MB update

It’s so nice to hope.


Thank you! I think in other situations (wherein the “victim” did not either contribute or stand their ground or both), pain and suffering might be more plausible. Interesting to see the outcome, indeed!

Edited: “victim” or “plaintiff” or whatever. Not a lawyer!


Unless he wins, including attorney fees.


Wow. I haven’t paid any attention to what was testified to in hearings prior to trial. The way you laid this out is really interesting.

Deininger has a lot to explore, I think. Very interesting.


I’m right there with you.


I honestly believe the Kanareks are going to wake up and take a hard look at all that will be laid out in full display and drop their suits. In the court of public opinion they have already lost with almost none of the ugliness or active participants seeing the light of day.


COMPLETELY. I fixated on this quite a bit in other threads. I’m still g to know what RGs actual service record did, or didn’t, involve.


I believe you may be right. But they would have to convince MB to also withdraw his counterclaim.


Would it make sense to include someone in a civil suit if they have no assets to speak of?


Me, too!

That deceptive statement was the entire reason I became so interested in this case. I immediately knew there was more to this. My first post on COTH was trying to figure out RG’s age and when he could have joined because with him being older, this would have been especially untrue with everything going on in Iraq and Afghanistan. Back in the mid 2000s and so on, Marines we’re gearing up for deployment and actual wartime. It is around the time of my husbands 3 tours. That alone makes the statement even more absurd.


Ooooh. That’s interesting about convincing him to also withdraw his counterclaim.

I guess they could proactively offer him a settlement relative to his counterclaim to make it all go away? Not that they will. But it is a thought. Offer him something for attorneys fees. And then everyone walks away, restraining orders all around remain in place, and everyone goes on with life. No more legal fights.


No, of course it wouldn’t. But that point was part of a broader observation.

However, when it comes to the civil suit, it sure will make sense to have a lot of discovery focus on RG and his role in this whole mess.


It would make a heck of a lot of sense to try to offer a settlement and just walk away from the civil suit.

But at this point, I think Mb’s case is very strong. He has a suffered a great deal from this and I can’t say that if I were in his position, I’d walk away at this point.

Sadly, I think entitlement, victim mentality and refusal to take any responsibility will prevent the K’s from withdrawing.


There is no evidence that RG ever completed basic USMC training after the 7th week (isn’t that when they receive their dress blues?). There is an old photo that has been seen of him in USMC dress blues but no other evidence. I’d love to see the DD-214. My military family doesn’t take lightly anyone saying they served when they didn’t so I am a bit obsessive about it.

Edit to correct DD-214


The police statements will be very interesting. There have been claims RC made multiple contradicting statements to police. I know the early news reports citing police sources said RG saw MB brandishing the gun through a window. And of course the whole “seven minutes” and what happened there…


Can anyone give just a ballpark idea of what attorneys’ fees might add up to for civil suits like this?


I’d ballpark at least 500k so far for MB.


Wow. Thanks. :hushed:

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NJ law states that if the counterclaim could stand on its own, absent the plaintiff’s claim, then all parties have to agree to withdraw in order for the court to allow it to be dropped. The way his counter is written could stand on its own merit, so, yes, it is an interesting thought.


Deininger should ask RG about this when he deposes him!!! Ask about whether or not he finished boot camp, if he did and was discharged later, what were the terms, etc. And then ask again if RG claimed to be a Marine when testifying at trial.

To quite a lot of people, these sorts of details are actually a pretty big deal. If you never finished boot camp, or you got something other than an honorable discharge of the military… you just shouldn’t talk about your military service history. Period.