MB update

And the grifters get away with essentially “defrauding” MB and SGF, etc.

It’s like those people who repeatedly fake “slip and fall” incidents and then sue the entity owning/leasing/managing the property where said incident supposedly took place. The insurance company offers a settlement to avoid the hassle and expense of a trial, the grifters take the payout and then do the same thing again some time later, against a different entity and usually in a different city or state. Luckily the advent of claim databases and data sharing from state to state has made it harder and harder to do this repeatedly.


Where is that? It’s hard to find anything on YT given the need to open all the replies under individual postings.


I think it’s important to note for anyone else reading this thread, that suit was specifically about the division of assets of SGF, in order to dissolve the LLC. It wasn’t SGF suing MB over the shooting or liability in that.

But yes, there is some interesting stuff in there.


It was buried in the comments of this YT clip. There’s a lot of interesting comments in here. Also, true to form, she’s been going back and editing or deleting, and YT has no QFP ability, lol.


Indeed, Eggbutt, he would have been found straight GUILTY if not for the second phase in which he was found to be not legally responsible for shooting her due to insanity.

Once the jury determined that, beyond a reasonable doubt, he shot her (not in self defense), at that point the only two possible outcomes were Guilty and NGRI, depending on the determination on sanity.

I know you are still clinging to the fantasy of self defense, but in terms of the actual jury that tried (past tense) the case, he was not acquitted based on self defense.

I think everyone understands this, Eggbutt.

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Definitely. Good point of clarification.

It definitely is interesting to read some of the filings though, and consider a few recent points that have been made about triangulation, octupuses, etc. Someone tried to get tentacles all up into this situation, as assets were divided and what to do with the property was sorted out.

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I guess you’re going to ignore the questions several posters have asked you.

You made a post stating that it was still possible RG was shot at, there just wasn’t evidence to prove it.

With the same logic, self defense could have been used, there just wasn’t enough evidence to prove it.

Maybe apply the same logic instead of manipulating things to fit a narrative.


I have no inside knowledge on the subject, but…

Some seeds are not viable. No matter how much fertilizer is piled on them.


Beautiful dog. He looks like he has hooves - well oiled ones. Does he have something on his paws?

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If people are being so insulting to you with things like “word salad,” why don’t you just flag the posts and have them removed, like you did to mine? I was asking a real question. But I will say that I am truly enjoying all the lovely dogs. I’m glad I came back to read this morning. I wish I had a cool dog pic to post, but I’m not good at it.

I kind of wish we could go back to the MB update and get away from the old, old, million times rehashed back and forth about NGRI, NG, trial outcome, etc. I have not visited YT to look at comments from certain posters. I have zero interest in what they have to say.


Any lawyer worth anything would likely assume there should be an indemnification clause.

There are so many random seeds planted by that person that by now it looks like an untended weed pile so I doubt the public is too worried about any individual plant.


Any lawyer worth anything would also not likely go on TV and call a jury insane. :wink:


:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :rofl:


Some of y’all really are like a broken record. The rest of us understand exactly what the verdict was and means and have long ago moved on. But you keep being you, mkay?

Still avoiding the questions about lack of support for RG though, right?


You are so very right on that one!

So interesting that someone who has a top 10 blue chip law firm on speed dial available to answer any legal question they might have at any time would be willing to hire a lawyer of the caliber that thinks going on TV and calling a jury insane is the right way to deal with things.


Even ED said, after the verdict, that the verdict caught him off guard at first, but he could understand it after thinking about it. That was a far more appropriate statement.

But this guy? Said the verdict was the worst travesty of justice since OJ, after calling the jury insane. Perhaps he’s just the perfect lawyer for LK and her family.


The way she goes off on people and lectures them with her superior legal expertise… insults them… accuses them of being alters when she indulges in that herself…

There are posts on YT where she is chattering away about herself in the third person - I think she just forgot to change accounts/identities. She even insists that she could not be Bob Abooey (sp?) as when he was posting, she was in court or on the stand… then Bob’s posts all magically disappeared when she was called out about him a while back.

I did not watch all of the trial when it was going on - and have now gone back to review some parts.
LK and good ol’ Rob got up there on the stand and sank their own ship… and seem to be blissfully oblivious of that fact. :roll_eyes:

Can no one who cares for her make her see that she is just shooting herself in the foot by posting like that? Or maybe they have tried - and no longer care. The saddest part is that she is absolutely sure she is smarter than everyone else…

ETA: Oh yeah - and be prepared for the audio tapes to come that will change everything - or so she continues to claim…


Thank you for the clarification.

As I now understand you, if he shot her while delusional and there was no basis for claiming that the delusional state or diminished capacity was at least partially caused by her actions, then the finding that he was acting under diminished capacity would not shield him from civil liability. If he can establish that her actions at least partly were responsible for his diminished capacity, then LK failed to mitigate her damages.

It is difficult for me to imagine the defense having “an ace up their sleeve regarding self-defense”, but I can see that if he established that it was self defense he’d avoid civil liability.

The “narrative” being pushed here is that the “plot to destroy MB” was perpetrated by LK, RG, and JK. Since RG and JK are not parties to the suit, MB is countersuing just LK. But RG is the one who was involved in the renovations and called the BI and the one who MB will need to accuse of attacking him in a self defense claim. How can MB counter sue LK if he’s trying to claim that he shot her in self defense in an attack started by RG, when RG is not a party to the suit in any way?

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What’s the old saying? Water always seeks its level.

That probably applies to some other liquids as well.


She goes on and on and on about her legal expertise while being so very, very wrong to the point she appears to be just making things up, because even a basic Google search would set her right., but she sure can insult a three month old poster with her “knowledge”.

The 3rd person posts are so creepy that they have to be because she forgot to switch accounts.

I feel like there has to be someone who has tried to rein her in and failed. She’s thrown out stuff in the last few days that could really hurt, if not sink, her civil case. She learned absolutely nothing from the criminal trial, so why would she listen to anyone now? She is by far her own worst enemy.


I love that!