MB update

I just want to say, for the record, that you seem to hold a strange degree of animosity with respect to MHG.

It pops up periodically in your comments… and I notice it when it does.

I’ve never seen you make one single empathetic comment about MHG.




Great post @erinmeri .


OK. I was simply responding to a recent post of yours in which you “mentioned” both issues, taking issue with my position on them. Is “mentioning” these issues in a post within the last hour somehow not “bringing them up” to be rehashed? I agree that I brought up both points originally, and you were just now stating your disagreement.

The back and forth I’ve had lately with Ekat and VMH, both of whom I respect, in my view has achieved some degree of convergence on the issue of the interpretation of the NGRI verdict. I’m pretty sure I understand their position now and have modest hope they understand better my position.

I do think I better understand your position, fwiw.

But… I also find the comments and insight from people who have actually served on juries noteworthy and interesting.

Oh well. We don’t know what we don’t know about jury deliberations. Maybe some other f then spoke to 48 hours. If so… that will be interesting to discuss after the episode airs this fall.


You weren’t “simply responding” to anything. Stop being dishonest.

And yes, I did mention the “issues” you INSIST on rehashing because it is exhausting. And yes I do “take issue” with you beating dead horses ad nauseam and claiming ignorance or innocence for doing so. I find it… tiresome.

And I don’t believe that you “respect” either @ekat or @Virginia_Horse_Mom, because you twist their words and attempt to rehash old arguments when it is clear they are both trying to have a logical and civil discussion. That doesn’t feel very respectful to me. On the other hand, I think they both have been incredibly patient and respectful and kind towards you.

I shall leave it there.


I’ve said that I think she is an accomplished and talented dressage rider. I’ve said that I think she’s one of the significant circle of people, beyond just LK and MB, who have had their lives significantly negatively impacted by the tragedy.

What have I said that suggests animosity toward MHG? I certainly don’t think that having empathy for LK requires having animosity toward MHG, or MB, for that matter.

Also, the thought of him spending maybe 2+ more years sitting in jail waiting for another trial would have weighed heavily on my mind.

I would have voted straight NG on all charges but could see myself compromising for NGRI to get him the help he deserves and prevent prolonging the injustice of this whole case which never should have been brought to trial.


You came on and posted a post disagreeing with my views on two issues. I responded. There is nothing dishonest about responding to your post.

I do respect both Ekat and VHM, and a lot of what you criticize as tiresome “rehashing” was a back and forth which resulted in my understanding better the positions of those two posters.

You probably did not see the post of VHM saying that
she thinks she does understand my position better as a result of the exchange.

If you find an extended exchange between other posters useless and tiresome, you can scroll on by. I found it useful, and other posters and lurkers might as well.

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Maybe animosity is too strong of a word.

I do think that the way you consistently assert that she pushed MB to have LK leave, and your continuing focus on how there was some discussion back and forth between the two (via text, I believe) about MB ‘making things miserable’ for LK just so she would leave…

Well… I think these are odd details to focus on with respect to MHGs role in this whole situation.

MHG was clearly harassed by LK prior to the shooting. SEVERELY. On social media. LKs long Facebook posts were clear references to MB and MHGs relationship, and it’s origins, and were pretty darn nasty.

I feel really sorry for MHG about that. It must have been SUPER stressful and uncomfortable to have an emotionally imbalanced client living on the same property with her and training in the same barn, all while the client was publicly ranting on social media in that manner. Just awful.


And in the SAME HOUSE!!


And when asked about calling MHG worse than pond scum on the bottom of a shoe, and whether or not that might cause a problem living and training there, her answer was, I don’t think I thought about it. Mr B asks, you just threw it out there? LK: Basically.

I don’t know, perhaps the next jury will think that’s a reasonably prudent way to behave.


I’m thinking the next jury will have the reaction of WTF?


That would be reasonably prudent. :joy:


And don’t forget the threats to her kids. LK made several veiled references about them as well, plus accused Michael publicly of inappropriate behavior involving them. Or the ongoing threats to her career via SS….


Messing with kids is especially low and reprehensible.


… And talking about and threatening her kids.


… and 'Who does that??!"


Presented without comment:


I will add… ‘Who defends that??!”


There are a lot of her comments that have totally disappeared. Hopefully, Mr. D’s team was checking YT regularly and making copies. There was so much current evidence that she is continuing to bully people.