MB update

I asked earlier, but maybe you missed it. Have you read the suit? And haven’t I explained the cross claim before? They aren’t “going after” anyone. They are asserting that their indemnification clause with MB personally, and MB Dressage LLC relieves them (SGF) of liability. That is not a suit. I know I typed that all out as a response to you once before. Am I not writing clearly?


I laugh every time I read that. JH and MHG both, besides MB were riding at a higher level of the 3 I know of.

Wouldn’t surprise me if at least one of the working students were, if they had a good horse to show.


That is the comment that made me think of the filing in the whole suit related to the division of assets and sale of SGF, where Deininger alleged that MBs confidential divorce settlement had been shared with third parties…


My understanding from your previous post was that the effect of their claim of indemnification by MB and MB dressage LLC is that to the extent that LK prevails in a determination that she is awarded monetary damages by “someone” for her injuries, SGF is asking the court to hold MB and/or MB Dressage LLC liable for the monetary damages instead of SGF.

Anyway, my point is that I vaguely remember that MB Dressage LLC is “involved” in the suit in that it appears in the cross claim by SGF along with MB personally.

ETA This goes back to my question to you as to whether the outcomes of these civil cases are usually an apportioning of liability among various parties as opposed to assigning 100% liability to a single entity.

Example: in a recent case, Tesla was determined to be 1% responsible in the death of a teenager who drove his fathers car into a wall at 186 mph.

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Thank you.

Yes, MB Dressage was mentioned by SGF as a party to the indemnification clause as a part of their cross claim.

That does not, however, make them a defendant or put them in a position to have to pony up a legal defense for MB at this time, which is the discussion we were having that you responded to. MB Dressage, LLC, to date, has not been named as a defendant in LK’s suit.


Thank you. I agree it is odd that LK did not name MB Dressage LLC as a defendant, along with MB personally, given that any liability insurance MB might had held as a trainer would have been held by the LLC.

OTOH, there would not be much point in suing MBD LLC, if there was no liability insurance in place at the time of the shooting, which sorta fits with MB not being big on rental contracts, renovation contracts, liability waivers, etc.

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Absent ninja stalking through an office, how would they know before discovery in the suit? Also, since the LLC very likely holds a lot more assets than MB the individual, wouldn’t you sue where the assets are?


I agree that it’s odd that LK is not suing MBD LLC. Although, now that I think about it, don’t those suits usually name a bunch of place holder John Does and ABC LLCs so that they can fill in other entities later?

If she wins a judgement against MB as an individual, are the assets he owns via his LLC shielded? I thought the purpose of an LLC was that if the business entity is sued, the plaintiff can’t go after the owners personal assets and the liability is limited to the assets owned by the LLC. Does it work the other way around, that if the person is sued, the assets held by the LLC are shielded?

She is suing where the assets are in that she’s suing SGF.

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At least one of the working students (one of her besties) was riding at PSG (on Jay-T, no less) and another one was riding at PSG/I1 while bringing along a 4 y/o (according to Mary DiFranco’a testimony). However, I doubt she would acknowledge these facts. In her mind, she was the best.

I’d buy one of MB’s works of art. That squirrel drawing shows incredible talent. Since he has spent his life training horses, I’m also guessing he is a self-trained artist, which is impressive.



Except they have that pesky indemnification waiver. Presumably MB Dressage, with its own liability insurance would be closer to any perceived liability.

It’s very odd indeed, and not how I would have done it if I were the attorney representing LK. But then again, I would never go on TV and call a jury that rendered a verdict insane.


Honestly, the filings there make it very clear where the narratives about MB’s divorce, financial stressors, and the scope of MB’s participation in the LLC and the state of his business records that some posters have pushed have come from…and yet they are not explicit enough to make the claims made…well, not most of them.

LK was particularly chummy with the older couple’s family however. Hmmm….



His paws are clipped short like his muzzle. And his feet are mottled black and white, like the rest of his body. I think it is interesting though that he obviously has some very light colored toenails, even on the “black” toes.


Perhaps he was very eager to impress the K-Klan so they would pay his retainer. :laughing:



I totally get taking the case back in the fall of 2019, and filing the suit. But man, if I represented her and watched that train wreck of testimony from her and RG, I would have been busy typing up my motion to withdraw from the suit, not going on TV and making statements like that.


Keyword, “was


But a lawyer who doesn’t kinda fits with who this Klan attracts.


But but but, she said she had a team of top 5, “blue chip” lawyers…

And I think a few people questioned whether or not she actually meant “white shoe” firms… :smirk:

Regardless, the claim was that she had retained and was being represented by the best of the best…


I am so far behind, so apologies if this has been addressed.

IIRC, LK had crowed on her FB page that the couple had either “invited” her to stay there, or had given her permission to stay there. I am not sure of the exact wording because I have never seen her FB page myself, but am going on comments made on COTH by others who did follow her FB postings. I also cannot recollect if she made the same allegations here on COTH before she was banned.

But I believe that claim had been made not terribly long after LK was discharged from the hospital. My guess was that the couple may not have been fully aware at that time of what had really transpired at the farm. MB wasn’t talking because he couldn’t remember, the only other eyewitnesses were LK and RG, and since MB had been arrested and charged with two counts of attempted murder, the couple elected to believe the cops - ergo, to believe LK/RG. I also can easily believe that LK may have played upon the "sympathy"of the elderly owners and in so doing, manipulated them into giving her permission to stay there.


Thank you! I couldn’t recall, so thankful you could remember the details. LO’s daughter has also been doing quite well showing her cute buckskin under JH’s tutelage from what I’ve read. Unfortunately I can’t remember at what level, but she’s thrilled with her progress.


Or, she lied. Again.