MB update

Didn’t someone from that barn just ride an Intermediare test? LK never did and her scores at 4th and 3rd were not impressive.


Regardless of the actual scores and levels, I would think that showing up for lessons, or not, would be a pretty solid measure of someone’s “drive” and “dedication.”


This is an echo of her testimony about how it wasn’t good enough to train with MHG or JH.




I’m trying to find the one novella she wrote where she claims to have proof that he has done “this” in the past, and will do it again in the future. Her implication, in context, is “this” is murder people. In that screed, she tells a wildly different tale than her police interview from 09/2019 and her different versions from testimony under oath.

She said under oath, she lies on SM. But why continue now? Is that throwaway comment going to cover your butt when all these new lies are presented to attack your credibility in front of yet another jury? How does that work?

She keeps getting her own version of the shooting wrong, in print, for the whole world to see.


And let’s not forget the YT comments that don’t imply, they downright state she has Judge T’s notes from the criminal trial.


While her contradicting stories should hamstring any one case, ultimately they should really make it impossible for her to be believed anywhere, about anything.
That’s just based on observation of her conflicting testimony online but also in court.


First, every poster on this forum has the right to “ignore questions” asked of them. I have three or four people on ignore to partly automate the ignoring process.

In the quote above, I was responding (disagreeing) with a statement of Eggbutt’s. Her post did not contain a question, and neither does yours.

While your post does not contain a question, I’ll nevertheless agree with you that despite the lack of evidence that would have permitted the defense to meet the standard of a preponderance evidence that MB acted in self defense, or even sufficient evidence to argue self defense, it is possible MB acted in self defense. Nothing is known with 100% certainty.

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She never denied calling SS.

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So she feels that everybody at that barn except MB was riding at a level below where she was. Even MHG? Meaning everybody else was below third level? And that she is dedicated, even though lessons were missed and naps must be had and she’d been passed off to an assistant.


I could be wrong, but doesn’t, or didn’t JH have a pretty impressive riding career of his own? Certainly in comparison to hers?

RG, under oath, when asked if she was on time for her lessons responded with, well, nobody can be on time.


And given Beyond Any Reasonable Doubt is what it is, self defense would have certainly yielded a straight NG because the evidence just wasn’t there beyond a reasonable doubt.

LK and RG were literally doubt instilling machines. Still are.


It would seem so. Don’t forget missed shows!


Yeah, repeated scratches shows a very high level of dedication to something. I’m not sure what.


I will flat out categorically call BS on this statement.

I am not willing to waste my time going back to try to find the posts where she denied calling SS, but they were certainly there, even if they have been deleted since then.


But in their cross claim, isn’t SGF going after both MB personally and MB Dressage, LLC?

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I think a lot of posters here on the BB reached that point with her long ago.

See, for example, helicopter ride.


She has never denied or said she does not recall calling SS.

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Nope. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Edited to add more :roll_eyes:


SS =/= CPS.

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