MB update

I don’t know how NJ defines “grave injuries,” but here is the legal definition in NY.

death, permanent and total loss of use or amputation of an arm, leg, hand or foot, loss of multiple fingers, loss of multiple toes, paraplegia or quadriplegia, total and permanent blindness, total and permanent deafness, loss of nose, loss of ear, permanent and severe facial disfigurement, loss of an index finger or an acquired injury to the brain caused by an external physical force resulting in permanent total disability.

If the NJ definition is similar to the NY definition, her injuries could not be considered “grave,” which could impact an insurance company’s decision regarding a settlement offer.


Forgive me for not going back to find the exact post, but I think @ekat typed something about the recording devices being recently installed—just before the shooting.

IIRC, the recording devices in the barn and adjacent buildings, oh, and some “rocks” had been there a couple of weeks. The ones KK transcribed. It was the two-three cameras at the house that had been installed on the 5th because they were getting ready to go away to the show in NY and wanted to have surveillance of “their” house while they were gone.

@ekat could have been correct and I just read it wrong, but just in case…….


I believe this was another case when there were so many various stories from LK that it’s impossible to know which one was the truth.

Hadn’t she told her friend that she got either security cameras or recording devices installed earlier in the summer, and then claimed in court that she had lied to the friend about the installation date? Or maybe it was vice versa?

Honestly, there were so many different versions floating around from her it was hard to keep track.


Dear Lord, we have had so many acronyms thrown around on these threads that it took me a few minutes to realize what “BSC” referred to. I kept racking my brain trying to figure out who “BSC” was.:crazy_face:


You side step more than a country line dancer.

That was not my or others question as I’m sure you know since you’ve been tagged and asked the question multiple times and you follow these threads closely. My question was: there has been a great deal of conversation regarding alleged abuse or harassment of LK on the forums and/or online from you specifically, but none stating RG has endured such abuse and/or bullying. I have seen these statements with LKs, KKs, and your posts (concerning the harassment and/or bullying of LK). With all the discussions surrounding RG, and even the potential for some to believe RG was shot at, just not proven, why hasn’t there been any discussion about the alleged harassment or bullying RG has received? Why is it solely about LK?


Wow, that’s Maestro level delusion about riding skills


LOL, when I lived in central FL as a teen, we would water ski in lakes known to be inhabited by alligators. Our learner ski beach was near a small island they loved to nest in. I remember one time when I was learning to slalom, there was a big one on a nearby bank and it hit the water when I fell. My brother almost turned the boat over coming back to get me.

I also had several high school friends that lived on various canals that cut through the area and they regularly spotted gators in the canals and on their lawns. Sadly, dogs in those neighborhoods frequently disappeared. :frowning_face:


IIRC she was adamant that she never called CPS and therefore had no responsibility for them showing up at the farm. She was very cagey about and danced around the issue that her final call to SS - in which she specifically mentioned minor children on the property, after commenting that was the only way SS would take action, is what promoted a call from SS to CPS and then CPS’ subsequent visit to the farm.


I have been pretty far behind of ALL the MB threads, and just began following discussions back in April, during the trial.

My understanding matched exactly what you laid out here, until someone shared a link to some of the filings from the lawsuit between the couple who were the other half of SGF and MB, as they attempted to figure out how to dissolve it and distribute assets. That lawsuit was apparently settled confidentially back in January of this year (I think).

Anyway… one of the filings indicated that at some point after the shooting, the elderly couple or their nephew got a hold of a collection of MBs business records and a copy of his divorce settlement. I only skimmed the filing, but it sounded like some of this was stored on the property, and some of it might have come from one of the divorce attorneys involved in that matter. And somehow… these documents seem to have been shared inappropriately with third parties. I think this happened back in early 2020, AFTER LK had already filed her own civil suit against SGF, MB, and RC. Deininger submitted a letter to the judge about it all in May of 2020. But this was well before the criminal case was approaching trial.

There was considerable suspicion that these documents had been shared with LK, or her attorney…

Anyway… after learning about that, all her comments insinuating this that or the other about his personal history, business practices, financial situation… it all makes a little more sense as to why she was crowing so much.

I don’t know that any of the information obtained by this situation will ever actually be relevant or benefit LK in any way in the upcoming litigation… but I am sure it stressed MB out tremendously to know she had possibly gained access to all that, while he was sitting in jail.

The ongoing noise in public comments on social media about how he had bad business practices, a messed up personal life, a possible issue with violence or something in the past? It’s all just so ugly. She shouldn’t have ever had access to confidential info about his divorce.


Me too, although I have Bilinkas pegged as more of a Scotch man than a beer man. Probably Deininger too, although I would love to introduce them both to George Dickel Tennessee Whisky (much better than Jack Daniels!). :grin:

As for Schellhorn - the more I think about his demeanor during the trial and what was revealed there, the more I think that he was uncomfortably aware that Bilinkas was going to drive a tank through the holes in the case. Methinks he seriously needed a Dickel (or 3 or 4) after that trial concluded! :laughing:


I totally agree with this.


So, I did a timeline based on sworn testimony under oath, and her social media rantings.

April 20th, 2019 -FB post that she had cameras everywhere

July 25th, 2019 - long, rambling FB post about the king and queen and the castle crumbling down in which she repeatedly mentions her secret recordings, and just wait till you hear them.

July 31st, 2019 - LK testified she purchased the recorders through Amazon and they came the next day

August 2nd, 2019 - per court testimony, LK texted daddy and a lawyer about where and how to hide recorders. It is at some indistinguishable time after that text that she testifies she had RG place the recorders.

August 3rd, 2019 - 911 call. This is when LK tells the police she has recordings.

August 6th, 2019 - in the interrogatories in the civil suit, this is when she claims RG installed the cameras. We can assume it was prior to Rosie biting RC on that date, as there was testimony about that being on video.

So, she either installed cameras in April, or on August 6th. She either had audio recordings happening on July 25th and prior, or she started recording on Aug 2nd
/3rd after she got the go-ahead from dad.

Interestingly, about the cameras, yes, she testified she wanted them because they were going to a show, and she lied about the April cameras. She also talked on social media about starting the recorders prior to the show the weekend of the 24th because they were going away to a show.

I think when I said she started recording just before the shooting I was referring to that Aug 2nd or 3rd timeframe and not the others she has referenced.

Edit to add: I think this is the post we’re referring to? If so, then I really was thinking of the conflict between her testimony of Aug 2nd vs prior to July 25th


Thank you for acknowledging that she never denied calling SS. What I remember is that she stated that CPS asked her if there were children on the property and that she answered their questions.

What we know from the trial is that, per CPS, they were there to investigate MHG for neglect, not to investigate MB for sex abuse.

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She could have also, IF she has gained information, gotten that by breaking into the office.
She also claimed to be able to forge signatures.

Just saying…


Definitely. And very good point.

It sure got ugly in terms of how private information got somehow shared around with multiple parties inappropriately, while there were multiple lawsuits going on, and MB was awaiting criminal trial. And then all the comments and insinuations online.

Just so sleezy.


So I no longer want you as a client, it isn’t working, so please take your horses and go warrants a false report of child neglect.

This in itself is incredibly sick and twisted and is an act only the most toxic of people would do.

Just go. Know you are unwanted and unliked and just GO.


I’m not sure I am following the timeline correctly but is it possible she trotted out that line about “going to a show” as an excuse for why she felt she needed cameras? I mean, wasn’t there already so much friction between her and MB that the thought of them going to a show together was rather ludicrous? So I am not sure I buy her line that she got the cameras because she was “going to a show” - I think she got them for the specific purpose of trying to catch someone doing something she could leverage in her ongoing campaign against MB.


Inquiring minds want to know if they asked that as a matter of course, or if she said something to them that caused them to respond with that question. IOW, did she solicit the question? :thinking:



I agree 100%. I also believe all the devices were in place much earlier than she admits to.


The kind of thing people with extreme NPD do. They will stop at nothing to achieve their goal of coming out on top, because they absolutely believe they are smarter and better and more “worthy” than anyone else, and they certainly are not going to be “discarded.”