MB update

Very fearsome!! My border terriers are not great alarm clocks like the sweet one posted up thread. They are the size of a Welsh terrier… or a smooth fox terrier (where my SN smoofox comes from). Tally is the fierce huntress… She Who Will Not Be Denied.

Then we have Flint - also a BT. Flint has not read that he is supposed to be a Very Fearsome Terrier. Flint is He Whose Belly Must be Rubbed… this is a vid of him as a tiny pup… and then wearing his Cone of Shame after being gelded.


It’s all laid out well in his counter-claim to her suit, although he didn’t bother to name RG as a defendant.


It now perplexes me that they didn’t choose the lesser charge.

So was NGRI merely chosen because they thought him temporarily insane? Not sure anyone can answer that not knowing the jury’s thoughts, thinking out loud I suppose.

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Well, there was no evidence that MB fired any gun that day at all. No one actually testified that they tested anyone for GSR on their hands. I think the jury erred but not as badly as they could have.


You forget, they wanted to “finish the ba$tard”.
If it takes lying,… I don’t think its a stretch.


@ekat can correct me if I’m wrong but the grand jury heard only what the prosecution presented - zero evidence was presented (because there was none), strictly the words of the prosecutor based on the accounts by RG, LK and Heymer.


I agree with this.

One point though… Remember the ear witness… ED? Didn’t he say he heard only two loud bangs?

And then there’s the issue of the shell casings…

Anyway, it seems like there was more than one point of evidence that only two shots were fired.


My mind just exploded from that belly boop! Love love love your dogs


What it tells me is they had a truckload of reasonable doubt that MB ever even pointed a gun in the direction of RG. And considering that over the course of the three days LK and RG were on the stand we heard no less than 5 versions of the event, I can understand that part.

What will be interesting, is what the next jury, in the civil trial, will believe.


Elvis’ show name is Fools Rush In and we’d play Elvis singing that song as we prepared him for the ring! He was always a crowd favorite with the announcer saying “Elvis has left the ring” as we exited! What fun.


Yes, repeatedly. He heard two shots. He was very clear on that point. But again, MB didn’t have to fire the gun to get hung up with the agg assault charge. He didn’t have to aim. He only had to point it in the direction of RG. And here we have a big, fat not guilty.

Edit to clarify DIDN’T have to aim.


This. It speaks volumes.

I also thought the testimony of the lady who worked for the town in permitting (or something similar), and had known MB for years, and was there at the property when the building inspector came out, etc… I can’t quite remember the details, but you will recollect that witness…

The way she described RG, and how he “didn’t fit” - I found that quite chilling and powerful. I wonder if the jury did as well. I wonder what sort of vibes they picked up from RG while sharing space with him in the courtroom.


That is freaking awesome!


I have been trying to not reply to you for my own sanity. BUT… I think it’s awfully rich of you to say that another poster’s post was a “marvel of rhetoric” when your own posts smack of rhetoric themselves.

Let’s look at a relevant definition of rhetoric:
“language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, but often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.”

You rail against these threads and their references to LK, yet you yourself perpetuate them (and amplify them) by posting numerous lengthy, verbose and frankly, circular arguments and you bring LK up yourself. When called out on these behaviors, you blame others and say you are merely responding to their posts and supposed “abuse”.
You purport to agree with people and then argue with them. You repeat and rehash, ad nauseam, the same arguments to an exhausting degree.

Your posts and language seemed designed to sway others, and yet they instead come across as being insincere, often irrelevant and convoluted.

So, perhaps, rethink your choices when you accuse others of “rhetoric”.

Edited to remove an extraneous comma.


So cute! Aren’t border terriers described in the standard as having “otter heads”? I always thought that was a great image


Real horse people have their dogs gelded :rofl:


Correct. It’s a standing joke that a grand jury will indict a ham sandwich. All you really have to present is the responding officer to get your indictment.


Ahh, yes. Very good point.


Oh, I hear you. That’s my point. There seems to be pretty obvious reason to believe they were willing to lie to leverage the criminal justice system to try and get another charge of attempted murder leveled on the ba$tard. I can only surmise they believed one charge wasn’t enough… they wanted to “finish” him. :woman_shrugging:


Thank you! So, bringing up the thought that a grand jury issued an indictment, and therefore the defendant must be guilty, is BS.