MB update

No, you were quite clear! Well, when I re-read it after I had posted a reply. My bad, sorry!


Oh, I beg to differ. There were several large bombshells but the problem was they fell squarely on the prosecution and their impeached star witnesses!


“Haters rarely hate alone. They feel compelled, almost driven, to entreat others to hate as they do. Peer validation bolsters a sense of self-worth and, at the same time, prevents introspection, which reveals personal insecurities. Individuals who are otherwise ineffective become empowered when they join groups, which also provide anonymity and diminished accountability.“
And are very hostile to anyone that won’t join the group! Have fun.


Thank you! This describes LK perfectly!

Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Great post, KM.


Yeah, but her definition of “the bombshell” was ED being an “ear witness”.

Either I’m really dense or my radar hardly hit a blip!

And IIRC, ED spent most of the time on the stand recalling his freak out over being on the phone while the gun went off.


Except not many people can get behind that level of hate


Thank you!


Wow. Thank you. That explains all the hostility toward posters who won’t “join the group”.


Still not a diagnosis. It’s not in any of the past and current DSMs.

This reminds me of when I had to prove something in geometry and couldn’t remember which proofs to use: I came up with SSA (many of my classmates reversed the letters) - which doesn’t exist.




I’m surprised you realize this describes LK perfectly.


So funny that you say this, because after your post I re-read and I totally saw how you read it the way you did.

Glad to clarify so no one has to wonder and thankful you pointed out that it could be read differently than I intended it to be.


Was that the bombshell? I have no idea. I thought maybe the presumably illegal recordings were the bombshell because LK went on and on about some ridiculous murder plot that had been recorded.

Then I thought it may have been a shovel in a truck because she was still going on about about the shovel showing intent or whatever the fantasy was in her head. Hard to keep track.


Ha, I am afraid it would make me BSC if I tried to keep up with all the fantasies in her head. :upside_down_face:


IIRC, the original “bombshell” was the “ear witness”. Then yes, it went on from there.

I still giggle when I recall that she thought that a shovel in the back of a farm pickup truck meant anything other than it was a farm pickup truck. :exploding_head:

Oh, maybe it was used to shovel gravel from the pile beside the house into the truck to be transported to the barn. Hmmmmm


Hmmm, can’t there be more than “one group”?


Now her Bombshell that will keep MB behind bars forever seems to be focussed on the alleged audio recordings - she admonishes posters who question her on YT 
 “Patience, dear”. She said all those recordings will be played on 48 Hrs and the truth will be revealed.

She also hints about other crimes MB has committed - similar to her murder - that will be revealed and cheerfully says he will never be free again!

I think LK will never be free of this little world she has constructed around herself - where she is the stable genius :wink: and everyone else is beneath her.

As far as her “murder plot” - that may be what she wants to hear in any recordings. I know that when our boarders and I discussed our LK-like TBFH who was toxic in our barn - we likely said things like "
we need to get rid of her
 we just need to figure out the best way to handle it

None of us were ever talking about physical harm or murder. :roll_eyes: Even TBFH would not jump to those kinds of conclusions.

And I probably had a shovel and pitchfork in the back of my truck from digging up tansy plants along the back fence line of the property - the ones that are too entrenched to be pulled. I did not dig any holes deep enough to bury any bodies, though.


Something I learned today that I think is possibly applicable to this situation:

In the 25 years since Ron Goldman’s family won a $33,500,000 civil judgment against OJ Simpson for wrongful death, OJ has only paid the family about $133,000.

What a dark reality.

OJ moved his homestead to FL, too.


I wonder what the repercussions could be if 48 Hours does play illegally obtained recordings. I would think 48 Hour’s legal team would have a problem with that.

Also curious where she has hinted towards other crimes
 YT? If so, if this could be considered defamation?

Everything she says is proverbial fluff so none of it could have any sort of substance or truth to it.