MB update

This x :100:

Why bother arguing with people who don’t want to look at the whole picture? Some posters here seem to think that a Person is limited to only utilizing a singular Internet forum, and even daring to go to you tube comments or other social media is “cyber stalking” :roll_eyes:. Grannie please - it’s 2022 your internet presence means something.

If LK is fool enough to leave a big greasy, slimy digital trail of her wild claims, lies and manifestos you bet it is going to come to light and is fair evidence for the court of public opinion and civil court as well. Which is exactly why in the early days of her erratic postings on the MB threads we cautioned her that for her own sake, posting isn’t a good idea. Well, we all saw how she dealt with that care and concern….


Dang! That 48 Hours episode is turning into a miniseries!!! A little bird tells me 48 Hours wanted no part of her illegal recordings for a whole host of reasons, not least of which is none of the voices heard on the illegal tapes can be properly verified, and they sure as heck weren’t going to take LK’s word on identities!!! They didn’t even want to listen to them! She is so smug and superior isn’t she?


What’s so wild is that all of the elements for the public being in LK’s favor were there. The horse community is quite liberal with a lot of emphasis on gun control. LK was an attractive, petite, female student who, somehow, was shot twice in the chest by presumably an older, white, large framed, middle aged, dressage trainer. Yet somehow, through her abhorrent behavior and unbelievable testimony, she turned 99 percent of the public, both equestrians and non-equestrians, against her. Also equally unbelievable is that we are supposed to believe that the public’s response is due to the “pleasure of hate” and that LK is not responsible for the public’s response.


LK isn’t responsible for anything is she? Well, except maybe for the sun rising every morning, at least in her brilliant mind.



It seems there was a big YT comment delete in the last few days. Several videos had their comment count decrease by several posts.


That whole deleting comments thing just seems so dirty and like cheating. I don’t understand it. It’s like a sign of an unbalanced mind.

Mean what you say and say what you mean.


Well, It can’t be LK because under oath, when asked about deleting posts, she said, “No, that’s more of a Mary Haskins thing.”


LMAO I have proof she deleted comments THIS WEEK


But LK didn’t lie under oath? I’m confused! Maybe this is a new habit she picked up. Or maybe MHG, with the help of JH, is stealing her phone/logins again and doing nefarious things.


Ironically the statement made under oath is lying under oath.


Perhaps the lying under oath started when she put her hand on that Bible.


How many episodes do you suppose 48 hours will do playing how many hours upon hours of recordings? Or does she mean just the snippets that she feels are evil?

I keep a shovel in my horse trailer. Just think of the things I can transport and bury using that set-up. (Ok, so it is what I have always called a coal shovel so not very good for digging holes in the ground but … it is still a shovel.)


I’m thinking she’s trying to use it as a scare tactic, hoping it will get back to MB and he’ll be mentally messed up again by the stress of it all.


Probably. This is also why LK on YT and our hangers-on here always argue the same points over and over again. It’d at least be interesting if they found their own unique topics and arguments. However, they are trying to scare Michael and his team with certain elements of “the evidence” prior to the civil trial.


The beauty of it is Barisone has the truth and mountains of documents and evidence in his pockets. Lala has her imagination and the idea that one or two previous boarders were not happy with Barisone’s personality. She can huff and puff but she’ll never blow down the House of Barisone. That’s a fact.


I wonder if someone’s motto is “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again” but without changing the method of operation?


So much truth here.


Sorry, just found the last paragraph too funny to not share…


I’ve gotten lost. Was it Monday the 1st when depositions were supposed to start?

Who has to sit for a deposition, just the principles or other witnesses, too?

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