MB update

Thank you for admitting your limited field of view with regards to this whole mess.

And you will be “on the lookout” for quite some time for me to admonish anyone for saying with certainty that LK denied calling SS, because:

  1. I don’t pretend to have seen every microscopic bit of information or evidence from the last 3(ish) years, and therefore I couldn’t possibly know whether she did or did not,
  2. I have seen with my own two fluid-filled orbs LK outright lie and delete things, so I believe it is entirely plausible that she did deny that,
  3. I have a vague, unreliable memory myself of her denying such actions, and
  4. I am not in the habit of admonishing people, generally. I instead like to maybe open their eyes to other perspectives… if I can.

You may be right that they were confusing CPS with SS. But given our heroine’s propensity for mistruths, manipulations and deletions… I wouldn’t bet my horse (or house) on it!

No need to be sarcastic, BTW. It isn’t becoming.


Isn’t the house in FL exempt, due to the homestead whatever that FL has going on? Same as his farm there?

I just think she’s playing with fire pursuing it while posting so much stuff that will hurt her.

Here’s a fun paragraph from MB’s counter claim:

WHEREFORE, MICHAEL BARISONE demands judgment against LAUREN KANAREK for compensatory damages, punitive damages, interest, costs of suit; preliminary and permanent injunctive relief in the form of restraints barring LAUREN KANAREK from making posts about or referencing Barisone on the World Wide Web, and/or through any and all forms of social media, and/or otherwise stalking, harassing, and/or seeking to cause harm or injury to Barisone; and, such other relief this Court deems just and proper.


If I knew how to do that, I would go back and get the one of Mr. B winking. Loved that.


That IS a fascinating paragraph.

Yup - both of their houses will be protected by homestead exemptions. A nuance of Florida law.

And I completely agree… she is playing with some serious fire.

I know I’ve asked it before… but is there a clock on if/when MB can possibly sue JK for any role he played in this mess? It seems JK is the only one in the family with assets that MB might stand a chance from getting a payout from…


And I am quite confident that you are wrong. I actually at one time almost referred to them as “KKK” (for Krazy Kanarek Klan), but knew that was too insensitive and would no doubt be taken the wrong way.

Only someone who is deliberately looking for something to be offended by would ASSUME that the term “K-Klan” was meant to be derogatory and nefarious. So you and Sierra need to find something else to clutch your pearls over.


Tell me which YT session it is on, and the timestamp and I will try to screenshot it. :smiley:


Speaking of lungs:


I feel like I’ve just been admonished for using sarcasm. By someone who “is not in the habit of admonishing people, generally.”

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I can supply a better photo later, then you (pl) can see where the heart nestles within them.


LOL that anyone on these threads needs to “look for something to be offended by”.

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The statute of limitations for injury in NJ is 2 years, plus, I just don’t see how they could have alleged that but I have no idea what they (MB and his team) know.

And, since I don’t know what they know, I have no idea what cause of action they might be able to sue under, and if the statute of limitations is gone or not. It’s hard to just throw out a guess in this scenario.

Sorry for such a garbled answer. I’m not going to try to fix it though, lol.


I’m not sure I want to know….


Yes, yes you have. Because you implied that I was biased and not willing to hold others to account. That is not true.

Here are your words:
“I’ll be on the look out for your admonishment of the two posters who stated with certainty that she denied calling SS or said she did not recall calling SS. (That was sarcasm.)”

I respectfully and thoughtfully informed you as to why you would be waiting.


No heart within the photo, just you can tell where it was. It’s not gory. The lungs have been reinflated and are thoroughly dried. It’s amazing how many people don’t really have a sense of how all the pieces & parts fit together.


And that will never be enough for some. Go make a better use of your time.



True! And fair!

But since we are supposedly a band of elderly a-holes who attack outsiders and are incapable of acting without direction or sanction from our leader, I do sometimes try to use reason and words to address conflict and dispel said myth.

ETA: I am in my 40s. So, not elderly.


Can you please extrapolate here? I don’t see a common thread, unless the common thread is the outrage over Lauren’s campaign to drive a man to insanity,

Other than that offense, to what are you referring?


What’s the story behind the lungs? Necropsy? Research? Are they human lungs?

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OK, I had to look. Her response to the first comment was a quintessential LK moment. She was, in all her vast legal knowledge, instructing a poster on their comment. Last phrase was “You’ll do well to remember that.”

Her typical arrogant and condescending attitude to all the non-royals such as we. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: