MB update

Wow! That’s not a normal trait of the Standard Poodle as far as I know. Most of them are no more protective than the average dog and certainly not bred for protection. They are bred to be retrievers I think.


The woman who owned the farm I boarded at had several poodles. Her male standard poodle was VERY protective, if needed. One time she had been grocery shopping and the guy who brought her groceries out to the car met Tashi. He told me he was never so scared of a dog in his life after seeing Tashi protect that car (grocery guy got to the car before the owner did).


I wouldn’t know, as it’s the only one I have known… but it is seared in my memory because I got the frantic call about broken glass, dog on the loose, and general chaos from the nanny while my boss was in a closed door meeting that I could not interrupt. And I had to hear all about the fallout and drama afterwards. Joy of being a “Hollywood” assistant!


We have a smooth collie, possibly the least protective dog I have ever met. He’s a tri-color with upright ears. For some reason people are afraid of him! Despite the fact that I know he’s barking to invite them in they can let him!


And the BEST episodes were from the original series. They were indeed a bit “out there” for their time but they held such good lessons regarding friendship, loyalty, morality, honor, dedication, ethics, tolerance, etc. So many episodes were almost Shakespearean in their message…


And some were deeply political, or at least interpretable as such.


I have two standard poodles and they are very protective. One of the postal carriers banged on our storm door so hard they reacted, just as they should have reacted with barking and somehow got the storm door open enough to go after him just as he closed the gate to the front fence. As a result our mail is now left in a po box at the road. These dogs are not dangerous or aggressive in the slightest unless they feel their home or persons are threatened. On occasion when we are out walking with them they will both focus on a random person coming toward us and low growl. We always pay attention to this “alert” and either cross the street or remain very aware as the person passes. They seem to sense people they are suspicious of. Ordinarily they are extremely friendly and outgoing when meeting strangers, especially children.

Yes, they were bred as water retrievers but in parts of Europe they are used as police dogs! They are an incredibly intuitive and empathetic breed with high intelligence and trainability.


Beyond a reasonable doubt, she was shot. However, given MB’s lack of memory about the event, coupled with the pathetic manner in which that PD managed forensic evidence, coupled with the fact that the other two witnesses are not only admitted liars and drug addicts but confessed to wanting to “destroy” MB, I am still not convinced that MB intentionally shot her. I am however still of the opinion that the gun discharged while they were wrestling for control of it, and probably while they were beating the living c*** out of him.


I’m not reading all of CH’s word salad that I see quoted in so many responses. All I have to say is that the people I was referencing who disagree with part of the verdict and are pushing the ‘RG was shot at story’ ad nauseam are LK and RG (or “RG”) on various SM platforms.


Apparently the word of the day is delusional.

I don’t think MB is delusional.
Wasn’t it Dr Stache who diagnosed him as delusional? I think he simply does not remember the events of the afternoon of 8/7/19. That isn’t delusion.


THIS ^^ A thousand times this!


Standard Poodles are fantastic dogs! Smart, trainable, joyful, and generally friendly and often quite intuitive about people. And big enough and with a deep enough growl to make folks with ill intent elect to give them a wide berth. And they are so stylish - esp when in a classic Continental or German clip.


Simring and Hasson diagnoses delusions that were specific to what he thought LK and RG were going to do (kill/harm/take away MHG’s kids) and then SS was called and CPS showed up. And MB found a search from LK’s computer that was included in discovery about how they were searching for MHG’s kids locations (presumable after they left the farm but before CPS could show up). They also diagnosed amnesia that was induced by entering the delusional state and probably not helped by the beating.

It was Stache that didn’t think MB was delusional because it was all real actions taken against him and he should be afraid. He also though MB was faking not remembering.


Somehow this sparked one of my favorite memories from one of my darkest times. When my dad was dying of cancer, we had his meds delivered to our house. His fiancée had a small, barky, bitey dog (I think it was a shih tzu or similar), and one day the delivery guy comes. I opened the door to accept the delivery and Lācis goes right between my legs and after the delivery guy. I will NEVER forget the look on the guy’s face as he ran for the courtyard gate with Lācis tearing after him. He got to the gate and slammed it behind him just in time. I think he pooped himself.

Until shortly before this incident, I was also terrified of Lācis, especially outside of the house. One time he got out in the front yard (outside the courtyard) when fiancée was at hospital, and for the life of us, we couldn’t get him back in because he would go after us when we tried to catch him. There were probably 5-10 of us 20-something girls trying to herd him and shrieking when he would turn on us.

All that changed for me when I contracted a mosquito abatement company to take care of the pool and koi pond (dad had let things go to a level the county deemed a health hazard). The pool was a milky mint color with all the abatement chemicals (that were so bad when applied that they choked us inside the house with windows closed!), and I was gardening and heard a “ploop” noise. I turn around and see bubbles in the opaque, green water. A second later, Lācis pops up in a panic. He swam to the side, and I scooped him up and hosed out his eyes (and hosed down the rest of him, of course). Never came at me again.


And with all the references to terriers and tribbles, I am compelled to confess that I often refer to my Welsh Terrier as a cross between a Tasmanian Devil and a Tribble.

Here she is, not quite sure which side of her heritage she wants to portray. :laughing:

[Edited to fix a spelling error - oops!]


@DownYonder that photo is amazing! Thank you for sharing it.


It is interesting to focus a little bit extra on this particular issue.

One argument that a few posters on YT and COTH seem to be pushing is that the jury found MB not guilty with respect to the charges pertaining to RG because the prosecution failed to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that MB was aiming for RG. Or something along those lines.

But… I watched the same trial, and to me, it wasn’t clear at all that any shots were actually fired at RG. I think there was A LOT of reasonable doubt that the gun was fired more than twice. And THAT is why the jury found MB not guilty on both charges related to RG.

Maybe one of the jurors will speak out on 48 hours and clarify what was actually in their minds when it came to the straight NG verdict on the RG charges.

Here’s the other nuance to ponder when considering this… if you believe that MB never even fired a third shot - at RG or just accidentally - then you also believe that BOTH RG and LK lied about this key issue (a third shot being fired). And that’s actually VERY serious. If they were willing to lie about that one key detail of what transpired that day (that a 3rd shot was fired), and that detail was a linchpin when it came to charges of the attempted murder of RG… what else might they have lied about?


That’s some serious side eye from your lovely dog on the left @eggbutt! Beautiful dogs


Ah, thanks. That is her classic bedtime “let’s play” pose. :smiley:


:grin: yes, Elvis is the master of side eye while Radar is always happy go lucky. Thank you!