MB update

Oh I know! MN in all its glory. I’ve said all along there is nothing these people won’t do.


The New York definition you quote is to limit worker’s compensation claims in New York.

New Jersey has it’s own laws on personal injury. And unlike almost every other state, NJ has no cap on compensatory damages. Punitive damages are limited to 5 times the compensatory damage award.



I also think that the various recording devices she placed around the farm played a key role in how rapidly this mess escalated in July and August of 2019.

She must have heard multiple conversations with multiple people, all talking about how much they disliked Lk and RG, and just wanted them to go.

I think there was some element of narcissistic injury that came into play. Which inevitably turned into narcissistic rage. Which led to the events of that first week of August. Contacting SS, contacting various parties with the township, refusing the off ramp to go board and train elsewhere that daddy, ED and ST arranged for her. etc etc etc.

She was enraged, and it became all about “finish the bastard.”


But… doesn’t lost income fall under compensatory damages?

It seems like she will have trouble demonstrating ANY lost income.

So there certainly must be medical bills. I’m sure she can demonstrate those.


When determining the damages for pain and suffering in the State of New Jersey, a lawyer cannot suggest the amount of pain and suffering to award to a plaintiff. Rather, the jury must determine the compensatory amount base upon many different factors, including:

  • The injuries changed or affected the extent of the victim’s life;
  • Any impact the injuries had on the plaintiff’s personal or professional life;
  • The impact of the injuries upon the mental health or emotional state of the victim;
  • The extent to which the victim’s injuries have negatively impacted their activities of daily living, lifestyle, hobbies, recreation, marriage, sleep, or general well-being; and
  • The long-term consequences of these injuries on the plaintiff’s life.

As to physical long term consequences - permanent scarring and disfigurement, partial loss of a lung, long term consequences due to reduced lung capacity


Same. Lol.

Won’t her insurance company get first or second dibs on any settlement after her lawyers?


But if she intends to use any of it, the fact that she got it earlier certainly will be obvious. Why lie…? Oh, nevermind.


I believe the friction started very early in the relationship, largely because the original agreement was for LK and 1 horse, but that was ignored by bringing another tenant and many more horses.

There seems to be a common theme: major issues with boundaries. The idea that was proposed that LK could train with MB again one day is a fine example. The thought of that is absurd.

I’m with you on questioning the reason for any type of recording device. But I think because boundaries are such an issue with this person, said person may not think twice about still showing with MB even with the mountain of bad things between them. Irrational thinking seems to be a consistent issue.


Yes - how dare you try to reject ME!


I have a question. DownYonder, Sdel, Eggbutt and a couple others use the apparent derogatory term “K-Klan” in describing LK and her family/friends. Does this intimate they are KKK?

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That they work in Koncert.
That they are all involved in this nonsense.


I’m really not trying to harp but please (everyone in general) refrain from mental health diagnosis’s, it is a reason other threads have been locked.


Thanks for going to the trouble to sort through all that… information.


Oh, brother. Are you serious? :roll_eyes:


Can you explain the reason for using the term K-Klan?

Uhhh, Kanarek… K… k-klan…


I wondered the same thing!

@SierraMist - any legal insight on how this works in personal injury cases when someone had significant medical bills?


It’s shorthand for Kanarek Klan.It seems pretty obvious to most folks, so I am not sure why you need an explanation. :thinking:


The Ku Klux Klan commonly shortened to the KKK or the Klan , is an American white supremacist, right wing terrorist and hate group whose primary targets are African Americans, Jews, Latinos, Hispanic, Asian, Native Americans, to name a few, as well as immigrants, LGBT, etc.

Thought it odd for those of you who keep referring to them as the Klan.