MB update

Well, yes. It’s common practice that no person or entity potentially facing a civil suit ever apologizes in a way that accepts responsibility and liability for the event because that could really make them lose the suit. That’s why corporate statements of this ilk are often so vague.

And honestly about this verdict. It isn’t what either party would have wanted but it looks fair to most non involved observers. There is about zero value in trying to rehash it as if just going on about it will actually change anything.

However, it’s common enough for various cases to attract fabulists and conspiracy theorists and grandstanders for years afterwards, and it’s not unknown for these to include people involved in the case. Unless you can mount an appeal (my grandfather was innocent!) it’s just background noise. I agree it is a very bad look for this particular juncture of the civil trial for LK to be carrying on in this way online, because it makes her look craycray. But the only person being damaged is LK.


Are they paying her lawyers? Or are they working on contingency?

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Somebody did an informative post a few threads ago about how there often are partial contingency arrangements for various situations. Something along the lines of a flat fee, plus hourly fees for research, plus a contingency agreement.

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Based on the trial, with the inept LE response and investigation, the lack of credibility of the “victims”, missing video, etc……If I had been on the jury, we’d still be hung. There is no way I could have voted other than flat out not guilty. Too many questions not answered.

But, I wasn’t there and have no idea what the judge’s instructions were


And one of the posters on this thread and the previous one consistently referred to RG as a “hero” who had saved at least three lives that day. :roll_eyes:

So why would anyone repeatedly push a narrative about what a “hero” RG was? Methinks it had to be someone with a very personal interest in convincing certain parties that RG was “earning his keep.” :thinking:


I’ve never seen a dual-colored poodle before. Very striking. They’re both beautiful!


Yes, that is post 572. To check the exact post number, click “edit” on your own post containing the quote of mine. Right there in the header of the quote from my post it’ll say “CurrentlyHorseless, post:572”.

Likewise, if you click edit on your post quoting KM, the quote header will say “post 574”.

To check a post number, you can also click on the time stamp, such as “9 hours”. The system will return both the exact time and the exact post number.

It’s very odd that the numbers would be different for you. Perhaps you could post a screen shot?

You’ll see the initials RG come up numerous times, between FitzEs post and my response. Why do you say there has been no discussion of RG?


Well he began his opening statement by saying she was unlikable.


So true. Which makes any suggestion that he do so smack of either a complete failure to grasp the legal issues being discussed here, or an attempt to manipulate a party into doing something against their own interests.

Either way, badly done, and absolutely no value added to the discussion.


I was not privy to every piece of evidence the jury most likely was privy to but in accordance with the presumption of innocent until proven guilty I would have voted straight NG due to lack of forensics to even show MB pulled the trigger.

And even if he did pull the trigger I’d have to be shown how it wasn’t self defense because the couple involved certainly proved themselves the aggressors.

The lack of credibility of the prosecution witness would have cemented my position.


Agreed! I’d still be in the room with my hand raised saying “but there isn’t any evidence he shot her!”


Well you zeroed right in on that, and cut through the BS. Chapeau.


Right? And then add the testimony to bashing MB. I don’t for a minute believe that a tiny woman can get shot twice and THEN go and bash him in the head with the phone. Clearly the bashing came first and THAT makes it self defense if not the unplanned firing of a wrestled for weapon.

There was ZERO beyond a reasonable doubt which is why I called NG all along.

FINISH THE BASTARD is all the intent I need to hear.

And I say all this based on my decades in the world of vacuuming and law and trials I’ve witnessed and the study of law that I’ve done.


Me too!! And with a different judge and a different level of relevant evidence, the civil jury may just learn things that cement that position for me. Things that were ruled inadmissible in the criminal trial just may come into play in the civil trial.

In the criminal trial, LK’s actions weren’t on trial. But in the civil trial, her actions, duties and any possible negligence, prior bad acts, etc will be front and center.


So…depending on what comes out…could judge Taylor/the prosecution/the police face some kind of liability?


If the case is televised and there is public outcry the police especially are in a very vulnerable and actionable position IMHO.

Prosecutor is most likely safe. The judge may or may not suffer privately with court system internal review.


[quote=“Knights_Mom, post:820, topic:774547, full:true”]

MBs lawsuit against the police… is it totally dead? Or was it dismissed in such a way that he can revive it later?


I tend to agree that the police are the most vulnerable here. By all accounts, once they got LK medivac’d or whatever, they did nothing as far as investigation goes, and that’s pretty pathetic.


Plus their lawyer just happened to be on the call during the event?!


He can refile it, I think as long as statute of limitations doesn’t come up. It’s been a while since I looked at it though.