MB update

I watched a colicky horse through the night on the stall camera… and trawled through YT comments again. I missed the first one previously - just one of a long series of posts in which LK dazzles others with her sharp legal mind and endless legal expertise.

And I guess she does not care for MB being able to draw…

How can anyone who cares for her not help her see that these posts are not helping her case? God knows many of us tried to explain that to her when she would go completely off the rails in threads here…


Since we’re sharing, this is one of my favorite recent ones. I keep trying to figure out who the murderer in the courtroom was. I bet that would be scary!


If he was actually a murderer, wouldn’t she be, in fact, dead?

I’ll go back to lurking.


Something something something flatlined in the medivac helicopter something makes him a murderer I remember reading she wrote on here, I believe.

Alas, the medivac ride was as accurate as the murder.

Don’t do that!


I was stupid enough to suggest that she not comment, on what was an open case, in Spring 2020, and that was enough to get her to threaten me.

I then asked if she didn’t have friends and family to step in and remove her from the keyboard.

No bueno on that!

Funny thing is she absolutely loves to brag how well she understands the law and how many family members she has who are attorneys, and she seems to think she has legal skills through either osmosis or association.

I have no doubt law schools will be talking about her for years to come, just not in the way she envisions! They will be using this case to show attorneys what can go wrong when you have a client who refuses to disengage, and actively courts attention through social media!


Hope the horse is okay!


I hope when Michael is finally free to go home, he makes sure that LK cannot come anywhere near him. She is a sick, sick individual and I can see her continuing to harass him. This type of person is dangerous, as we all know.


I have been home not well. I am through the worse and feeling much better.

I did something I have never done before, I just let random videos play on Facebook.

A couple were on Narcissists. One was should you engage with a Narcissist?

The answer was no. No matter what you do they will one up you. You are not on the same battlefield. You think you can compete. You cannot. The only thing you can do is withdraw and leave. This is the only thing that will work.

I feel that MB engaged and lost, then he found the one thing that would work and won. Then they have to do it again and my hope is he wins again, but then he needs to disengage. I don’t know if she will let him being a neighbour. He needs an iron clad can’t go anywhere near him or where he is going defences physically. Can’t call him or use the internet to reach him.

Does anything like this exist?


Jinx @Davignport :smiley:


Yes, but what makes any of us believe she will honor it? She is intent on completing her Finish the Bastard plan.


The phrase:
When you’re in a hole, stop digging
…comes to mind


And schools teaching psychology or psychiatry.


The hope that when she doesn’t they change places!


@SuzieQNutter, hope you feel better soon!


Re: legal skills through osmosis

It always reminds me of this part in the movie, Step Brothers, with Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly:

Dr. Robert Doback: [about Dale] He left college his junior year because he said he wanted to join the family business.

Nancy Huff: But… you’re a medical doctor.

Dr. Robert Doback: Believe me, I’ve told him that. But he just always says, “It’s all about who you know.” I don’t know where he got a sense of entitlement.

Love that movie.

And I do think law schools will discuss the case, not necessarily because of the horrendous testimony because there is a ton of horrendous testimony out there, but because of the rare verdict of NGRI. IIRC, 1% of cases are tried as NGRI and only 25% of those cases end up with a NGRI verdict.


Is your horse okay?


She is much better today, thanks! Thanks to eggbutt, too! She is not happy about staying inside when everyone else was out - so I selected a volunteer to stay in and keep her company.

She ate a small tub of senior feed porridge this afternoon and cleaned it up. Two lovely poops (one small and one big) since 7:30 this morning! She is bright-eyed and LOUD. :smile: More poop visible on the camera now - I will check that out when I go to bring horses in and feed.

We lost her BFF abruptly a few days ago. The vet was here bright and early to do a health cert and Coggins on a gelding when there was a sudden crashing over in the stalls. My herd boss - She Who Must Be Obeyed - was thrashing around in distress… we moved her to the bigger foaling stall next door but could do nothing for her - she dropped again and just… died. Likely heart failure or an aneurysm.

I think the stress of losing her friend (she called and called and ran) and the heat wave we just came out of for a couple of days respite upset her system… but she will be okay. :two_hearts:

That there is Horse Talk ^ (including poop admiration and fixation) … on an Equine Forum. Go figure!


Only horse people are overjoyed with quantities, textures, and moisture levels of horse poop!!


This speaks volumes -


Jingles for your mare’s continued recovery, @smoofox, and I am so sorry for your loss. How horrific.sending hugs to you all.