MB update

Heck, we’ll even take cute cat photos.


It’s crazy, isn’t it? In my state, they impanel more jury members than they need, and only require a quorum to even be present (in case of emergencies) and then they only need the majority of the present members to indict. And this is why ham sandwiches are doomed.


This is also what I have wondered.

That the NGRI was a compromise verdict to avoid a hung jury.


Ham sandwiches should go to jail. But tuna fish sandwiches need life without parole…


I have a lot of wild stories from my grand jury duty, but the one that sticks out the most was one where the commonwealth attorney came in and told the story of a young woman who wanted to charges brought for assault against someone who had picked her up hitchhiking, they had an altercation, and he beat her, badly.

There were photos from the ER showing the lacerations and bruises, there was no question it was assault and we all voted for the true bill.

But it was the commonwealth’s attorney describing the victim “Look, we all know that at some point this girl’s body is going to end up in a landfill” that shook me.


No that’s post 574 by KM.

Oh man, that’s harsh!


Where does a meatball sandwich rank? Just curious. For me, they’re kind of on probation.

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Community service for inflicting indigestion on their consumers.


:rofl: oh, so true.

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I’ll admit as soon as I start seeing Blah, Blah, Blah… I scroll on by.


Yes. This.

The attorneys in my family tree have schooled me thoroughly never to apologize at an accident scene, in direct opposition to the social contract that says you say “I’m sorry” when someone is hurt or inconvenienced; BECAUSE it will later be construed as an admission of guilt.

Same with responding to “Are you okay?” with “I’m fine” which is firmly enshrined in the social contract, especially among equestrians who have recently parted company with their beloved equines.

One of these family members was a pedestrian struck in a crosswalk by a red light runner, and when the truck driver ran up to him to ask him if was okay, he responded “Of course I’m not okay! You hit me with a truck! You ran the light!” In front of the people who witnessed the accident.


I hope that is the case but given LK’s complete obsession with self-aggrandizement, it would not surprise me one bit if she REFUSES to drop her lawsuit. She has proven time and again that she doesn’t take sound legal advice if it doesn’t agree with her - ahem, agenda.

So if she refuses to drop it and MB prevails, what recourse does he have against her? She is an unemployed adult with no tangible assets that can be attached. And although she said the money JK gives her is “hers,” it sounds as though it may be in a protected trust so MB may have a very, very difficult time collecting on the judgment. And I would be hugely surprised if any of the other members of the K-Klan help her financially in this regard.

It’s really sad and disturbing to think that even if MB “wins” the civil cases, he may come away with nothing other than vindication. :frowning_face:


It was probably accurate, but it still smacked me upside the head about the difference between a grand jury and an actual jury.

The victim led a risky lifestyle and made a lot of bad life choices; but she did not deserve the beat down that she was given.

I found it odd that the prosecution wanted to make the lifestyle/bad life choices clear to us as if that somehow mitigated the beat down. :neutral_face:


This is post number 570 for me. Regardless, I assume you are referring to this post?

If this is the correct post, this post is regarding remorse and that there was not enough evidence to establish MB shot at RG. This still does not answer why there hasn’t been any discussion surrounding RG.

ETA: I’m really not trying to bait you or be argumentative. I am legitimately curious.


Was he her fiance before August 7th?
Meaning, was there any social media anything about them being engaged prior?


From Merriam Webster:
How are dictionary definitions ordered?

The order of the definitions may not mean what you think

The one thing you should remember, however, is that the first sense presented to you is not, as is commonly assumed, the most ‘important,’ or ‘correct’ meaning . Some senses may be archaic, slang, or rare, but none are better than the others.


These can’t be obtained with a FOIA?

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Or if you did complete it, and therefore DO know something about guns…


That might still have some value for him. I still remember the hearing when he appeared via zoom from the jail, and the thing he said that stood out to me the most about the upcoming trial was, “I welcome the media!”