MB update

You think it’s impossible for someone to be empathetic for another person, unless they are in the same “life situation”?

I do object to human beings, however flawed, being convicted in the SM court of public opinion. It doesn’t have the safeguards that are in place in actual criminal and civil courts. Also, it seems to make much too easy for people to indulge in “the pleasure of hate”.

I was asked about my opinion of the Amber Heard trial. I think the verdict was correct, although did not watch the Amber Heard trial, just read the news coverage. However, I also read that in an opinion poll on SM, Amber Heard topped the list as “most hated”, or perhaps it was “most despised”, beating out Vladimir Putin. Amber Heard is more reviled in the court of public opinion than Vladimir Putin! I have no way of processing that than to see it as another example of the “pleasure of hate”.

I think Amber Heard is extremely beautiful, not as good an actor as Johnny Depp, that she defamed him with her WaPo statement, and that her defamation caused him millions in monetary damages. I don’t feel sorry for her for having the judgement against her. But for her to be hated more intensely that Putin is nuts. Just nuts.


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Wellington may be a big deal in North America but it’s bush league compared to Europe. But yes, I agree that if he wants to be based in the US it would have to be California or Florida. Some other pros have made the move from Wellington to Ocala and I think more will follow, but it’s not there yet.


Sometimes the court of public opinion is MORE valuable and teaches a greater lesson.

Eta without societal norms where would we be??


Ah. You’re taking it upon yourself to “teach LK
a lesson”.

Society is


Its not the pleasure of hate but a desire for a peaceful society using societal standards, whatever they may be at the time.


Thank you!

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Why is it ‘twist the meaning’ o’clock so early tonight?


Her what, now?


No I am not in the same situation as LK. I find the whole situation very very sad. She should have left. He shouldn’t have shot her. They were both fragile and under stress. It was her grasp at a better way of life and his big sale of providing it and it all fell apart. He may have broken her first. He was under stress (divorce, cash flow, new love, less income, lots of overhead). They got in a tit for tat. He broke too. If either of them had thought or listened to their friends, they could have made decisions to get out of the situation.

I hope MB can get the treatment he needs and rebuild his life. I hope LK can recover physically and mentally and get on with her life. I hope she can enjoy her horses again.

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For exactly the reasons I stated. It’s uncomfortable to touch nerves.


Her (lk) admitting to Suboxone (possibly banned substance) use may impact her riding aspirations.


Well, it’s her lawsuit…it will be interesting how that claim shakes out in court.


Yet you have not objected at all to the same discussion surrounding RG. Why didn’t you oppose the original discussions of MB on social media before his acquittal when he was being raked across the coals of the public eye?

You spend a great deal of time claiming unproven assertions as fact, providing explanations for LK’s behavior and writings as if you know what she is thinking, and devote a great deal of time trying to paint a certain narrative, no matter how contradictory or illogical that narrative is.

That does not read as empathy to me. That reads as investment. So, yes, it is hard to believe.


Perhaps standards have changed on the last twenty years or perhaps it’s very different depending on each state.

Ridiculous. Fantasy.


But it is such a nicer world.

OMG. Not the “pleasure of hate again”.


Ridiculous. Fantasy.