MB update

Because @CurrentlyHorseless has stated she did not watch the trial.




Well, since this trial hasn’t happened yet, that would be kind of hard to do…


LK understood absolutely nothing.

In addition to not watching the trial, have you not read her manifesto???

You might want to catch up!!!


Do I need to find it again?


Uhhhh… I thought a tire was shot out on RGs bike, someone was assaulted in a bar in NC, and personal property was stolen.

Are you saying none of those things happened, and the police have REPEATEDLY just come up with false reasons to accuse LK of stuff and harass and arrest her? Or… are you pointing to the fact that she had effective legal representation who negotiated advantageous deals for her, and concluding that is the same thing as having a clean criminal record?


I chose not to watch the Amber Heard trial, that’s correct. I chose to read some of the news coverage of it.

Your outrage that I might choose whether or not to watch the Amber Heard trial is amusing.

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She got shot. That’s all that is known for sure.

I still believe she jumped MB.


Please edify @CurrentlyHorseless @Sdel!

She cannot seem to do it for herself, so maybe you can help her out!


Maybe that is why it is so hard to choose. Sounds like a great area to train.

And didn’t someone pay a pretty decent chunk of change for bail on one of these arrests?


Wow! I didn’t see this one coming from the total authoritarian of all things proving LK’s victimhood. At this point until you watch the trial you have no right to take anyone’s time here defending what is unknown to you. No words…


I have no idea what you are saying in your first paragraph here. This is nonsensical. Even if you choose to disregard the more lenient standard Hinckley was found NGRI under, in an entirely different court system, you simply cannot compare anything about Hinckley to Michael Barisone. They aren’t comparable any more than you can compare Michael Barisone to Andrea Yates.

If you’re trying to imply that Michael Barisone is going to spend 30+ years in Ann Klein because Hinckley spent 30+ years, I disagree with that premise as well.

Phrase it however you want, Michael Barisone is an acquittee. Because he’s been acquitted. Fortunately, the law doesn’t look at it the way you do.


So you did watch the Barisone trial?


Are you serious? You do realize that we are mostly ALL horse people here and I can assure you that not one of us has had to bring in a lawyer as a boarder to leave one barn and go to another!!

Do you have ANY IDEA how profoundly absurd, ridiculous and questionable this statement is? Do you think we are that gullible? In fact I think you owe us all an apology for your thinking we are that dumb!!


Active shooter…with an empty gun…that RG testified he knew it was jammed and not working…so he beat Michael almost to death, until LK said they needed him alive. Seems proportional.


It will also be interesting to see if her civil lawyer gets down in the dirt with comments like “get rid of her” and “lifetime ban her from all FEI competition” and making her so miserable she “would want to leave” and he “ knows how and is good at it.”

They should settle this. She may feel that now she has an attorney to fight for her instead of one that represents the state, not the victim. I don’t know.

I said I did not watch the Amber Heard trial.

I watched the Barisone trial.

She didn’t watch the Depp Heard trial.

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I thought it was just tension and teeth grinding from PTSD and the stress of the trial.