MB update

The only thing stopping this from happening the past 3 years is LK herself!


Huh? In what way was she ā€œbroken?ā€ We can clearly see how MBā€™s life was broken apart and how he was pushed into a state of complete mental collapse. But we havenā€™t seen behaviour from LK that is anything but ordinary for her and part of a well-documented pattern that goes back years and years.


Uh huh. Here you go again ASSUMING you know anything about Barisone. Tit for tat? What was the tit for calling SS, USEF, Building Inspector, Fire Marshall, refusing to leave a condemned property, illegally recording private conversations, breaking into private offices and files, threatening on Social Media, playing veiled barefooted Ninja? Iā€™ll wait.


But isnā€™t that what youā€™ve done to MB, convicted him without knowledge of actual facts?
Some of the claims, that heā€™s an attempted murderer because you believe, but donā€™t know he fired that gunā€¦ are pretty outrageous on the face of them.


Iā€™m just trying to figure out the ā€œnew loveā€. Surely we arenā€™t referring to MHG who testified sheā€™d been in a relationship with Michael since 2015, which would be ~4 years at the time of the shooting. That doesnā€™t sound new.

Plus, less income is a new one. The only ā€œless incomeā€ we know about was LKā€™s discounted rateā€¦


Oh boy, after a 9 hour round trip to the barn, vet, tack store, grocery store, and barn again, then back to the City for a much needed cold showerā€¦ I have spent the past hour scrolling through to get caught up.

While I admire @Virginia_Horse_Mom, @ekat and othersā€™ patience in trying to thoughtfully engage in conversations surrounding these ludicrous conflations and rehashings, can we just stop?

It is clear that certain posters are only interested in stirring the pot and needling the hive. They claim empathy (even if they havenā€™t shown it to RGā€¦ and have demonstrated the opposite towards the Ebeling victim), but they show no empathy towards Barisone. They claim to be following ā€œstraightforwardā€ ā€œfactsā€ but they are ignorant of a lot of straightforward facts - facts of the law, facts of the case and otherwise. They make wild assumptions. They refuse to acknowledge, much less shine a light on, LKā€™s continued abhorrent online behavior. They insist she was a somehow valuable asset to Hawthorne Hill and MB Dressage. Heck, they refuse to acknowledge that a week(s) long negotiation to leave constitutes being asked to leave. The list goes onā€¦

Itā€™s exhausting to read through these merry-go-rounds. What is responding gaining any of us? We wonā€™t change hearts and minds. Scroll on by.

Only thing I will say is.,. On the subject of the jury and what NGRI meant with regards to MB shooting LK and then ā€œobviouslyā€ having reached the conclusion that MB shot LKā€¦ how so? Because they recalled testimony of the mental health expert and asked for a refresher on charges and instructions? So what? The job of the jury is to consider all evidence, and to consider all charges and instructions. Clearly, they had a lot to consider and review. And they didnā€™t have notes to lean on.

Had I been on the jury, there is no way I could have found Guilty. There was simply no good evidence he shot her other than two holes in her chest and the testimony of two unreliable witnesses. I donā€™t have a theory but I can see how myriad others are plausible. I wonā€™t say they jumped him or the gun went off in a struggle or they brought the gun, not him. I donā€™t know. I do know a lot doesnā€™t add up, and there isnā€™t a lot of hard evidence.

NGRI seems to fit, but I could see a straight NG had that been off the table.

I was on a jury for a shooting, and we had forensics (gun, DNA, bullets, etcā€¦) and loads of testimony (although not from the gunshot victim who was a co-conspirator in the underlying crime) and we almost hung over the testimony of MUCH more credible witnesses because even with pretty crystal clear forensic evidence people didnā€™t want to believe unimpeachable witnesses. So, yesā€¦ juries do weird things. But this wasnā€™t thatā€¦ these witnesses were both impeached! Oh, and by the way? The victim in my case was shot accidentally during the struggle for the firearm involving the defendant and a third party. Soā€¦ not an implausible scenario!

Anyways, can we please stop engaging in the repeat arguments with people who are clearly not going to change opinions or tactics?


Honestly, it really comes down to saying whatever they dream up to support their illogical fantasy.

I will admit though the persistent ridiculous grasps at relevance has become humorous at how far they will go making excuses.


If one feels an overwhelming need to respond, just type ā€œNO.ā€


Or say it internally. Or quote reply and hit the trash can. Orā€¦

(ETA: so may other options that are less exhausting/infuriating/futile!)


Can you imagine if MB went thru the hassle of moving his home and business and then a week laterā€¦guess who the new neighbor is? I can actually see her moving to stalk him.


Apologies. Not a huge poster here and I guess Iā€™m not sure what a ā€œpersonal attackā€ consists of. Iā€™ll do better.


No. I first started working in social services almost 40 years ago. And I have worked in two states that are very different. The difference between voluntary and involuntary have been the same: the ability to self discharge,


Iā€™m not sure what you are apologizing for! You havenā€™t said or done anything to apologize for IMO.


BRILLIANT! Well said!


I agree @KurPlexed has nothing to apologize for.

It was a weird statement made by another posterā€¦ but I donā€™t recommend engaging on it. You arenā€™t likely to get a clear answer! But, nothing to apologize for!

PS - you donā€™t have to ā€œdo betterā€! Donā€™t take the bait.


If you had been on the jury and thought there was not good evidence that he shot her, you should not only have not found him Guilty, you should have held out for straight Not Guilty on all four counts.

That the actual jury found him NGRI indicates that they found that there was sufficient evidence that he shot her, but also found that, due to the finding of insanity, he lacked the element of intent, and therefore did not commit a crime.

The only reason a straight NG was off the table
was that the jury found sufficient evidence that he shot her, and there was no evidence offered to support a claim of self defense.

But yes, a negotiation of the terms of her departure (including who owed who on the renovations) establishes that she was in the process of leaving but not that he asked her to leave. It may have been that, as he promised to MHG, he had simply made her life so miserable le she had decided she wanted to leave.

If you donā€™t want to revisit these issues, perhaps you could not bring them up.

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Before she was banned, LK reported here that she in fact is enjoying her horses. I believe her.


Well Said! @erinmeri, you should have gone into law!


Ignoring my own suggestion to ignore you only to say: LOLā€¦ what? YOU are the one who brought up each and every point I posted about above. Not me.

So, I guess I can ask you not to rehash the past, but please do NOT imply it was me who broached these topics. That is dishonest.


Also - No, you donā€™t know what the jury thought. Just stop.

And, no, there was no evidence of self defense because Taylor wouldnā€™t allow it to be presented.

And still, you insist that the negotiations donā€™t constitute an ask. Bizarre.