MB update

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

You cannot make this statement with any seriousness when there is ZERO forensic evidence and the ONLY thing produced was the testimony of two lying self admitted drug addicts with extensive arrest histories in multiple states. In the absence of the insanity defense MB would have been able to aid in his own defense as self defense as a pleading would still be in effect. And based on sheer numbers of posters here and on YT there never would be a guilty verdict. There wasnā€™t even a guilty verdict now.

Your droning on about this accomplishes nothing. The State didnā€™t prove their case at all with RG nor with LK except the jury wanting MB to be further helped or evaluated.

Had the State proved its case valid there wouldnā€™t be any straight NGs. Had self defense been allowed it would have been NG all around.

Thatā€™s because there isnā€™t a jury in the world who would believe a 100 lb druggie female would be able to bash a man bloody after being shot TWICE CENTER MASS in the chest.


Have you read the suit? The questions you have are all answered very nicely by Mr D in the counter claim.


Like this:

Did she spend a lot of time under oath during the criminal trial denying she called SS or saying she ā€œdidnā€™t recall?ā€


I wonder if it has been considered that RG might eventually get tired of being odd man out? Heā€™s the one who has filthy hands in this situation but was, apparently, not included in legal representation (meeting with ED). It has always been puzzling what he gets out of his relationship with the Kanarek family. I donā€™t know the guy - Iā€™m simply putting pieces together causing questions to arise. It is an interesting and confounding relationship for sure.


That may be the source of the YT excisions, someone getting onto her account and editing for her.


Exactly. She has claimed repeatedly that she ā€œdidnā€™t recallā€, or that thereā€™s this great conspiracy going back months, all on audio (but according to testimony, they only bought the recorders a few days before the hearing) (but she has months of recordings) and the recordings are going to prove this great conspiracy started by MHG.

Andā€¦she didnā€™t report him, but she might have reported him the day before the shooting. If she reported him the day before the shooting, how does that square with a months long conspiracy?

See? Her own worst enemy.


Me, too. Until the Krol hearing, there is only speculation and bickering to fill the void.


Itā€™s weird that she is replying to posts made 2or 3 months ago. Doesnā€™t she have a life?


She did that here all the timeā€¦


Such as?

I have not looked at any of the YT comments at all.


Iā€™ll bet the nice people at 48 Hours will also be glad to see the end of their involvement in this case.


Really? Why does she have to establish she ā€œplayed no partā€ to win damages?

Wonā€™t the outcome of the trial be something in the form of yes, obviously she was injured, and the responsibility is apportioned as xx% to RC for providing the gun, zz% to MB for shooting her, yy% to SGF for permitting a gun on the premises and for leasing the facility to s trainer with known mental health and anger issues, ww% to LK for failing to mitigate her damages?

There was a recent case in the news in which an 18 year old kid drove his fatherā€™s Tesla into an immovable object at 186 mph, and the parents sued Tesla for the kidā€™s death. Tesla was found 1% responsible and the father was found 10% responsible for not taking the keys away after the son had received a speeding ticket for going 125 mph.

When a jury in a civil trial apportions liability, isnā€™t it extremely rare that the result is 0% or 100%?


I agree! All of it is weird, especially since discovery is supposed to be under way again in her civil suit. Sheā€™s the plaintiff, and sheā€™s torpedoing (sp?) her case with some of this stuff.


Are you serious? Since when is the timeline set by the grifter liars written in stone? LK herself said she was using her phone as a weapon on MBs head and face to the point it was covered in blood.

Personally I believe logic dictates LK jumped MB and then everyone else ganged on. As Iā€™ve personally seen smaller women jump men this is not an impossibility especially for ninja females.

The repair work performed by illegal unlicensed contractor couldnā€™t be actionable as treble damages against RG would have been sanctioned. Thatā€™s why RG isnā€™t named as plaintiff.

The factual story is this: LK and RG were staying at the farm because LK was a horse client of MB. At some point LK was no longer wanted as a client. Instead of leaving as virtually everyone else would, she admittedly engaged in acts, words, deeds and behaviors designed and intended to be punitive and to punish him for not wanting her around anymore.

Everything else stems from this and you can bet your Sweet Grass yet another jury will see that.

All she had to do was leave. And until such time not engage in continued escalations of drama and histrionics.


I had some time to kill and went through a few of the YT comments. Here was one that really proves her level of arrogance and delusion:

" you realize I have videos of almost every lesson right? There are always better or more accomplished riders. Thatā€™s the sport. But I seriously doubt the majority of riders ride and train with the same drive as I do. The caliber of trainers I have wouldnā€™t bother with me if they thought for a single second I wasnā€™t one THE most dedicated riders in the sport. No one at Barisoneā€™s barn was riding at a higher level than I was. Not one person except Barisone himself."


Perfect evidence of her making up legal things were her PMs to me and others rattling off threats and nonsense with no basis in fact or law.


Somewhere it has been stated that her FB is still shut down because Taylor court ordered her to because he knows she is ā€œin dangerā€.


A danger to herself maybe. Not suicide but really annoying someone else.


Omg. Thanks.



What if his incredible friends also offered items to an auctionā€¦ Lessons, clinic spots, etc?