MB update

Deleted post above because it was a duplicate mage of the turtles.


Darn, I was just at the GoFundMe this morning! I would have missed this one for a whole day. Thank you @KurPlexed for posting it here.
This one is amazing too!

Duplicate turtle images would not be a bad thing!


Nobody who has postulated that there was possibly a compromise involved in the final verdict is saying that the jury lied, or didn’t do it’s job honestly.

I believe the jury was polled. It’s a standard practice.

Bottom line, you seem to not grasp what we are saying with respect to the various factors that possibly came into play as the jury deliberated over this verdict. Or you are intentionally being obtuse.


Thanks for demonstrating how carefully you listened to the testimony at the trial.

LK testified that she paid $5,000 per month for board and training of two horses plus to live in the farmhouse. The renovation work was in lieu of board payments for an additional horse beyond the original two.

No! Ya think?


Thanks for posting! Wow, all the drawings are fantastic. Looking forward to seeing more


The Gofundme, in case you have not gone there yourself yet, mentions that Michaels birthday is coming up.
If you are the type to want to send birthday cards, this seems like a fun thing to do for Michael.


Did you read the post by Ekat to which I was responding? She said that I couldn’t “know what the jury was thinking” when they reached the verdict of NGRI, because it was a possibility that they compromised, didn’t understand the jury instructions, etc.

Assuming the jury understood the jury instructions and did not compromise rather than reach genuine unanimity, the verdict of NGRI implies that they determined that beyond a reasonable doubt, the prosecution established all elements of its case other than intent.

Ekat raised the theoretical possibility of a compromise, or if the jury not understanding the jury instructions to refute my assertion that I “know what the jury was thinking”. She did not claim for a fact that they compromised, or that they misunderstood the jury instructions.

In a backhanded way, Ekat has finally agreed that, if you add all the caveats in my post #3470, the NGRI verdict implies that the jury determined “that Barisone shot her”.

I realized that I have been driving around with a shovel (eek!) AND a pitchfork (GASP) in the back of the truck for at least a couple of weeks
 during which I have been to PT, the grocery store, the bank, the feed store, picked someone up at the airport (and parked in the garage) - and many other errands.

I guess I was just lucky that I was not arrested for intent to bury some bodies

Why the emphasis on assuming they did their jobs honestly and correctly? Why would you assume anything other than that?

Oddly enough, your post is number 3460 on my computer - not sure why computers have such discrepancies but that might explain why there are occasional issues with referring back to previous posts


LK shot no one. No one prior to MB shot LK. She was not on trial except for a defense attorney trying to make a victim look bad to mitigate his client’s actions and the admitted grudge holding of a member here who had an encounter or her daughter had an encounter with her in the past.

No one has found any convictions on her record, though some published arrest records. MB has an arrest record, no convictions. He has been found to be insane, a danger to himself or others, and waits in AK for his Krol hearing which may be one and only or may be the first of several.

LK has continued to post on SM which some find annoying but no one finds dangerous.

I believe the jury is right and came up with the correct verdict following the judge’s instructions and believing the compassion of Dr Simring.

If they did not. If the jury nullified, as y’all said, and believed Dr Schlessinger, and MB got away with attempted murder, and now he knows MHG and LK live near his place in Florida thanks to this forum then that seems like an incredibly dangerous situation. It sounds pretty grim for people trying to help him now as well.

I hope LK has working cameras up all over her place.

I hope psychiatrists at AK and the judge have the best most accurate evaluation ever to make sure MB is no longer a threat to himself or others prior being released.

I suspect that y’all don’t really believe what you say you do or you would be able to stick with testimony and the trial and the comments would be correcting 9 rounds in the magazine to 7 rounds (yes @ekat I finally found verification too, you were right) instead of imagining associations and relations that don’t exist for posters with differing views, and crime scene scenarios for which there is no evidence.

Are you so committed to your aggressive response to CH that you ignored the patronizing and imaginary explanations of jury nullification given to me about why the jury didn’t really believe MB actually shot LK but just compromised? Now all of a sudden, it’s NO ONE SAID THAT.

Yeah. Yeah they did. Ad nauseam they did.

Regarding the bolded sentence
 it’s VERY possible multiple jurors were strongly leaning in different directions with respect to the verdict, but after deliberating at length, decided they could support the specific verdict they rendered unanimously.

That’s QUITE a different thing than saying that some jurors actual DIDN’T feel genuinely supportive of the verdict, but voted for it anyway.


I doubt there is any commercial value or general interest in LK filming herself in her ninja get-up wandering around her property.


And duplicate turtle mages would be awesome!


I don’t know. There might be a market for it on onlyfans


This typing error made me laugh way too hard. Sure, it is not spelled right for the world it sounds like spelled this way, but darn. It works here and made me laugh.


Re your bolded.

I emphasized the jury doing their job honestly and correctly because I was responding to a post by Ekat who pointed out that if the jury did not understand the jury instructions, or compromised instead of reaching unanimity, then I could not infer from the NGRI verdict that the jury had determined “that be shot her”.

I was implicitly assuming all along that the jury did its job honestly and correctly. I only had to make the assumption explicit when Ekat raised the possibility that the jury compromised, didn’t understand the instructions, etc.

I disagree, I find it very threatening toward MB and others in his sphere. She is still calling him a murderer, still banging on allot how dangerous he is. That’s - to me- her building up a scenario where she hurts him or someone close to him, and claims self defense.


Aww carp. You saw it before I did and corrected my misspelling.


@Virginia_Horse_Mom you even used it yourself on post 1559 to CH.