MB update

NJ uses serious injury. From their form jury instructions, that is defined as:

  1. Permanent loss of bodily function, and/or
  2. Permanent disfigurement or dismemberment

Disfigurement is further defined:


  1. The scarring, indentation and/or blemishes [here insert an appropriate description of the scar, indentation or blemish] must be an objectively significant disfigurement.
  2. It must be more than a trifling mark discoverable on close inspection and must detract from the appearance of the person.
  3. The disfigurement must be visible and not insubstantial. To summarize, to recover for pain and suffering the plaintiff must prove by a preponderance of the evidence that he/she sustained . . . (choose appropriate category)
    a permanent loss of a bodily function OR
    a permanent disfigurement that is substantial OR a dismemberment

Wasn’t the gun jammed though?

ETA: apparently it was empty, not jammed. But RG thought it was jammed.

And if RG really is any sort of Marine, he would have had hand to hand combat training. He would have received some in boot camp, and more later. So he got some training, regardless of when/why his association with the US Marine Corps terminated.

Per his own testimony, he was able to get behind MB, and administer a choke hold. Per RGs own testimony, MB lost consciousness and went down when RG applied the reverse chokehold. Presumably MB came to shortly thereafter
 but at that point, he was down on the ground, with RG on top of him, per RGs own testimony.

Why then did RG proceed to beat in MBs head AFTER all that? A reverse chokehold is a known technique, that is widely considered one of the most effective ways of subduing an opponent in a hand to hand combat situation. They apparently don’t teach Marines to beat peoples heads into concrete AFTER getting someone in a reverse chokehold. That’s just a criminal street fighting type of move.

 PERHAPS RG was justified in terms of beating MBs head into the concrete after having administered the reverse chokehold and gotten MB on the ground
 after all 
 LK had been shot.

But wasn’t the gun jammed at that point?

ETA: Again, apparently the clip was empty, not jammed
 RG thought it was jammed.

And again, how does self defense work in NJ? If RG had MB in a reverse chokehol, and subdued on the ground
 is it really still self defense if he then proceeds tp beat MBs head against the concrete and kill him?

I’m not so sure about that. :woman_shrugging:


As much force as is necessary to end the threat. So, continued beating of a subdued guy with a broken arm, bleeding profusely might just cross that line


I don’t think it was jammed. I think it was just empty. But RG thought it was jammed, therefore, decided the gun wasn’t a threat.

(Don’t get me started on the mystery magazine again
 :slight_smile: )


LK made a big issue of her scars on her torso and near her breast area that were a result of what she went through.

 many people have significant scarring in these areas from heart surgeries, and breast cancer related treatments (lumpectomy and mastectomy). 1 in 8 women will get breast cancer in their lifetimes - it’s ubiquitous.

Scars on the chest and torso are not visible unless one is in a bathing suit or revealing blouse. And even then, there are many options.

 would her scars be considered truly “disfiguring” under the NJ legal definition?


Ahhhhh. So an empty magazine, but not a jammed gun.

Thanks for clarifying and correcting

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All good points for that jury of 6 to consider.


You’re welcome. On that gun, when the magazine is empty, the slide stays open. So it could appear as jammed. And RG testified he thought so, which goes to his state of mind as to the perception of the threat. If he thinks the gun is useless, where does that fit into self-defense, and only using enough force to stop the threat?

That’s if you buy any version of the story LK, RG and ED have tried to sell over the last three years.


MB is countersuing LK in the suit, as well as defending against her suit.

If RG were a plaintiff, along with LK, then MB could counter sue RG. I sincerely doubt MB would have a credible case against RG for “the beating” since everyone other than a few posters here will understand that in all likelihood RG was acting in self defense. However, to the extent that MB has a cause of action against RG (for the “grand plot”) it seems he can’t pursue it within this suit since RG is not a plaintiff.

I’m guessing that’s the reason RG is not a plaintiff. He wasn’t shot and his injuries incurred subduing MB were not serious enough to make it worthwhile to be exposed to a countersuit.

I say he was already disoriented when put into a choke hold. Maybe he had gotten repeatedly bashed in the head with a phone or something.


Plus those dog puncture wounds. That would be disorienting enough on their own without the cell phone head bashing.


This would have ended the threat. So, allowing the dog to bite MB, breaking his arm, and doing whatever caused the black eyes and considerable head trauma were all unnecessary force by RG. And somehow I think pyhsics is stretched by the idea that RG broke MB’s dominant hand while it was pinned underneath him (and the gun just lying there next to his hand is odd too). I would think that arm would have had to have been broken before the position that the officer found them in could be obtained.

If the story is that RG punched and then tackled MB and put MB unconscious with a choke hold
.why didn’t RG simply remove the gun from MB after he was unconscious? There was a serious lack of detail on how the gun got underneath MB.


Haven’t we rehashed this over and over and over? We have LK and RGs testimony, we don’t have MBs since he had amnesia. Can we just move on?


Clearly the version given by the tenants was not factual in multiple ways.


I consider this post to be a nasty, unfair, off topic comment on RG.

I would not have made this post, if several posters had not demanded I provide my opinion on whether I think RG is being nastily bashed on these threads along with LK.

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According to my husband (retired military) RG would have been trained in the Marine Corps to prioritize disarming his opponent in a hand to hand situation

So if we BELIEVE RGs testimony, and the fact that he was in the Marines, maybe RG got MB in the reverse chokehold, at which point MB briefly passed out
 and then RG immediately went to disarm him, breaking MBs dominant arm in the process. And then
 he beat MBs head in? Well at that point, we are no longer talking self defense. At that point it’s aggravated assault.

An alternative theory is that MBs head was beaten in BEFORE the shooting happened, running around, reverse chokehold, and broken arm. And that’s another problematic situation to ponder

I can understand why the prosecutors wouldn’t have pursued charging RG with Agg assault, given that LK was seriously shot, and they were pursuing attempted murder in her case. But
 that doesn’t mean a case couldn’t have been made, or that we can’t look at the situation and think about it all, and the sequence in which key things causing demonstrable physical injuries happened


Apparently, and unfortunately, not.


The gun wasn’t a threat?

MB had a second magazine in his pocket. RG would not know for a fact that he had the second magazine, and he wouldn’t know for a fact that he didn’t.

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I’m not going to pretend I speak for anyone but me, but here’s why these details are important to me, going forward.

Presumably, at some point, MB is going to get his NJ statutorily required Krol assessment, where they try to determine if he is PRESENTLY a a danger to himself, or the public.

When you consider the facts that lead him to this point, you have to (and AK has all the discovery) consider 19,000+ social media posts, including threats. Texts. Illegal hidden recordings and private conversations being broadcast on the internet. Ninjas. Disruption to your barn and horses late at night. Clients working on leaving due to the disruptions. Building inspectors. False CPS reports.

Without those stressors, can MB function in society safely? I hope the docs determine he can.

That’s my first, more immediate concern.

Second, when you consider the civil suit, all those things come into play again. LK sued him for personal injury causing loss of wages (?), pain and suffering, etc.

In MB’s answer, he asserts he was not competent, his lack of capacity was caused by her, and he also asserts self-defense. How do those work against her claim?

He also has a counter-claim that again calls LK’s actions into question.

Meanwhile, as of last night, LK was calling him a murderer on the World Wide Web. It’s puzzling, to say the very least and merits discussion in light of the civil suit.


RG Himself testified, under oath, that the gun wasn’t a threat, because he thought it was jammed.