MB update

I am not going to die on this hill, but since it seems that you are…

You yourself admit to not following the threads consistently until some point last year. LK admits to lying on SM. We ALL know she edits and deletes things on various platforms.

Why are you so convinced that she “never denied” calling SS? She made a whole lot of contradictory claims online and on the stand. Is it not plausible to you that she denied contacting SS here or elsewhere before this case got your attention?

Please stop posting with certainty when you have admitted you weren’t paying close attention until later in the game.


I also think the fact that the Kanarek matriarch has a first name beginning with K just led to lots of usage of the letter K. Such as Klan Kanarek, instead of Clan Kanarek.

Given how overwhelmingly progressive and liberal minded the vast majority of COTH posters are… I’m quite confident no one meant anything related to the other notorious and evil K related organization.


Good Lord, we know what the KKK is. It has nothing to do with that. No one refers to them as “the klan,” and I’ve certainly never heard the KKK referred to as “K-klan.” You are seriously overreaching. You do not get to assign my meaning to my words.


But it seems to be used in a derogatory sense, implying The Klan. Just an observation.



Hey though - anything to share about the whole question of compensatory damages awarded related to medical bills and whether or not they just go right to a plaintiffs insurance company?

Just curious on that. It seems like you might be able to explain how that actually works in these sorts of suits.

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Your observation is absurd and incorrect.


If the medical insurance company subrogates a claim.


When does that normally happen in the whole litigation process?

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And that would be why I say she’s her own worst enemy.


Can you send me the link?

Get over yourself. We will not be bullied.


Sending you a PM

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You are just looking for something to be offended by. How old are you - like, 14?


The medical insurance company (if she had insurance) would have to file a subrogation suit against MB


So, that hasn’t happened yet….does that mean LK doesn’t have insurance? What woman of unlimited resources doesn’t have insurance?



Ahhhh - interesting. Thank you for the education on this.

Is there a clock on that option for the insurance company?

And yes… it’s a question as to how/what insurance she would have, as it clearly doesn’t seem like there is an obvious employer sponsored plan available to her. Maybe she has an ACA related plan. :woman_shrugging:


Or maybe, with her very warped vision of the world, she thought by suing SGF, she might have the chance of winning their farm.


Considering her posting online about doing Pilates, yoga and riding up to 4+ horses every day before swimming in her pool everyday, I’m not sure how she will be able prove much of an impact on her quality of life. :woman_shrugging:


There is that.

It sounds like a pretty charmed lifestyle to me :slight_smile:


You’re absolutely right that I was incorrect to say that LK “never denied” calling SS. I definitely have not read all her SM postings, especially any that may have been deleted. What I do know is that she has acknowledged in the threads that she did call SS. According to her, she called SS to report MB for bullying sometime in that last week or two, and the people at SS asked whether there were children on the property.

I was responding to a couple posters who asserted that LK had denied calling SS, or had said she did not recall calling SS. I saw no posts of hers denying or saying she did not recall calling SS and do remember posts of hers stating that she had called SS to report MB for bullying.

As I recall, even in the press coverage of the case, it was reported that both parties had contacted SS making a complaint about the other.

I’ll be on the look out for your admonishment of the two posters who stated with certainty that she denied calling SS or said she did not recall calling SS. (That was sarcasm.)

I think the two posters were were confusing SS with CPS.

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