MB update

Yeah, good old ED…he thought the shooting was FOUR YEARS AGO! Dude really prepped for the witness stand, didn’t he?


Well, Western riders I know are a little more direct that the English crowd. In a very good way.


As I’ve said many times, it’s clear even to a non lawyer that, based on the judge’s instructions to the jury, the fact that the jury skipped over straight NG and had to choose between NGRI or Guilty depending on whether the defense, did or did not, establish the claim of insanity, indicates that the jury, as fact finders, determined, beyond a reasonable doubt, that “he shot her”. Given the finding of insanity, the shooting was not a criminal act because there was no intent.

It is not established to an absolute certainty that “he shot her”. But it was established to the standard of “beyond a reasonable doubt”.

If the issue of whether “be shot her” is relitigated in the civil trial, the standard of proof will be the much lower standard of “by a preponderance of the evidence”. That’s one factor explaining why OJ was found liable of wrongful death in the civil trial, but found Not Guilty in the criminal trial.


My question to you is why you so vehemently cling to the notion that MB was an “active shooter” when the ONLY evidence showing that is the word of 2 drug addicts, one of whom admits lying and lied on the stand and along with her paramour were thoroughly discredited in court?


Again, thank you! That was very informative. Especially these 2 items.


I think LK would regard that as a challenge to her standing and would redouble her efforts (that led to the “direct” conversation or comment). Again, 41 (middle-aged) and set in her ways.


Not clear who shot her. Full stop.


I did not watch the trial, only read about it in the news.

Oh I’m sure she would get into more conflict.

But honestly… her attempts to continue on with dressage? I don’t see how it’s possible for her to continue in any meaningful way over the long term. Especially once he is released, and if the civil suit doesn’t go her way. People will inevitably get more bold about giving her the COLD shoulder if he is vindicated to a greater extent as this whole legal situation continues to play out


Her father was negotiating an exit strategy with MBs attorney.

In normal boarding situations when a boarder wants to leave a facility they give 30 days notice and then they just GO. There is no need for attorneys. This is prima facie evidence she was asked to leave.

Any other claim by you is at the very least, disingenuous.


Re bolded. No, I’m not suggesting that.

So you couldn’t be bothered to watch the trial, but you can be bothered to post nonsensically about how LK is right???

Okay, thanks for playing along!


And yet she shot no one and is actually the shooting victim.

This is profoundly warped. Barisone was tormented, bashed, harassed, threatened, spied on, falsely reported to SS/CPS, driven to a complete mental break, but YOU have empathy for the persons responsible for those actions. Simply amazing. Lord, I truly hope you never encounter this woman in real life and get on the wrong side of one of her personalities.


Nice try but no.


QFP and framing.


Then why are you asserting that she didn’t mean what she said?


Flawed? Baggage? Everyone,
knows its not just baggage and flawed. Can you admit that too?

Eta they MUST Not Have proved that beyond a reasonable doubt or he would have been found guilty


In your world.


If her father was negotiating the terms of her exit, it’s evidence that she was in the process of leaving.

She may have decided to leave for all the reasons you (g) keep talking about. MHG hated her; she was being shunted to the assistant trainer, she understood MB would need to prioritize his girlfriend over a client.

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