MB update

The problem with defamation is you have to prove it caused a loss. It’s hard to say that crap she’s posting this week is hurting his income right now. And, it just might muddy the waters in the counter claim he’s already got going. But those posts sure are going to help him show why he needs that injunction.


:yawning_face: :


I’m interested in that question and possibility as well.

I know it’s an incredibly high bar.

But jeez. The stuff that has been said about him by her, over a period of years on multiple social media platforms…


You not seeing the posts =/= the posts did not exist.


Yes please! I second both those thoughts (updates and auctions, to be clear. Not thread shut downs).


Isn’t that your goal? You and your friends have been successful in doing exactly that for the last few threads.

What is it you all are so afraid of? The constant desperate posts drumming home your interpretation of the verdict and what you believe it really means is really, really tiresome. You’ve learned how to derail threads by focusing on specific words for many, many posts! What is your point and why do you keep showing up if not to harass and stir the pot?


Maybe it’s because he is considered an employee? Didn’t he testify to not having a job? Wonder who he was calling his employer then?


Au contraire. Specifically he testified to doing things (I don’t remember the things right now and I’m in no mood to look at his testimony.) and LK giving him money so he could pay his bills. Basically, he answered Mr B with a bunch of stuff that made him sound like LK’s employee.


Because who wants to keep rehashing all the same things that have been said for the last 3 years? This thread is supposed to be about an MB update. Out of 1200 posts, maybe 200 have actually been about MB. RG isn’t involved in any of the civil suits. Why keep bringing him up? He apparently doesn’t post things on social media or they’d be copied and pasted here. He’s leaving all of you alone, so why harp on him? I simply don’t understand all the emotional rants. The criminal case is over and done with. The jury made their finding.

It seems that MB has found very positive ways to keep himself busy these past almost 3 years. The drawing and reading as well as trying to help out other inmates by buying basic supplies for them when they were unable to I think are very good indicators of a person’s perseverance. I am sure he had some very dark days too-who wouldn’t under those circumstances.
Hopefully his stay at AK (hopefully brief stay) will help him transition back into normal life when he is released. I am told that the transition period can be very hard on former inmates, even when they are found not guilty.


That’s an interesting question.

Some of the people who have objected strongly to the tone and direction of these threads seem very concerned about the ongoing focus on LK and her role in the complete series of events over the last two years… right up to the present.

It seems they are comfortable with discussions of MB, the legal process, RG, and a variety of other issues.

But… when we focus too closely on the Empress, a few people get very agitated.


Maybe because it causes her to get agitated and then they have issues to deal with.


I’m hoping Mr. D’s staff has been following those remarks and taking screen shots.


That is really one of the sad aspects of this entire situation. When he was employed in NC, his employers liked him, he did good work, and he received many very high ratings and compliments.


Very well said. And I especially agree with that last part. After years of confinement, no space, no privacy, no quiet, being told what to eat and when, etc. getting out can be rough.

I’m glad it appears he’s got some awesome support waiting to help him through it.


Me too.


Oh. You don’t think he will be deposed as part of the civil suit?

And he most certainly does post on social media. He’s posted following the trial. Although there are rumors that actually LK uses accounts in his name , and is the one doing the posting.

Who knows. :woman_shrugging:


He certainly managed to threaten MB in regards to the Krol hearing.


He “does the laundry and helps her with the horses.” Amongst other things, such as installing recording devices here and there, walking around with a recorder in his pocket, recording conversations of people he encounters. Oh yeah, and he did a bare minimum of renovation work to try to preserve the illusion that he was earning his keep at SGF. :roll_eyes:


In retrospect, it seems like he might have been better off having stayed in NC a few years ago.