MB update

Hopefully someone took a screen shot of that.


Someone impugned my integrity earlier and said I never said that NGRI was a good verdict for MB. This one wasnā€™t even my first post on it.

Carry on.

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Sadly, you have just described LKā€™s merry activities on SM. She judges and condemns anyone who dares to not agree with her 100%. She has tried, convicted and passed sentence on MB the Murderer many times over - as well as other ā€œcrimesā€ she darkly hints at. She has smugly hinted of great revelations that will mess MBā€™s life up even more. She seems to revel in the new favorite catch phrase of angstā€¦ the pleasure of hate, indeed - and has delighted in it.

But then you have said you have not seen her posts on YT/SM. So I guess the tunnel vision and hypocrisy can be ever so slightly excused (very slightly)ā€¦ even though she carried on in many COTH threads in the exact same way and with far more YELLING at times!

Pretending none of that behavior exists is not having ā€œempathyā€ ā€¦


ā€œStraightforward, valid interpretations of the verdict.ā€ Please, who do you think youā€™re kidding?


This falls into the category of interesting things I have learned here on COTH, this one not so horse related but still interesting.
I never realized there were so many people in the world who go thru life telling one lie after another because that is how they do life.

It appears that to some being dishonest is OK if it is a means to them winning in the end.

Followed by ā€œwho does that?ā€!

@smoofox, great post!




Dragonfly90 brought that one up in September 2019 - ā€œCompulsive Hatred Disorderā€. Stated it was a diagnosis. It isnā€™t and was to be found in the Urban Dictionary.


The whole lying aspect of this situation, and the social media discussions about it all? Itā€™s interestingā€¦ in an ugly, ongoing car wreck sort of way.

It is alarming and disturbing when you come across habitual liars, who seem to lack any shame when they are caught. With some of the key people in this situation, it seems to always be a matter of deflect, deny, counter accuse. Over and over again.

Honestly, I donā€™t really know how a human being can go through life that way. Itā€™s so much healthier and easier to just be honest. Accept that things donā€™t always go your way. Accept your own screw ups, and apologize. Keep moving forward with life, and learn from the failures, and do better. When a person constantly lies to themselves and others? Their life gets stuck. No improvement. No upward trajectory in a personal sense.

Itā€™s deeply dysfunctional and sad.


Someone has a deep NEED to be a victim. Itā€™s been that way all along.

I think the fact that so many people felt sympathy for MB after watching the trial really rattled and upset her.



Heā€™s updated it since then, but it still holds true.



I glanced over this ā€œpleasure of hateā€ stuff recently. It applies 100% to the individual at the center of this situation! I guess they are exempt from the accusations of promoters of hate.

There will always be deniers in this country regardless of proven facts. Similar to MAGA supporters, Sandy Hook deniers, J6 supporters, etc. There is no benefit to attempt to educated these folks, so my choice, at least for today, is to ignore them and not expend any energy on their ā€œarguments and misunderstandingsā€.

Have a great morning all!

:turtle: RULE!


Remember, when speaking of LK, we are speaking of someone who tried to BULLY multiple people on these very pages. There is a history of bullying with this one, often with lies upon lies upon lies. She will say anything in order to dominate, ridicule and bully.

This whole notion of the ā€˜pleasure of hateā€™ or ā€˜compulsive hatred disorderā€™ being used to describe normal, valid reactions towards this person of profound malice is laughable and quite frankly insulting to our intelligence. Disingenuous seems too light a term to describe this.

To my mind what we put out into the universe is returned to us threefold. And judging by the words and actions of the malicious she-ninja it cannot be a surprise to anyone that she remains a pariah, relagated now to the role of evil succubus to many here, on YouTube and in the dressage world.

Her reputation is such that in equestrian circles talk about her is done in hushed, cautious tones, lest her ire and wrath be raised. Only utterances in whispers between friends is done.

But by all means continue to scold and malign those who would call her out for her transgressions. Those who would predict in what direction karma will take her. Those who hope that someone like MB swept up in her web of unnecesary drama and wanton deceit , prevails to recover their life.

By all means continue to rally on behalf of the very same person who would not help another as it is not her nature to do so.

Go out on a limb for a being who would never ever do such for you. Or anyone.

And then by all means continue to scold the world that the problem is everyone else.

The Civil trial will bring to light every lurid detail. Every malignant act. Every insult and plot and vile reasoning and the judgment by the world against LK promises to be epic in scale.

Maybe instead of musing about the pleasure of hate or compulsive hatred disorder it would be far more reasonable to discuss the epic self destructive behavior by those who seek to dominate others.


Not to mention the ā€œthe bombshellā€ was hardly a blip on the radar!


I think she thinks her bombshell was truly a bombshell and we are just pretending it was a blip.

Edit to clarify - I am not saying we ARE pretending. I am saying LK likely thinks we are pretending.


I donā€™t think we are pretending, are we?

In EDā€™s testimony he said he heard two shots which lines up with the cops only finding two casings. Although I remember at the time thinking his testimony made LKā€™s/RGā€™s recall of events even more confusing.


LKs/RGs recall is confusing because itā€™s a fabrication. A ruse. A lie.


Straightforward on the windy bendy path to nowhere.


No, I do not think that at all.

I was saying that she likely thinks we are pretending.

Sorry I was not clear.


Because by being a victim, she gets ATTENTION. It is salve for a soul wounded by REJECTION.


To some people any attention is good attention.