MB update

I hear you, and that’s certainly another consideration. One police force has already failed him.

Again, I can totally get the argument that moving is weakness/too hard/not fair. I’m just offering another perspective. No answer is right, really. Not with someone like lk on the other side

Edited for spelling


If you had been one of the twelve jurors, and were not genuinely convinced by the deliberations otherwise, and continued to believe the bolded, would you have hung the jury by holding out for straight Not Guilty?

Despite their finding of fact that “he shot her” (see previous posts for all necessary caveats), the fact that the jury found that the defense met its burden in establishing insanity obviously means that, according to the law, MB should not be “criminally punished for attempted murder”.


This would rely on the PD being a bit better than the one in NJ.

I’ve wondered if he wouldn’t do well to ensconce himself in PA among his Eventing friends, but where there’s also a good Dressage population as well.
He could easily do clinics in NJ and NY from there still.

But hey, he hasn’t asked us. In the end, I just wish him peace, and I hope that includes continuing to advocate for our sports.

The shame is that he’ll never be made whole, as he was before he met these people. That would be justice.


I’d rather have dogs than geese in this situation due to all the predators. And electronics. Motion sensors. Backup generator. You have to account for business traffic in and out as well as night stalking.


No, I don’t.


Due to the nature of the community it serves, word of mouth and long established relationships within that community, I anticipate a totally different police response.


I sure hope so.


I was just thinking that it’s hard to sneak past a flock of guard geese if they hang out in the paddocks and barns. Plus dogs tend to hang out with their people at night, unless they are a properly trained Kangal (and they need more room and activity than many people realize). Still, a bite force of 743 psi is no joke.


IMO, the stress of relocating is something that could be significant for him. He has been in Wellington a long time, has a definite network and support down there, as well as the ability to get some income flow from known clients and so on. The poor man needs to put his life back together, not disrupt things further for major relocation. My gosh, he hasn’t even been to a store or a gas station in 3 years! Maybe she will harass him, maybe not but her skill set seems primarily internet based. You can be sure there will be cameras, etc - probably most every farm down there has them. I vote STAY.


I’ve seen the OJ posts. I don’t remember ever bringing up OJ myself and don’t remember commenting on the OJ posts. They are an interesting comparison. Not sure if they will correspond to this situation.

Well, there is the second magazine with the 7 bulllets. (Thank you @ekat for refreshing my memory.)

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So, I’m not going to tag all the people that tagged me in order to respond.

Yes, I think the jury was honest, serious and gave their deliberations the proper weight.

Yes, I believed them when they were polled.

Yes, I believe that juries do strange things.

Yes, I believe that finding Michael straight up Not Guilty on 3 charges means the jury did not buy the stories as presented.

Yes, I believe juries reach compromises all the time. Every single day.

Yes, I also believe that hold out jurors can be persuaded to change their minds. That doesn’t make the jury dishonest.

Yes, I believe mistakes happen sometimes. One only has to again look at the Amber Heard/Johnny Depp trial. The jury came back with a verdict but had filled the form out wrong and hadn’t actually finished the deliberations on the awards so they were sent back.

No, I am not saying THIS JURY made a mistake.

No, I do not believe the prosecutor proved beyond a reasonable doubt that Michael Barisone shot anyone.

No, I do not believe that the two NGRI verdicts are proof that Michael Barisone shot anyone.

No, I do not believe any of us sitting here chatting on a forum knows 100% what the jury was thinking and it’s disingenuous o claim otherwise.

No, I don’t believe the jury was insane, for the record. I honor their service and their verdict, as I do all juries.

Yes, I believe the next jury will be interesting. Half the people who do not have to come to a unanimous decision.

Edit to add, in case it is unclear, I absolutely do not now or have ever meant to imply that Michael Barisone “got away with attempted murder”.


Great point. This woman seems to have a problem going anywhere any more. Apparently RG does all the running around town, unless it’s video night at Target or where ever that video was made. She leads an extremely solitary life.


So now you agree that she is not and has never been a danger to MB.

I love guard geese. But not being from Florida I worry about gators, panthers, giant snakes, coyotes etc. So I was thinking dogs. Big, strong livestock dogs.


There are a lot of interesting YT comments out there…not all of them are LK’s.


Are you calling yourself disingenuous for thinking the jury did not follow the judge’s instructions and found the verdict by nullification instead?

I just accepted they applied the verdict as it should be applied.

Sure. But if you were planning on shooting 2 people wouldn’t you have it IN the gun? Wouldn’t you be locked and loaded? MB wasn’t. So even IF he brought the gun and even IF he brought the mag shoving it in a pocket is not conducive to going to murderlize someone.


We actually agree. Some of them seem so much like posts here even without the two I can think of that bragged here about posting there.

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If he looked at one magazine and saw bullets would he try to load more or assume it was a full magazine?