dozens of people have taken the time to explain how and why. So why do you cling to this false narrative?


On Aug 2nd, Mr Tarshis and JK, according to Mr Tā€™s sworn testimony, believed an agreement had been reached. Aug 2nd was a Friday. When LK and her employee were still there Monday morning, he sent notice. And we all saw how that worked.


No. CH is not correct.

The prosecution was trying to prove both things.

As there were no forensics, only the word of 2 proven liars put the gun in MBs hand and had him trying to shoot to kill in a malicious act.

As discussed here there are many other possibilities - indeed probabilities - that hopefully come out in the Civil trial. And of them self defense is #1. A timeline where LK or RG attacked FIRST is highly, highly, likely.