MB update


Will that go on the infamous always mentioned permanent record that was the frequent threat in school?

Which leads to the unrelated question of - how permanent is a school permanent record?


Any of us who read the letter from MB recognize that his incarceration was absolutely horrible in so many, basic human ways.

What he’s managed to survive is amazing and a testament to his character.


Wouldn’t it be ironic if they are trying to hold him for his own protection - and not because he is a danger to himself or others, but because they recognize the existential threat to him still exists? IOW, as long as he is at AK, they can protect him from LK’s campaign of terror, but they cannot protect him once he is released. And considering that she already drove him insane one time and appears to not be willing to just “move on with life,” the evidence seems clear that she still intends to “Finish the Bastard.” :thinking:


That’s not what’s being considered, though. The hearing just considers if he is a danger to himself or others, according to the standards outlined in Krol. Many many people are not equipped to handle all the stresses of normal life but are not committed.

Speaking of stresses, there will be a lot on the facility to open up beds for others awaiting services. I’m sure AK doesn’t just have patients from the judicial system waiting for a space. If it looks like MB can be safe enough outside the facility, they may not have much evidence to have him committed, but lots of pressure to recommend release.


This is an exceptionally informative post. Helps clarify key issues behind NJ law. Thank you for your really interesting contributions to this thread.


Excellent post


Being held in jail and later a psych ward is a lot more stressful than the life he led before he was beset upon by his harassers.

I would hope that once he is in Florida he will have security cameras all over the place and a professionally trained Doberman, Airedale Terrier or Rhodesian Ridgeback by his side. Plus a Go-pro on his vehicle, all the legal paperwork filed and orders in place to keep certain parties several hundred feet away. Is his Florida farm located in a gated community?


Yes it is but still has occasional through traffic with realtors, etc.


Completely agree with all of this.

Is there any sort of restraining order with respect to digital harassment? For instance, is it possible to get a legal order that requires her to stop talking about him online.

Let’s be clear
 two sides presented their cases during a criminal trial to a jury of 12 people. MBs attorney made the case that he was clinically insane, and specifically made the case that LKs campaign of harassment pushed an already fragile man over the edge. That is an example of psychological injury. The jury sided with MB and his attorney’s arguments in the criminal case.

In domestic violence cases, restraining orders and no contact orders exist for a reason
 to prevent a known, volatile situation from escalating into violence and tragedy. It seems like if there was some along the lines of a digital restraining order for LK and MB, upon his eventual release, it might also prevent more psychological injury and additional tragedy.

Maybe there is some sort of legal measure that could cover this, and I am just clueless
 because I have never experienced this sort of thing personally.


Oh, of course. But does that mean there is a “no entry, ever” list? Not that sneaking in under the cover of darkness isn’t impossible but if there is a way to limit admittance, that would be great.


Darn, now we need that ninja graphic again!


Possibly MBs team can discuss the need for and show evidence of an RO being applied for (in whichever jurisdiction) upon his release as one of the ways to satisfy the physicians on his case that MB does qualify for release under the Krol standards.

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There should be no problem with getting mutual Orders of Protection. I imagine application would be made to that Florida county’s Supreme Court as there are no other ongoing cases there so lower Criminal Court wouldn’t work.


You’re welcome.

It’s fascinating to me. I live in a state where there is Guilty But Insane, which is so vastly different.


Who was asking about Stefan Krol? He died in February, 1976 and worked as a research chemist at Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital. I’m not terribly surprised he didn’t live much longer - schizophrenia can age you pretty fast and hard and even more so then than now.

Here are a few papers he co-authored:




His wife specialized in biochemistry and worked in the University of Pennsylvania’s pharmacology department.

ETA: He was placed on medical leave in May 1969, checked himself into a psychiatric facility (Ascora), was released, then checked himself into Friends Hospital but checked out again relatively soon. His wife, Rose Mary, was born in England. He was born in Poland. It appears their daughter was born in England. At any rate, they didn’t come to the US until the 1960’s. She may have lived with her uncle, Waclaw (born 1916 - died Jan 2000), after the murder - at least until she graduated high school and went forth in the world.

May she have had a long, mostly happy, relatively successful and calm life since then.


That’s some great research! Thank you!

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I’m already 100 posts behind and am breaking my promise to not respond to CH’s nonsense anymore to say this:

MB has NOTHING to do with what a random bunch of people say on the internet. Putting aside the very salient point that nobody is attacking or harassing or abusing LK by merely discussing her words and actions, the perhaos more important point is that the only person acting on his behalf and posting on his behalf is his girlfriend, via the GFM.

He’s not “at war” with anyone. By all accounts he’s just doing the work to get better and living his life the best he can. Nobody here is “at war” with LK. Describing a discussion amongst a handful of people on a small equestrian themed internet bulletin board as a “war” is LK level hyperbole.

Stop making mountains out of molehills. Nobody cares. LK’s rantings in YT comments are tangentially related to the discussion, insofar as they paint a picture of someone who continues to misstate the truth at every opportunity, which may not work in her favour for the civil case. Time will tell.

Until then, her histrionics and yours are irrelevant.


This. :point_up_2:


On what basis can you possibly jump to that conclusion? I think literally every single person posting here hopes that MB never has a single interaction with LK and her family ever again, in any way, once the lawsuits are over.


Absolutely. I hope everyone involved in this sad sad situation on each side stays far far away from one another.