MB update

Okay okay okay. Got it.

I just think it’s a bit much to call the guy a hero.

Going forward… as I have said multiple times (probably a few too many), I think RGs testimony is going to pose a BIG challenge during his deposition.

We will have to wait and see what happens this fall as attorneys try to schedule depositions.


I thought that RG put MB into the chokehold on the raised patio, and both of them then fell off the patio onto whatever was below. Gravel? More concrete?

Do you begrudge RG a certain amount of rage at seeing his girlfriend shot and likely dying when he (heroically) moves to subdue a shooter?

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So, when does he break his hand? RG “dodged a bullet”, punched MB (which shouldn’t cause a broken hand), tackled him, and put him in a reverse choke hold rendering him unconcious. That sounds like RG fairly dominated the fight. He didn’t testify to significant resistance from MB that would cause a broken hand. And then he said he broke MB’s arm trying to get the gun out from underneath him….again, a prone person on their stomach is in a fairly vulnerable position. It is purely defensive, not offensive, so MB wasn’t in a position to break the hand there either. If RG’s had was already broken at this point, would he have the leverage to break MB’s arm, from a position that gives him little leverage (arm underneath MB) and a broken dominant hand?

I’d have though RG would have wanted to play up that broken hand to show what hero battle scars he now has….


There is evidence there was nothing in the pocket.


This post points out to me the absurdity that people believe RG is such a hero. Wasn’t RG’s height testified to as bring about 5’9” or less?

Yet he somehow got behind an “active shooter”, as certain posters would like us to believe, who was 6’3” and very fit. And RG was able to get this much taller man, 6” taller, in a reverse choke hold and choke him out while standing?

Yeah, my money is on the fact it did not happen this way, and MB was already on the ground, dog bitten and beat about the head, with a severely damaged arm and head injury, until the “hero” put him in a chokehold.

It is amusing to me that certain posters, who are trying to muddy the water with their own versions of events, do nothing but drive the point home that there is so much more to this story and that the true victim of that day is Michael Barisone!


Yeah. I missed this whole part of the trial. Did one of the police officers testify to finding a magazine in MBs pocket when they arrived on the scene?

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You say nasty, others may say insightful.

You know - tom-ay-to or tom-ah-to. :upside_down_face:


As far as RGs broken hand goes… IF we believe his testimony, it could have happened right when he first punched MB.


I begrudge a person like RG who participates in a possible attempted murder of MB because it is completely feasible MB was jumped first, a scenario which must be presented in light of MBs initial self defense assertion at the criminal trial.

If the jury believes this scenario the civil plaintiff will not prevail but the counterclaim will.


That depends on which version of their stories you believe.

Considering they both testified that he didn’t know she was shot, much less likely dying, and he was yelling at her to get the dog in that 911 call, I’d question your source of his rage.


Yes, Hut-Ho posted the testimony a bit up thread. The testimony was that a magazine was taken from MBs pocket, and put in one of the police cars.


This series of events speaks to unintentional discharge of the firearm.


Absolutely 1000000% amazingly wrong.

Please, you & HH take your ideas about RG’s sainthood and start your own thread. Again, what does your post have to do with the upcoming Krol hearing or MB’s condition?

I will admit I stopped reading your fairy tale after about the 3rd sentence of denial after I became nauseous.

Really, go start another thread about alternate Kanarek theories and gush your high praises and leave this thread in peace. You will get no support here except from your two buddies.


You neglect discrepancies in testimony.



My memory, admitted, is a muddled mess sometimes.

Have we given any thought or credence to idea that RG attended and graduated from “The Lauren Kanarek School of Barefoot Ninja Training”???

Maybe he was a star A+ pupil! Maybe he was valedictorian of his class!!!


For clarification, the first officer on the scene, the one that patted him down and put him in cuffs, did not, in fact, find a magazine in the pocket of his dog bitten shorts.


Another thing.

Can prior arrest and conviction records be brought into evidence during a civil trial?

Like, if RG or MB had a demonstrated prior history of assault … isn’t that fair game to bring up during the civil trial?


You betcha.


@Virginia_Horse_Mom actually the first cop on the scene testified at the Miranda Hearing that he searched MB and found absolutely nothing other than the gun under his body near his hand. Keep in mind the khaki shorts he was wearing were shredded and his tshirt was on the ground some distance away. Was Heymer lying? Was the other cop lying? Both under oath but obviously one was “mistaken”. Which one?