MB update

OMG. A poodle named Elvis. That’s hilarious.


Shepherds were brought up so I must go down that rabbit hole.

Here is my second best protection dog, a GSD from K9/schultzhund/IPO lines. He is a crackhead for work and if you could zoom in, you’d see his pupils are the size of quarters from the sheer ecstasy of being commanded to “platz” and “pass auf” (down and guard, for the pic of course).

He is temperamentally as formidable as the corso but the corso has about 50 pounds on him. Hard to compete with a linebacker:

This is a Belgian I rehabilitated and a white shepherd, affectionately known as Hannibal & Lector at the time. I get a lot of dogs with behavioral issues so I use basket muzzles to keep everyone safe until they are trustworthy. Fava beans, anyone??

And if you would like to know who keeps these heathens in line, allow me to introduce Mr. Kitty, the biggest badarse on the property. He doesn’t flinch and licks his paws in the face of these mere mortals.


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


The other thing that catches me on the jury’s thinking is they didn’t even bite on the lesser included charge of agg assault towards RG. Here’s NJ definition of agg assault. He didn’t even have to fire the gun to be found guilty of that charge in relation to RG.

“An aggravated assault occurs when either serious bodily injury to another is caused, any bodily injury is attempted or purposely, recklessly or knowingly caused with the use of a deadly weapon, or when a defendant points a firearm in the direction of another individual.”

So, take that for what it’s worth.

Also of note, RG never sued MB for his barter work, his injuries, nothing. That speaks loudly to me, even if it didn’t to the jury, although Mr B did ask him about that.


Nail meet head.

I don’t believe that he shot at RG. As for the rest of it? I am agnostic when it comes to belief about what happened that day. I don’t believe that he shot LK in self defense or in a struggle or that someone else shot OR that he shot the gun at all. I. I don’t believe anything. I. Don’t. Know.

Why? Because there is nothing but the word of an admitted liar and drug addicts to give me anything to go on. There is no forensic evidence to convince me otherwise and there is only the word of unreliable narrators to go on. Therefore, I neither believe that he shot her as described, nor do I believe any other alternative theory. The only thing I don’t believe is that he shot at RG.

But I do understand why others believe alternative theories because of what you cite.


So many gorgeous pets in this thread! Thank you all!


That’s VERY noteworthy. I forgot about the lesser included possibility of agg assault with respect to RG.


PS, if anyone is unfamiliar with Latvian and is curious (probably not) about how to pronounce Lācis, it’s “lahtsee”. It means “bear”. Appropriate for the dog, though whatever the Latvian word for Wolverine is might have been more appropriate.


That Not Guilty speaks to me so much louder than the other ones. The jury sent a clear message regarding RG with that one.


Thank you! I was afraid to ask, lol!


Thank you for the clarification.

You prefaced your comments with “As for the ridiculous ‘remorse’ thing now being pushed …” I was the one who brought up the idea of remorse on this thread yesterday, so I assumed you were responding to me. Has LK talked about remorse on other platforms?

Nevertheless, it was useful for me clear up potential misinterpretations of my posts, even if you weren’t intending to address me. I also think that RG has every right to express his opinion that MB shot at him. It was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt that MB aimed at his head and fired the gun, but it’s definitely possible. It’s possible that RG, who was there, saw the gun pointed at him, believes that MB attempted to kill him, and at the same time understands that there was not enough evidence for the jury to establish that beyond a reasonable doubt. Keep in mind that it’s not just RG, but also the grand jury and the prosecutor who thought there was evidence that MB attempted to murder RG. Not enough evidence to get a verdict of NGRI wrt RG, but enough evidence to charge MB and go to trial.

I would never characterize your posts as “word salad”. I thought your post was a marvel of rhetoric.

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Thank you for this feedback. I’m with you on the whole issue of simply not knowing WTF happened that day.

Here’s the thing about the bolded part… being a known liar when it comes to $hit posting on social media just to trash MB’s reputation, or when it comes to covering up RGs own issues with drug addiction and having “slipped” a few times during the summer of 2019… that’s bad… but not all that uncommon for a lot of low life human beings.

But knowingly lying about material facts of what happened on that afternoon in August of 2019, and in so doing, ensuring that MB gets charged with another count of attempted murder?

That’s pretty specific. A lot of low life, $hit posting drug addicts wouldn’t go there… wouldn’t do something that unethical. But it sure seems like a lot of folks believe both RG and LK did go there.


That’s a valid point.


Re: bolded: That is really, really interesting and I never would have made that connection without you pointing that out.

Could the sentence of NGRI be given without establishing MB fired the gun? Could that sentence be given based on the jury finding MB temporarily insane with no criminal act committed without concluding he fired a weapon?


One if the barns I boarded at had a luscious black pony jumper.
I chimed up that he should be called Velvet Elvis, and so he was.


Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

With that logic, then the same could be said about self defense. There was not enough evidence to prove self defense, but that doesn’t mean self defense did not take place.

And FWIW, I don’t think it’s a crime to mistakenly believe you were shot at. But to lie about it, of course, is. And that’s something I’ll never know the distinction to unless new evidence presents because I simply wasn’t there.


The way the jury was instructed, they could have found him Not Guilty (they did), Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity, or Guilty of the lesser offense as well.

The also could have found him NGRI on just the gun charge related to RG.

They didn’t.


Seems to me MB could sue them for his grievous injuries they (gleefully) admitted to causing according to this.


Yes. It is called jury nullification.

From Wikipedia: “ Some juries have also refused to convict due to their own prejudices in favor of the defendant.[8] Such verdicts are possible because a jury has an absolute and unqualified right to reach any verdict it chooses, although they are usually not told of this right in the process of a trial.”