MB update

But… you are ignoring what @ekat has already explained to you, multiple times, about how a RATIONAL PERSON who watched the whole trial MIGHT conclude the jury reached a compromise verdict before a holiday weekend and 5 day recess.

Ekat does share excellent insight on these threads - I think we can all agree. It seems like you must be fatigued or something this evening Hut. This deliberate obtuse and argumentative style is not your usual thing.



God forbid he pick up a shovel on his farm.


Thank you! I was starting to wonder if I wasn’t typing in English! I feel better now.


Ya don’t say. :smirk:

Maybe all the jaw movements, eyelid fluttering, and general shiftiness was off-putting. Especially when combined with all the inconsistencies in their testimony, admitted addiction issues, and just general attitudes.


I have a lot of respect for @ekat’s knowledge. I do not agree with her speculation nor do I agree with your version that a rational person might believe this jury nullified.

I believe the jury reached the right verdict and did so within the judge’s instructions and I’ve said so repeatedly.

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You mean you said so AFTER the verdict. Before the verdict you said MB would be found guilty. All the LK Defender Brigade did.


What are these folks going to do when Barisone is released by Fall at the latest? They are going to have to find something to do with their time instead of posting here all day!

Oh, maybe he will be released by the September season opener of 48 Hours!! What a wonderful thought. I sure hope all the proper restraining orders are in place and security systems are fully updated once that program airs!!


Yep, they sure did! Every last one of them!


We will be speculating the civil trial to death, of course!

That would be quite special, to be home for that. And Fall in general.


I seriously wonder how long it will take until LK calls 911 in a panic because MB is getting gas or groceries at the same place as her, and she attempts to accuse him of willfully and intentionally violating the restraining order…

I hate to say I think that this will be a ‘thing’ … but I think it will happen at some point this fall/winter


For his own protection he needs a body guard. Not just protection from attack but from made up accusations.


I’m not caught up on the thread, but I feel like this subject came up on previous threads, although I don’t remember if there was ever a definitive answer. I was sort of fascinated at the nuts and bolts aspect of the horses being at the farm in the weeks following that incident, or however long they were there.

Was MB’s staff taking care of them??? While he was in jail?? Yikes.


I can’t imagine Barisone ever being out and about alone without at least one or two or more people with him to bear witness and to keep him safe from harm. Cell phone cameras will be his best friend. I can imagine the security systems at Barisone Dressage South have already been seriously beefed up.


Thank you hut. We may not agree on much, but generally I can respect a debate with you.

Please note, I’m saying this not based on my belief of what the verdict should have been (4 NG’s, for the record), but based on the behavior we DO know about the jury.

Deliberation day 1. They deliberated for a little while, and came back in and asked if they were being recorded. Interesting. I believe at this point, in those first couple hours they’d already discarded the charges related to RG.

Deliberation day 2: they deliberated, and deliberated. Then they came back with the question about which doc saw Michael when. So, we know they’re trying to weigh the experts at this point. They ask to re-watch Dr Simring, the one that saw Michael closest in time to the incident. They sleep on it. They come back and watch his testimony again. And deliberate some more. And some more the next day, until late afternoon. At which point I think they compromised so they didn’t have to come back after a 5 day break. It happens.

Since they dispensed with RG’s charges, including the lesser, it leads me to believe they didn’t believe the events as told to them by LK and RG. I believe there was division between NG and NGRI on LK’s charges so the NG holdout(s) compromised so they could be done.

Juries do strange things sometimes.


He should permanently just attach a Go-Pro to a hat and never leave home without it.


Like maybe they just wanted to ensure the poor guy got some help after what LK did to him….


The day after the shooting when JK and RG showed up and the cops were called again, RC promised the cops she would take care of the horses.




When did she shoot out his motorcycle tire?
Maybe Daddy saw an escalation he was concerned about?


I bet if the shoe was on the other foot, the mocking would have been as bad. Sadly.