MB update

Oh. Thank you for that.

So one officer didn’t find the magazine in his shorts. Then another guy later on did?

That’s weird. Very weird.


@eggbutt said it better than me…


Or sitting in a chair attempting to have a simple conversation… Ya know, at that table where all the cell phones were neatly piled.


Well, I’m positive he is well versed in the art of SPIN. The only issue is he can’t recall previous narratives to keep his stories straight. Apparently birds of a feather do flock together in this instance.


Well that might be a teensy tinsy little problem for the “hero” narrative.

Oh… and it also adds some weight to the possibility that they jumped MB first.


So….quick thought……police are actually known to lie on the stand right? It has been documented/proven that they will lie about what they did or didn’t do in order to smooth out their own mistakes or inconsistencies right? They are only human after all.


I also think people get carried away or distracted by the difference in size between the two men. Yes, MB was taller and probably fitter than RG.

But MB spent his life riding dressage horses. RG claimed to have experience as a Marine, including combat training, combined with a long history of shady criminal behavior, according to his extensive arrest record.

Which of those two people is likely to have a much bigger advantage in a physical altercation? Regardless of their relative size?


Sure. They most certainly might engage in some CYA if necessary to cover for their own professional lapses.


Plus, it’s not like he was 150 lb soaking wet string bean guy. From all appearances, he’s pretty stocky. There might be a height difference, but I would bet the weight difference isn’t that huge.


So, it is entirely possible the officer that testified only said he got the magazine from MB’s pocket in order to explain a magazine that appeared out of nowhere with no explanation in an area where the scene was unsecured and a participant had recently been wandering around……in a case that had such colossal forensic screwups.


The memory of Heymer’s testimony is seared into my memory because it was so informative. Talk about bombshells!

Although videos or recordings of the hearing were prohibited, did anyone by chance forget and maybe phone recorded his testimony? I know @Sdel and I took close to identical notes and posted as the hearing was taking place real time.


Would the testimony be transcribed somewhere?


Especially once you factor in LK and the dog, who were also attacking MB, by their own admissions in court. (Poor Rosie.)


I COMPLETELY agree with this.

There’s a reason people in the military practice hand to hand combat. Speed and reaction time is of the essence.

Also, there’s a reason people with long rap sheets often have repeated arrests involving DV, agg assault, simple assault, etc. There clearly are some human beings who have lost touch with their civilized side, to some extent, and have a tendency to react with violence when conflict arises.

I think when you combine RGs history with both the Marines, AND his arrest record… and you compare it to MB spending his life training flight animals in the art of dressage…

It speaks powerfully as to which one was more likely to have started the violent conflict. And when it comes to hand to hand life and death struggles, speed and reaction time most definitely trumps size …


Suppose none of this went down the way two serial liars say it did?


Remember all the holes Bilinkas brought up in their testimony versus the officer’s notes taken later. There were quite a few discrepancies. Just more to add to the pile of incompetence with this PD.


I remember it well too. Since the hearing was open court, it was most certainly officially recorded and the defense would have access to the transcript. I certainly hope that if someone broke the law recording that hearing that they don’t admit it.


I realize you and Eggbutt will go to your graves believing, or claiming you believe, that RG and LK were the aggressors, jumped MB, and that MB acted in self defense.

But the criminal trial is over, and that is not the finding of fact that the jury arrived at. Your continuing to misstate the NGRI verdict (wrt to LK) as NG will not change the jury’s finding.

Since we are now discussing the civil trial, is your point that you predict that MBs team will attempt to defend against the suit by trying to establish that MB was acting in self defense?

Do you think the attorneys for SGF will also use that defense?

If your scenario is that MB transported himself to their location with the gun, and before he started shooting, RG jumped him and started beating him, at which point he then shot LK (because she was hitting him on the head with her cell phone), I think it would be difficult to establish self defense when MB took himself to their location and brought the lethal weapon.

I think there is a zero % chance that MBs lawyers will try to defend against the suit by trying to establish MB acted in self defense.

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I don’t know too many addicts that are physically fit and combat ready.


Again, if you read the civil suit you will see that MB has absolutely asserted self defense in his answer.

“I think there is a zero % chance that MBs lawyers will try to defend against the suit by trying to establish MB acted in self defense.”

Sorry my quote function broke

I think there’s a 100% chance you’re wrong, since they already asserted that in their answer.