MB update

You don’t know what I’ve said. You don’t read my posts, remember? If you did read my posts, you might remember I said an NGRI might be the best verdict for all parties as it protected LK and others from MB while he got needed treatment and allowed for all parties’ full recovery of their lives.

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I remember what you all said.

I was also mocked for what I said.


You are still badly mistaken. It never was “LK and others” needing protection from Barisone. One day you might comprehend that fact as the majority of others do.

Bold = emphasis


I thought this incident occurred several years ago. But I might be wrong


I believe the original source was GJ and her SO.


I’m still behind so not sure if someone else has answered. Pardon me if they have.

There were no GSR or ballistics results presented because the police did not run any of those tests. Hence, the doubts of many, myself included, that MB fired the weapon.


Ding ding ding ding ding!! Excellent point.


He/she obviously had nothing to complain about before. We like satisfied customers. :grin:

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I hope he will have a dash cam on his car and whatever else he needs to demonstrate he was just going about his life when suddenly the cartoon ninja jumps in front of him and accuses him of committing some dastardly deed.


He needs a bodyguard to intervene


Or a dog.


Dogs can’t testify.

Bodyguard wearing camera.


Just put the video recorder on the dog silly……


Hunter Biden being a classic example. He was given an administrative discharge after failing a drug test (cocaine). That is the standard type of discharge given for drug usage. It is not considered a dishonorable discharge - which is considered punitive and must be handed down by a general court martial.

In RG’s case, I tend to think he probably did complete bootcamp and served for some time - he learned that chokehold somewhere - but then had a failed drug test so was sent packing. I did think his statement on the stand that he “didn’t know much about guns” was puzzling, as I would have expected a former Marine with a “badass” attitude who seems to regard himself as some sort of “hero” for subduing MB, to proudly proclaim he knew all about guns. But when he later said he thought that the gun had jammed (it wasn’t jammed - it was out of ammo), I realized he knew enough what a locked-back slide indicated. And then I realized that he was being disingenuous with his statement about not knowing about guns, to try to bolster the narrative that he was a nice little choirboy who would never have anything to do with guns. :roll_eyes:


And/or they were concerned he would not be safe from someone with a plan to “Finish the Bastard.” So kill three birds with one stone (so to speak):
1 - Keep MB safe for a while from LK/RG
2 - Ensure he got mental health counseling/treatment
3 - Compromise on the verdict so they didn’t have to come back after a 5-day Easter recess


And bodyguards (and others) can carry in the free state of Florida. :smiley:


LK’s own mother (or someone claiming to be her) says they were there for the whole trial and claims a whole bunch of stuff that there if video proof of is not true. So to me it is believable that CH watched the trial. They just did the same thing as Keeper did, ignore anything they did not want to hear and grasp onto small tidbits that help them believe what they want to believe.

Not everyone watches to learn the truth.


I want to go back to this for a minute so I’m quoting myself. For anyone worried about LK’s safety in the future (from Barisone or any of the Illegal Mob Supporters), please remember all the attacks, both physical and verbal, LK has made on others for YEARS and explain to me who you really think the aggressor is! Her aggression isn’t a secret and is actually part of a criminal record and definitely captured on SM.

I don’t for a minute believe LK has dropped her plan to Finish the Bastard and actually seems quite obsessed at this point since the verdict and the possibility Barisone will “get away with anything” in her mind. It’s LK/RG who have always been the ones to be concerned about IMO.


LK’s purchase of a home in the precise location she chose screams loudly exactly how much protection she needs, and how afraid of him she is. In the whole wide world, in the United States, in Florida specifically, she could have bought a whole lot of houses and not ended up his neighbor.

There was no need for that. No, that’s not where she had to buy because horses. She did that on purpose. You can’t go back no and pretend to be afraid when you purposely chose to move into his ‘hood. So what is her real goal? I agree with you. It’s not a good, healing, moving on with life goal.