MB update

Thank you for the reply. So "establish elements of the charge " could simply be that LK was shot. Period.


Maybe CH is still struggling to understand why everyone at Hawthorne Hill in the summer of 2019 considered LK toxic?

It seems like CH is struggling now to accept that the vast majority of the equestrian community all consider the woman pathological and bad news, post verdict. I certainly do. I waited for the trial, and listened to testimony and learned about the evidence presented before forming my opinion. Butā€¦ once I watched LK testifyā€¦ myself and hundreds of other people on YouTube ALL had an overwhelmingly negative opinion of the woman.

I believe CH is an Amber Heard supporter as well. Maybe CH is just a very empathetic person who sees the good in people like LK and Amber Heard. :woman_shrugging:


So - this would mean there is a signed contract and monies accounted for when hiring that attorney - right? He didnā€™t do the work for free, I would guess. Or maybe he did the work for Michael to help get LK out because they (Tarshis & Barisone) were friends. But clearly he did WORK to get LK off the property.



Now, if Mr Deininger gets to explore the timeline in a way Judge T did not allow Mr B, we just may get some very different information and testimony.


Iā€™ve stated publicly on the forum my intense dislike of bashing and tormenting people of SM, and said that holds if the source is LK or someone else.

Iā€™ve said what I voluntarily want to say regarding RG, including that he had every right to use the force necessary to subdue MB as an active shooter. I assumed the prodding to ā€œexplain why I donā€™t make the same fuss over RGā€ was just intended to annoy and harass, and declined to respond to the prodding.

I stated, in response to questioning from @Virginia_Horse_Mom, that while I strongly faulted LK for some of her SM exchanges, I did not myself ā€œhave a direct conversationā€ about SM with LK. So what?


I would guess he didnā€™t work for free. I would surmise thereā€™s a retainer agreement. ED testified that he was contacted by dad on the 5th, and met LK with dad on the 6th. Presumably thatā€™s when retainer signing would happen.

Maybe will get to hear good ole RGā€™s recording in the civil trial! (RG, who ED didnā€™t represent, nor did ED remember was even at the meeting).


Thank you. I guess I never realized that they just had to prove ā€œelements of the chargeā€. That explains a bit more (to me, who has very little knowledge of th court system)


Because she has nothing else to cling to!


Because I donā€™t think itā€™s ā€œa false narrative.ā€

What is the actual evidence that he asked her to leave prior to Aug 5?

I think that an empathetic person would see possibilities on both sides. I do feel awful about LK getting shot. Itā€™s just not clear to me, even after the trial, who actually shot her.

Sorry, I replied to wrong post,it was an earlier one about empathy. My apologies, I canā€™t delete thisā€¦


Iā€™m attaching NJā€™s jury instructions on attempted murder. Youā€™ll see that the verdict is evidence the jury believed the state failed right from the top to prove the defendant ā€œ Purposely engaged in conduct which was intended to cause the death of the victim.ā€ NGRI means Michael didnā€™t purposely do anything like that. NGRI = no intent. No ā€œpurposefulā€ act.

Edit: forgot to attach.


Funny how many of us who watched the trial came to the same conclusion. I walked away knowing that it was never proven during the trial that Michael had a gun in his hands that day. Not one piece of evidence proved that! Not one single piece of evidence!


I am not an Amber Heard supporter.

I am an empathetic person, and dislike the bashing and tormenting of a gunshot victim. Even if the gunshot victim is a flawed person with baggage.

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Even if itā€™s not clear who shot her ?



@Wilbury_Pie wins the Interwebz today!


Well - I completely agree with you.

There doesnā€™t seem to be much empathy extended to MB or MHG by certain posters though. Itā€™s interesting.

At this point, the thing that I most feel empathy for LK about? How HUMILIATING this all must be for her. There is no other word for it. Sheā€™s been so utterly rejected by the entire dressage community. It just seems like emotionally self destructive madness for her to continue on at a dressage barn in Loxahatchee. Maybe selling the house, and moving to a different part of the state, meeting new people, and taking up riding western or something would be healthier for her.


What turned you off about Amber Heard? Did you watch much of that trial? Not find her a credible witness?

Bluntly, I thought AH came off as a narcissist and a liar. BUTā€¦ I am admittedly prone to concluding that about certain peopleā€¦ :woman_shrugging:


Second question for you about AH.

You admit you arenā€™t a supporter of hers.

Do you think itā€™s accurate to describe her as a ā€œdomestic violence victimā€ ?


What makes you think she would behave any differently towards people in a different venue? Sheā€™s 41 and itā€™s hard to overturn the habits of decades.


Well. Perhaps. NGRI seems fairly rare so it seems that NGRI would almost have to be looked at in regards to the others. For example, Hinckleyā€™s 30 years of institution commitment before being deemed no longer a danger to himself of others.

Looking at it another way, a actual acquittal would be LKā€™s arrests with no conviction and no determination any act she was ever arrested for was ever committed whereas in MBā€™s case, he actually committed the act and at that moment was a danger to himself or others, it just wasnā€™t a crime because he was delusional at the time, hence the administrative involuntary commitment to AK for a Krol evaluation with the potential for further commitment, conditional release or full release.

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