MB update

Maybe someone can explain to @hut-ho78 when another poster replies and quotes her/his post, the ignore feature does not work. I still tend to scroll right past the ridiculous rhetoric but some words jump out causing me to correctly assume the continued obsession with a past verdict…quite similar to LK’s obsession.

I also believe with @Einhorn above that many of LK’s posts are a concern in regards to Barisone’s safety once released. Now, we ALL know nothing ever posted on the internet disappears, so certainly the disparaging comments might be of interest to parties pursuing actions to keep Barisone and his loved ones safe and secure from harm, mental and physical. Just a thought. But hey, what do I know?


Plus who bought property and built a business there, over how many years now?


To me, it seems quite clear that they are frustrated with many on these forums continuing to doubt that MB pulled the trigger of the gun that day.

So they are pointing to the NGRI verdict to declare that it is established as a matter of fact, beyond a reasonable doubt, that he did pull the trigger that day. That he was aiming for LK when he did. That the only reason he was found NGRI is Simring’s testimony about his mental state at the time of the shooting.

Obviously, many posters on these forums who have followed the case closely for years and read many of LKs own words online have substantial doubts that this is what actually happened that day. Whether our doubts are REASONABLE or not? That’s subjective.

One key thing… posters on COTH have a lot more information about both MB and LK and the entire ongoing toxic situation than the jury at the criminal trial had with respect to what our opinions are based on. This might account for why our doubts about a key element of what happened that day are clearly more significant.

The jury in the civil trial will ALSO have a lot more information to weigh and consider than the jury in the criminal trial. @hut-ho78 (I believe it was you, hut) has repeatedly brought up the OJ Simpson situation to illustrate how the jury MIGHT take extra information, and conclude MB bears substantial liability for what happened. But, many of the rest of us believe that extra information will cut AGAINST LK in a civil trial, and she actually will be found to bear substantial responsibility for certain aspects of the situation that immediately preceded the shooting.

We will all just have to wait and see, I guess.


The criminal verdict was NGRI wrt the two charges concerning LK.

Several posters, including you, continue to deny that the verdict of NGRI indicates that, assuming the jury did its job correctly and understood the jury instructions, the jury as finders of fact determined “that he shot her”.

No, it wasn’t straight up Guilty. It also wasn’t straight up Not Guilty.

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Really? So you go on and on and on and on and on and on rather than realizing differences of opinion do not change the reality of the verdict and Barisone’s eventual release free and clear. Fascinating.


That’s odd. The ignore feature works fine for me, for both the original post and posts that appear as quotes in other posts.

Now in the case of the quote, I see the name of the ignored poster, but not the text, and so need to refrain from tapping on the name if I want the text to stay hidden.

So you don’t need to “scroll past” the words. Just don’t tap on the name the the poster you claim to want to ignore.

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Plus she keeps referring to astounding evidence to come… darkly warns others to “just wait and see”… suggests that MB’s future is in doubt and he should be locked up… always circles back to the “we shall see” or “just you wait” nonsense and carries on as if she is going to blow this case wide open and exact her revenge on MB the murderer etc. etc. etc.

That is far more than “annoying” … I find it harmful to LK as well as MB. I stumbled on one very threatening post one night (have not checked lately)… I went back to revisit it the next day - and it was edited down to a far milder version of the heated diatribe that had been posted the night before. LK is still her own worst enemy - and sadly, that is not just “annoying”.


So what you are saying is that you are annoyed the majority of posters on this thread STILL have doubts that MB actually shot LK, and you want to point out, AGAIN, what the verdict and jury instructions meant?

OK. You can point that out again.

I, however, continue to have doubts that MB actually aimed at LK and then fired the gun twice that day.

I am very curious as to what MIGHT be presented in a civil trial if the current lawsuits and counterclaims make it all the way to another jury trial.

Are you curious about what MIGHT be revealed during a second trial?


The criminal verdict NGRI simply means

MB is getting out soon.

So adjust your intestines to recognize that fact.

It’s clear to many, many people LK jumped MB, started bashing him in the head, RG and the dog joined in and in this melee the gun went off whether it was done accidentally, went off in a struggle, was done when RG went to grab the gun or when it was fired by MB to try and save his own life.

There is no how no way LK assaulted MB after being shot. Had she not assaulted MB she never would have been shot. NO ONE GOES TO MURDER 2 PEOPLE WITH 2 BULLETS.

This is the absolute truth as I see it and as logic dictates.

And THIS is what the Civil trial will bring forth. This is what I believe.


She’s been saying this all along. I’m not sure even she believes that there’s some bombshell anymore.
But what else can she do, face reality?


You can have all the doubts you want about whether MB shot LK. Feel free to continue to spin fantasies about LK stealing the gun from the office and telepathically summoning MB to ambush him, or that MB brought brought the gun to protect himself from Rosie, and RG jumped him, or that RG shot LK, and intended to almost but not quite kill her and was framing MB so that they could “take” the farm in a civil suit.

Just don’t keep claiming that the verdict of NGRI is consistent with the jury in the criminal trial believing in those fantasies.

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Wow. I have no response to that!

Finally, no response!

Thank you @Knights_Mom - you, me and many, many others believe exactly as you have stated. Now, let’s see what the civil jury believes when everything is heard.


Well… other people think you are wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. And MB is really just a human combination of John Hinckley and OJ Simpson. He’s going to be locked up in a “max security psych ward” for decades, while SIMULTANEOUSLY evidence will be presented at a civil trial that reveals he plotted to murder LK, and she will receive a multimillion dollar judgement.

And what will all this evidence be? The tapes of course! All those illegal recordings that violated one party consent laws in NJ. Oh wait. Nope. They actually were just conversations about a MURDER PLOT that happened in an open area right outside LKs locker, or within earshot of RG as he wandered around the farm with a recorder in his pocket, while people talked about murdering LK right in front of him.

Yeah. It’s all going to play out like this. Apparently, per one now deleted post on YT, LK and the family might even hold a press conference where they play the tapes of the murder plot!!!

As LK says repeatedly on YT, “Patience. Patience darling.” Because that’s not bizarrely theatrical or anything… :roll_eyes:




Just, for the record, my personal pet theory has always been that RG jumped MB, while LK was standing back, behind RG, MB fired the gun in self defense, and LK was hit accidentally.

Also, for the record, I’ve never claimed that a verdict with NGRI is consistent with the jury in a criminal trial believing in a fantasy. :woman_shrugging:

A verdict of NGRI is consistent with a jury believing that MB should not be criminally punished for attempted murder though… don’t you agree?


A malinois (you’re wrong spell check) and some geese.


I agree the situations are not identical, but is it worth the potential stress and cost of protection? Really, I agree lk is wrong, but now MB knows who she is, and what she’ll stoop to. Knowing that, and thinking he can manage it when he’s already NOT successfully managed it?

The cost and bother of relocating is, in my calculation, a lot less than fighting it out and living on tenterhooks waiting for the other shoe to drop.

This is my opinion, and we can agree to disagree. Ultimately it’s a calculus that only MB can do. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a tragedy, but, again my opinion, is the principle that she’s wrong really worth damaging his mental health further?


I differ. Let’s say he moved to Ocala. They can still reach him but now the distance becomes their alibi.

Keep it in one police forces jurisdiction. Let the eventual reputation of LK and RG be an advocate for MB. He just has to firmly secure his premises.


Trail cameras, dash cams, go-pros and go-pros for dogs. Plus geese, if feasible.