MB update

I almost feel sorry for him too at times.

Then I remember the chilling way the lady fr the town spoke about him when she testified

And then I also think about the way MB was beaten that day.

And if I look at the radio silence from LK about the attempted murder of her beloved from a DIFFERENT angle… I begin to suspect they have a very specific sort of relationship. That is not particularly loving. Not at all.

The family did seem sort of friendly towards him in some photos while they all sat together in the courtroom… I wonder if some of the K family feel sorry for RG?

Huh. Hard to know what to make of it.

I do wonder what angle Deininger will take when deposing RG. THAT might be quite interesting…


Yes. Yes indeed.


RG wouldn’t be a party in a civil suit because he has no assets to take and he made it clear in his testimony that he has no real resources to draw upon for living, except whatever money LK doles to him from her father’s doles to her. He did have legal representation when he was residing in NJ - whether or not that was paid for by his family or LK’s is anyone’s guess - and seems to have been under the same protective shield as LK was, given that he was allowed to walk on many of his criminal charges.


LOL. A second definition does not make it a lesser definition if it fits.

And it’s hard to believe that you are sincere (given your phrasing) in implying that you didn’t use “rhetoric”, whatever the definition, in any way that wasn’t pejorative towards the other poster. If you thought she was so persuasive, why dismantle her writing style at all?

As for word salad, I did not lob the phrase at you so I cannot comment on the intent. I did, however, use the words “convoluted” and “verbose”.

In my opinion, since it appears you have asked for it, both of those features can contribute to a perception that one’s arguments consist of “word salad.” It isn’t a positive thing, but it is also not an unwarranted insult. I don’t find it particularly upsetting, but I also wouldn’t be pleased if someone directed that phrase towards me. That said, assuming their point was valid, I wouldn’t decry it as an insult publicly, but instead I would examine my own word choice and my own skills in forming a coherent argument and in persuasion and examine where they may be lacking.

I have previously said to you that if your words aren’t coming across the way you intend, then perhaps you should rethink the words you use and how you structure them. If the perception is that your words are incoherent or convoluted or tend towards verbosity (and thus lose people), and you find that upsetting… then perhaps rethink the way you frame your arguments.

I myself am verbose, but I do try to stitch my words and thoughts together in a cohesive and logical enough manner that others - whether or not they agree with me - can follow along and understand clearly where I am coming from.


I have trouble believing your soliciting of my opinion is genuine. I’ve stated several times what my position is on the straight NG verdict on RG.

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Speaking of the civil trial, I assume the recent fixation on calling for MB to make a statement of remorse has to do with “strategy” for the civil trial. I suspect the NGRI verdict is weak and they want a statement from MB or his agents in order to more firmly peg blame in asking for damages.


That all stopped for me when he testified to “slipping up a few times” “not at the facility” that summer. The wording of the facility is so specific, and slipping up a few times is code for, I’m in active addiction, pretending otherwise. Please believe me.

He chooses his path. Maybe some day he’ll decide on actual sobriety.


I doubt it makes a difference but I am genuinely curious as to why nothing has been said about RG. He was supposedly shot at and victim to MB’s horrible treatment. It seems unusual that KK, LK and you have been totally silent regarding RG’s alleged injustice.




But back in August of 2019, when MB wanted to evict both LK and RG… JK paid ED (a lawyer who specializes in real estate and landlord tenant issues) to represent LK, and LK only. They went over that at trial.

I found that really interesting, since they were claiming that RG was her fiancé at that time.

Also, I believe there was testimony that when LK first came to train with MB in summer of 2018, and lived at the farm in NJ, that JK initially was hoping it would only be LK and the horses living and training there. And that this was discussed between JK and MB. But somehow, RG found his way to NJ with LK.

Anyways… it seems JK wasn’t exactly RGs biggest supporter along the way…


When I used the word “rhetoric”, why did your mind go to the second definition? Do you think that’s the definition “that fits” in this context?

No, it was FitzE who used the term “word salad” to describe my posts, despite her claims that she is not reading them.

I know this has been hashed and rehashed, but we are in the midst of a heat wave and I cannot recall. Aside from medical bills, what does a person with no discernible employment history stand to gain in terms of damages? I know that in, say, medical malpractice or police brutality or civil rights cases, you can get millions in damages. But, in this case, where he was acquitted in a court of law on criminal charges and where she is seemingly post-incident riding at the same level as she was prior, and is as unemployed as she ever was… what damages is she due? Could she claim pain and suffering?


I’m being polite and attempting to engage in productive discussion, and include you. What does it matter how genuine or sincere it all is, so long as we remain polite?

And refresh me of your position on RG, if you don’t mind. There has been so much said on these threads by so many people, I can’t keep stuff straight anymore. That’s the truth. I don’t want to misstate your position on him.


Well, I believe we’ve been told the expected outcome is an insurance settlement of some sort.


I suspect the lack of support for RG is he told a story that was off the cuff and once told had to be used as the reality of the events. Of course LK spews her praise for his grand leap to protect her from harm, yadda-yadda, but it was from the second Heymer arrived that the plan went off the rails with RG’s admission it was all caught on tape, RG pointing to MB as the shooter, RG running around the yard, around the vehicles, old koi pond, bushes, where ever while running down the well trained Rosie to toss her back inside. Speaking of Rosie, it may just be a matter of how it was stated by Heymer, but I got the impression Rosie was still “nipping” at Barisone and Heymer when RG asked to put her up. If she was right there at Heymer’s feet, why did RG have to run around the property to “catch” her? Heymer testified that RG grabbed Rosie and “took her into the house” and was gone from view for a minute or two (2nd Miranda hearing with Heymer as witness). So, how and when did the story change that Rosie was running around and RG was chasing her to catch her? I question what else RG may have done as he scampered around the property all by himself before finally being detained.

I also wonder why none of the police testified to interviewing MB ever. They read him his rights and then listened to his utterances as admissions of guilt, but he was not officially questioned at any time, was he? Of course if he was officially questioned it would have been long after RG had emphatically told his story several times to his cop buddies. Barisone was drugged and incoherent for many hours giving quite a bit of time for the story to be set in stone.

And still the question, what was the real reason RG & JK went to the farm the next day.

The criminal trial is obviously over. Hopefully light will be shed on many of these questions down the road and truth might evolve.

  1. Because I do not believe that you sincerely didn’t intend to use the word “rhetoric” in any manner that could be construed as positive. Also because in today’s day and age the latter definition is more commonly used in the vernacular.

  2. I am aware of who used the term. What does the “No, it was…” refer to? That you didn’t want my opinion? You asked me a question. I answered it.


Yes, I recall this, too. I think this was the beginning of things falling apart because the agreement was for LK and 1 horse. This also made me believe ill intent was established at the beginning.

The major red flag for me regarding RG was when he, as a Marine, said he was unfamiliar with guns. Unless he got kicked out in boot camp, this is just impossible. For those that aren’t aware, USMC is the only branch of service where every service member must qualify as a rifleman. It goes against everything the USMC stands for. My husband who is a retired Marine heard that in his testimony and it at least gave him a good laugh.


Hmmmm, one does not need to read word salad to recognize word salad.


Well, that is a question, isn’t it? She has no discernible income now or then, so claiming loss of income is a stretch. I can’t speak to her riding history as well as others.

Mostly, she’s left with pain and suffering. And MB only has to prove, with a preponderance of the evidence that she failed to mitigate her damages and was equally responsible for her injuries. It will be very interesting, indeed.


I think she is claiming pain and suffering… or something along those lines.

She does seem to be hoping for some sort of liability payout from SGF’s policy.

One thought though… MB does have to pay attorneys to defend against the lawsuit. Even if LK nets little in the way of a payout for herself in terms of damages, if he has to pay her attorneys fees as well as his own… that alone could be substantial. And further break him, financially.