MB update

Yes. That’s what I posted earlier. I don’t know the specifics of NJ law but not only could you try reopening on the original charge you could maybe try malfeasance or maybe some sort of negligence (of duty).

The civil judge won’t be Judge Taylor the criminal judge. It could be the same civil judge if they utilize an IAS system where judges and parties stay together.


This happens a lot, especially in smaller jurisdictions with a limited number of judges in the bench. It’s not an inherent conflict to preside over a new or different action filed by parties to a previous action.


Thank you @Knights_Mom & @ekat!


Okay, thank you, I appreciate that. When I checked in the edit screen, the post did say 572. However, the post count in the lower right corner of my phone screen said 570, I believe.

My question was: there has been a great deal of conversation regarding alleged abuse or harassment of LK on the forums and/or online, but none stating RG has endured such abuse and/or bullying. I have seen these statements with LKs, KKs, and your posts (concerning the harassment and/or bullying of LK). With all the discussions surrounding RG, and even the potential for some to believe RG was shot at, just not proven, why hasn’t there been any discussion about the alleged harassment or bullying RG has received? Why is it solely about LK?


Maybe because RG isn’t actively putting his name to a screen name and threatening posters so people leave him mostly alone except with comments about being kept, drug use and failed Marinedom


I think this is my favorite post of yours. Very clear. Agree.

But why doesn’t CH feel the same passion for defending him?

That’s the question.


I too would like to hear CHs answer to that question.


Wait, so Judge Taylor will be the judge for the civil suit?

No, the judge for the civil suit was also the judge for the police suit.


Those poor ham sandwiches. They get such a bad rap.


Oh, LOL. Ok, thanks. Looking forward to a different judge, no disrespect to Taylor.


Hut-Ho’s back everyone!!!

It’s officially a party



I feel the same. No disrespect to Judge T. But it will be interesting to see a different judge with Mr Deininger taking lead. He presents so differently from Mr Bilinkas. No disrespect to Mr B, either. I have a professional crush on him and his lawyering, lol.


I know it’s hard to imagine that someone in the elderly illegal mob is in their productive years, but I’m preggo and man, I really miss sandwich meat. Even before this thread.


Well, considering those sandwiches are all getting into trouble, you’re better off without them!


Ok - this quoted portion actually came from @CurrentlyHorseless long post…

Let’s be clear… there was a SEMI TRUCKLOAD of reasonable doubt that the third shot even happened…

Why not assume that the jury thought the same thing, hence their straight NG verdict on both charges related to RG?

Why all this parsing of details about which way MB did or didn’t aim, in the hypothetical world where the jury actually believed that a 3rd shot occurred?


No. You are the one who is mistaken. Guilty but insane can have criminal incarceration. MB is Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity (NGRI). Facing a hearing for being committed to an institution for his own safety or others has nothing to do with being found Guilty but Insane or Not Guilty. The one means prison, the latter means he walks out of court a free man (upon processing). The NGRI means the jury believes he shot LK twice with the Ruger but was not responsible because he was insane during the act, delusional, not guilty, and not criminally liable. That did not mean he was able to walk out a free man. It means he has to be administratively committed for evaluation for his own safety and that of others and that until he demonstrates he is sane and no longer a danger to himself or others, he will continue to stay institutionalized and will undergo mandatory re-evaluations to protect his rights.

I agree with the jury and the verdict. Not only that, it is the only verdict that protects LK and gives all parties a chance to heal and rebuild their lives. It’s up to them what they do with it.

Not Guilty-walks out a free man.
Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity-held until deemed no longer a threat to self or others, may have conditional release-no criminal liability.
Guilty but Insane-prison with mandated psychiatric care.

Here is a link that explains Guilty but Insane and the differences from that to Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity or the simple Not Guilty.

Mr. B seems like a confident, charismatic man. I think he’d be great to have a beer with. I’d really like to hear some of his stories, I bet he has some good ones.


Unnecessary and senseless bickering.