MB update

I have a Welsh Terrier (same color as the Airedale but smaller and a completely different breed). They are supposedly one of the oldest of the British terrier breeds, originating from the old English Black & Tan Terrier. And were used along with the Black & Tan and the Otterhound to develop the Airedale. Like the Airedale, they are “unique souls.” But I certainly would not recommend them for protection dogs. Although they can be quite territorial and can “flip the terrier switch” with the best of them, they are too small for protection against a determined attacker (Welshies are generally under 25 pounds).

If I was serious about a protection dog, I would go with a Doberman Pinscher or Belgian Malinois. They are tough dogs and quite serious about protecting their “pack” and although they are substantial enough to be a very formidable deterrent, they are not as massive as one of the Mastiff-descendants so are sometimes easier for ladies to manage.

And to stay on topic - does anyone know what kind of dog MB has? Is it at his Florida farm? I can imagine its complete and utter joy when it is finally reunited with MB!


I hope they add it to the file for the civil trial.

At some point, if she sits for a deposition… a decent attorney could have a field day with some of this stuff. Over and over and over.


I have to believe Mr Deininger has someone watching because she still hasn’t learned the damage her posts do to herself as well as others. Certainly posting that kind of stuff on YT under her own name, picture included, and declaring who she is every few posts erases any doubt as to who is doing it as well.

By the time the civil trial gets to court, that 19,000+ social media posts will have multiplied like bunnies.


In the movie in my mind AK goes to the hearing and says “this guy is doing OK and has good private professional support and good friends and family support and frankly………we need the bed”.


I like the movie in your mind a lot better than certain other poster’s movies @ohnoO!


I’m sure they DO need the bed.

Which is sad. But there are some truly broken human beings out there who really don’t have anything in the way of professional support or a family/close friends to help them through a challenge. Add in a lack of economic resources… and… it’s really sad. And sometimes dangerous too.


It will be interesting to see how hard it is for Mr. Deininger to get certain people to sit for a deposition. My guess is there will be lots of excuses and evasions when it comes to scheduling. We will see…


You’re probably right. I imagine the other lawyers involved will meet equal difficulty (SGF, RC). I wonder what happens to a case if the plaintiff is unwilling to cooperate with the attorneys for the parties she’s suing? Can the court dismiss the claim? I may have to look into that, unless someone knows.

Ok, so my brief (and I mean brief) refresher course on the rules of civil procedure tells me that if a party doesn’t comply, the other party (or parties) can file a motion to compel, and the court may order compliance. If they still fail to comply, the opposing parties can seek sanctions. And they can finally ask for a motion to dismiss. (Side note: since attorneys can face sanctions too, depending on the level of non-compliance, there are attorneys who will fire their non-compliant client).


In my “mind movie” therapy helps MB recover the memories of what really happened that day. And certain other parties are charged with the crimes they committed.


Motion to Dism for failure to prosecute; Motion to Dism for failure to comply (to Discovery)


Thank You!!


More like tribbles.


My bet is on her keenly and vigorously asserting her case even at the deposition. And making the defense counsel really work for the answers.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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And now my mind is stuck on the poor paralegal assigned with the task of dealing with the posts.


They’re just looking for Trotto-triticale!




MB was acquitted therefore there was no crime, hence no victim of a crime.

I find your idea that someone or their agents should in any way compel complete strangers to post a certain way or not post their opinions concerning. I hope no one is putting any pressure on you?


Just a quick question: I see lots of references to ‘conditional release’ but just plain release is also an option, correct?

As for the ridiculous ‘remorse’ thing now being pushed: It’s a proven fact from things posted here and elsewhere that the other side at least partially disagrees with the jury’s finding. They are still out there pushing the idea that MB shot at RG and RG is just, literally, faster than a speeding bullet. :roll_eyes: So they think the jury got that point wrong. Otherwise they’d have to be saying, the jury had to first decide if he did or didn’t shot at RG before they could get to the insanity question, they clearly decided he did not, so that’s dispositive of that question: MB was found to have NOT shot at RG. But, that’s not at all what they are saying. They use that lovely little logical walk through of jury deliberation only for the NGRI part of the verdict. Because of course they do. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

In short: they say that moving onto considering mental state = the jury found the MB intentionally shot LK = that’s proof it happened. Using their own logic, the opposite would be true for the RG-related charges, ergo, MB shooting at RG didn’t happen. Yet, they are still out there telling that story, over and over and over again.

I imagine many, including people in MB’s camp, believe the jury got it wrong that he intentionally shot LK. Not that they don’t respect the jury’s process, just that they got that one point wrong, most likely through no fault of their own, since there was almost no forensics to go on. Certainly LK’s civil attorney thinks the jury got it wrong.

Why would MB express remorse over something he cannot remember and the jury may not have been able to accurately determine due to the shocking lack of forensic evidence gathered?

By that reasoning, and if it is felt important that apologies and remorse are expressed based upon the verdict, I assume LK and RG have apologised and expressed remorse for accusing MB of shooting at RG, right? I mean, in line with the twaddle being pushed here, that would also be required based on the verdict, no?


Wow! She does nice work.